Just broke up with my girl

Discussion in 'Loneliness' started by tintiano, Aug 18, 2016.

  1. tintiano

    tintiano Fapstronaut

    Guys, I'm on day 4 of my first ever streak... I broke up with my girl coz she's gonna marry someone else... I'm going to fight hard not to relapse due to the depression and frustration I'm facing... Religious people, please pray for me...
  2. Merlionno

    Merlionno Guest

    Stay strong man its gonna be really hard, i know cause my gf ditched me 2 months ago.
    The pain is gonna be heavy but keep faith!
    tintiano likes this.
  3. tintiano

    tintiano Fapstronaut

    Thank you for your support! Means much to me right now!
  4. Merlionno

    Merlionno Guest

    No problem, if you want to talk pm me or just in here is fine as well.
  5. tintiano

    tintiano Fapstronaut

    Thank you! We'll be in touch :)
    Merlionno likes this.
  6. GSarosi

    GSarosi Guest

    Hmmm sounds very complicated. I say you dodged a bullet. A very big bullet.
    Deleted Account and tintiano like this.
  7. WTF?! So, you were with her... And she broke up with you by telling you that she was marrying someone else?! Dude, GSarosi is totally right. You dodged a bullet.

    That girl, and I do mean girl not woman, has some serious issues. If you are partnered up with someone, they owe you a certain amount of loyalty and respect. Sure, she could break it off, but it's not right to have something going on the side for funsies or for serial. <(I'm trying to keep this somewhat light hearted as I know how hard this kind of thing is from experience.)

    You deserve better. Forget about that girl! There are so many women out there that you will find yourself attracted to physically, mentally, emotionally and spiritually.

    Focus in on bettering yourself and doing other things. NoFap will follow if you just fill your life with goodness. Go do fun stuff with friends. Go to Meetups and meet new people. Figure out what you're really passionate about.

    Don't worry, the pain will subside. It will take a while. Let yourself feel it, don't try to escape. There is a reason for the pain. You are healing.
    No More It, Headspace and tintiano like this.
  8. tintiano

    tintiano Fapstronaut


    What you say makes a lot of sense... The problem in my case was that I was Catholic and she was a Muslim who wanted me to change my faith. I wasn't prepared to do that. At the end of the day, I have decided not to harbour ill feelings toward her. May she prosper. On the personal front, I will work on the things I love and consider myself "available" on the dating scene. :)
    Dante Alighieri likes this.
  9. tintiano

    tintiano Fapstronaut

    Yes, I did...
    Dante Alighieri likes this.
  10. Aww man, I'm not saying that you should wish her ill will at all. I think that it's great that you are man enough to wish her well! We all make mistakes and there is no reason to hold grudges.

    At any rate, it seems like your spirits are up. You'll find someone. Worry not!
    tintiano likes this.
  11. tintiano

    tintiano Fapstronaut

    Totally! I am recovering pretty damn fast!
  12. GSarosi

    GSarosi Guest

    Just make sure you don't become a red pill mysogynist. Those guys may be right at times but to the total right extreme it's very repulsing.

    Also if your relationship lasted you would be very miserable because relationship like this are very one sided that is not in your favor.
    Dante Alighieri likes this.
  13. IGY

    IGY Guest

    What does that mean?
  14. IGY

    IGY Guest

    If that was her attitude, why even date you in the first place if she had an ultimatum to put on you later? Very immature.
    tintiano likes this.
  15. Merlionno

    Merlionno Guest

    A guy who hates woman and think they are all manipulative bitches and cunts which only some of them are ofcourse. You can check out the RedPill reddit if you want to see what they are like.
    tintiano and Dante Alighieri like this.
  16. msmahamed

    msmahamed Fapstronaut

    Wow, that ex-gf thing was different...but don't let it discourage you. The reward you'll gain will be a million times greater than the pain you're going through. I assure you, you've got this!
  17. Look up "The Red Pill". As far as misogyny goes, it is a hatred or contempt for women for one reason or another.

    Men who whole heartedly buy "red pill" mentality are misogynists at their worst. The site refers to women in very demeaning terms and promotes a mindset that all women are out for your money, your soul and to ruin you. They also seem to believe that sex is all women have to offer. A lot of these guys are also self proclaimed "MGTOW" followers, which is basically the same thing only they go further and believe that men in general are oppressed by women, HA!

    I agree that bits of the advice on the site has some merit. However, I personally think that even the good advice comes from a very wrong and negative place. It doesn't acknowledge that women are first and foremost human beings just like men. I highly recommend that any guy looking for advice look to communities offering a more positive mentality.

    The phrase "red pill" insinuates truth that can never be unseen (referring to the film The Matrix). The "red pill" Reddit is the biggest load of horse shit with bits and pieces of truth sprinkled in. It's resentment, hatred, desperation and insecurity masked with "confidence" and "know how". It attracts women of a like nature.

    The real Red Pill is that, yes, men and women are different in a lot of ways, but we are also the same as well. Not only that, but to ever really attract high quality women, one must first learn the value of self esteem through love of the self. Then, you will be able to sniff out the bullshit advice from the advice that is wise and comes from the heart. This is what will help you meet the high quality women out there looking for truly high quality guys.
    Last edited by a moderator: Aug 20, 2016
    tintiano and GSarosi like this.
  18. Put much more succinct! Bravo!
  19. GSarosi

    GSarosi Guest

    Yup Dante sums it up pretty well. I just didn't know there is a Reddit for that as well. I don't subscribe to the way these guys approach to women/relationships but I definitely agree whole heartedly to their thoughts about not being a corporate slave and being in debt is modern slavery. And porn with masturbation is the enemy of your manhood. Got its merits but too damn negative.

    Reason I brought this up is because having the wrong kinds of women into your life can really warp you. Could really bring out the worst in you and you don't even realize it because you become so angry. Just hope the OP doesn't fall into this trap because of some girl's weird indecisiveness.
  20. IGY

    IGY Guest

    So, to understand the red pill you have to have seen the Matrix. I won't bother thanks all the same.
    Headspace likes this.