Newbie here, just sharing some of my NoFap/porn issue, please give me your 2 cents

Discussion in 'New to NoFap' started by chocolatethundah, Aug 3, 2016.

  1. chocolatethundah

    chocolatethundah New Fapstronaut

    Hello world,

    I've tried NoFap on many occasions, lasting as long as 57 days. But seeing a youjizz link on somebody else's computer sent me back into my downward spiral. I think I have some unique issues when it comes to my pornography addiction.

    • I have minor anxiety issues, that sometimes gets worse with prescribed medication I have to take for other health concerns, I use porn for example to distract myself from heart palpitations, which leads me into humping my pillow. So basically porn helps me sleep when I'm anxious.

    • I have a severe peanut allergy, I accidentally had a bit off sauce which had pieces of peanuts in it, I administered an epi-pen to stop the reaction, however I was still anxious about the situation. So I laid down, and watched porn to distract myself from the anxiety and my breath.

    • I've also started to toy with the idea of an escort, I spend a lot of time looking up escorts, massage parlors, sex trips. I'm sort of considering seeing one, not anytime soon, it's something I feel I want to reward myself with after a I accomplish something in my life. I'm actually leaning towards getting a "Tantric" Massage, because it would be an "experience" and will have "learned" something that I can carry forward to other partners, rather than simply getting a release.

    • I went out with the same girl for 5 years (1st and only), its been over a year since we broke up, and I haven't remotely gotten close to a girl, aside for dancing with drunk girls at a club. I'm also really stressed with work and exams, so at this very moment, I don't think it would be feasible to NoFap until the end of September, as I'm overwhelmed as it is.
    These are just random thoughts, if anybody would like to chime in feel free.
  2. nosmoothsailing

    nosmoothsailing Fapstronaut

    Why watch porn to distract yourself? Find yourself a favorite series to watch and every time you need to distract yourself from your anxiety, watch an episode of your favorite series. It does not have to be a TV serie, listening to music or play an instrument should also do the trick

    Just get yourself out there and at least have the courage to say hi to the girls. Only way to get to girls, is to go talk to them
  3. Rav70

    Rav70 Fapstronaut

    You sound unhappy and are looking for an excuse to fap.
    Improvements in your life only come with hard work and principals.
    You are only going to continue on this destructive course that tends to get darker and more empty.
    WifeInTheDark likes this.
  4. i_wanna_get_better1

    i_wanna_get_better1 Fapstronaut

    Welcome to the forum. Its good to put down in writing your thoughts and expectations coming into this. Something to think about... are you listing obstacles you plan on overcoming or are you listing excuses you plan on using if you fail? We all come here with our own backstory filled with problems and obstacles. We all medicate ourselves with porn to feel better and end up getting enslaved to it. Life will get harder to deal with when we reject porn as a way of dealing with problems... are you preparing yourself with alternative ways to address your stress and anxiety? Also, instantly reject the idea of going to see an escort. You cannot get free of your sex-addiction while entertaining thoughts of 'rewarding' yourself with sex with a prostitute. You are planning to relapse and fail. Find healthier alternatives to reward yourself... they are out there and they do not involve sex. Your recovery is going have to be more than merely abstaining from PMO... you have to change your thinking, your feeling, and your behavior. I wish you success on your journey.
    WifeInTheDark likes this.