When in doubt...

Discussion in 'Loneliness' started by scote73, Aug 4, 2016.

  1. scote73

    scote73 Fapstronaut

    ...talk to everyone you come across as though they are your best friend, and that you care for them deeply. No, they may not respond in the way you necessarily want them to, but at least you're being your authentic self in the process.

    Also, when the choice between love and fear comes, pick love, geniunely and every time. The universe shall reward you. With what? Whatever it is your authentic self wants most, of course.

    Keep the faith, much love.
  2. Helplessnomore

    Helplessnomore Fapstronaut

    Lol, you know the repercussions of treating everyone as your best friend?
    People think you are a sociopath, and to some extent creepy.
    Seems like you might have been abstaining from PMO for a while. Good for you.
  3. scote73

    scote73 Fapstronaut

    Haha, well, if people want to take my genuine friendly attitude and call it creepy, they have every right to do so. It doesn't matter to me :p
  4. I forgot where I read it but I remember the quote going like this, "Don't mistake my kindness as a weakness."
    Some people in this world are mindless, rude zombies and don't necessarily deserve my love lol
    Warrior Within and Lone_Wolf like this.
  5. theRegenerator

    theRegenerator Fapstronaut

    Although it sounds really poetic and good to treat everyone as your best friend, truth is most people cannot be treated like that because a best friend truly cares about you, about your relationship and if needed will tell you straight in the face the cold truth. Most people don't care about you, they only care about themselves and look interested in you because you might be a good gossip subject or choose to hurt you whenever they can.

    I don't say all these as a philosophy, I lived like that. Tried to treat everyone as my best friend and lots of people ended up hurting me or spreading gossip so I decided that I'm going to have a few really good friends in my trust zone and the rest are just people I socialize with
    Lone_Wolf likes this.
  6. Lone_Wolf

    Lone_Wolf Fapstronaut

    For the reasons you listed in your first paragraph, I rarely even bother socializing with people. Most people either see others as opportunities to be exploited or they see them as non-existent and a burden to themselves. I blame the garbage we see on TV these days. What's the predominant theme? It's always people engaging in biting sarcasm, general rudeness, and trying to take advantage of other people. TV sure has come a long way since Leave It To Beaver, hasn't it? A long way down, that is.
  7. Kal-El

    Kal-El Fapstronaut

    Really like what you said here, dude.
  8. theRegenerator

    theRegenerator Fapstronaut

    Yeah.. I saw that too. I'm still living with my parents and younger brothers since i am 19 yo and I noticed this thing about TV too.. My mom and sister like to look at reality TV, some shows about people hooking up randomly and stupid things like that.. People in there argue a whole lot and noticed the fact that we around the house argue more too... What you see in most of your time is what you become, when people will understand that the world will change. And it works from pmo to watching stupid TV series or the news for that matter..
    Lone_Wolf likes this.
  9. Lone_Wolf

    Lone_Wolf Fapstronaut

    You're very wise for your age.
    theRegenerator likes this.
  10. theRegenerator

    theRegenerator Fapstronaut

    Well, thanks :)).. I started pmo at quite an early age(13) and got socially anxious because of it.. That made me want to study people's behavior, body language and relationships quite a lot thinking that the social anxiety would go away but it didn't because I was still pmoing and last month I decided that it's time to quit this thing too once and for all :)
    Lone_Wolf likes this.
  11. Lone_Wolf

    Lone_Wolf Fapstronaut

    You're doing very well in terms of quitting the PMO. 9.5 days is great so far, so keep it up!
    The fact that you're 19 and can see how stupid TV has become is encouraging to me. Whenever I talk to many adults in their 30s, 40s, 50s, and 60s about the idiotic programming coming out of the box, they look at me as if I have three heads. I think this is proof positive that too much TV watching makes people stupid. Apparently, television flicker rates put the brain of the watcher into an alpha wave pattern which makes people very suggestible. With all the rubbish on TV now, no wonder people act like animals.
  12. theRegenerator

    theRegenerator Fapstronaut

    Yeah. I read about the effects of tv to the human brain and found out how easily I could be manipulated.. I was a TV fan myself until about 2 years ago. Now I barely watch it.. Only when I have to but I mostly avoid it.. I heard a fact from a really smart guy I know.. I don't know if the fact is true because I couldn't verify it anywhere yet.. He told me that the conscious part of our brain is bombarded with so much information when we watch TV that after 6 minutes out subconscious door opens up to store the information and otherwise we would pass out because of the flood of information.. I think this applies to movies and other things too and I because very critical to what I allow myself to see.. I mostly like to read
    Lone_Wolf likes this.
  13. Lone_Wolf

    Lone_Wolf Fapstronaut

    Although I haven't heard proof of that thesis, it wouldn't surprise me. When I look around me and see just about everyone dressing alike, using the same mannerisms, buying the same fad products, and speaking using the same phrases and catch-words, that tells me all I need to know about how pernicious TV is
    theRegenerator likes this.
  14. IGY

    IGY Guest

    I agree @Lone_Wolf, there is ample evidence of how TV shapes people enslaved to it. Out of necessity, I obtained a TV license on the 1st September (after seven years without watching it). Notwithstanding, I have a strong dislike for it still.
  15. theRegenerator

    theRegenerator Fapstronaut

  16. scote73

    scote73 Fapstronaut

    I still stand by my OP 100%, but perhaps I should clarify exactly what I meant since this thread seemed to randomly pick up steam.

    I could be wrong, but it seems to me that some of you believed that when I said "treat everyone as though they are your best friend" you took it as "befriend everyone you meet". Here's the deal...if you only do that, you will absolutely meet people who are only out for themselves, and will ultimately end up hurting you. That's almost an emperical fact. If you are vulnerable to this kind of pain, and it serves you to keep your social circle limited to the ones you trust 100% unconditionally, by all means keep doing what you're doing. If you've learned to take cold-hearted people with a grain of salt, then go ahead and befriend everybody. However, I'm not saying to befriend everyone you meet. What I'm saying is to treat everyone you meet with the same kind of energy and vibration you would normally only save for your best friend. Will everyone be receptive to your behavior? Of course not. But that's their problem, and not yours. Stop F'n worrying about how people will look upon you.

    This is a technique to try and bring your authentic self to the surface. Whether or not you believe in this sort of thing, positive vibrations emote from you when you treat everyone with the level of kindness that you would give to your best friend. I'm guessing that most of us feel that our true, authentic self comes out more often with our best friends. I'd argue that if you can be this way with everyone who comes into direct contact with you, you'll only attract the people that you wish to attract.

    The bitter truth is, if you're constantly on guard against people who may hurt you, and if you're forever worried about people taking advantage of you, then you will live a life in constant fear of the world. Living in fear, you are constantly trying to protect your own ego. The people you will attract with this kind of mindset are people who are also constantly trying to protect their own ego, thus creating superficial relationships based on what one person gets from another. When you can no longer give a person what they want from you, they will end up hurting you on some level. And vice versa! You have no idea how many people you've may have hurt yourself, even if you've never tried to hurt anyone.

    Bottom line: No matter what you try and do to keep people out, people will end up hurting you one way or another. There is really nothing to lose, really, by treating others like you would your best friend. I'm not saying this is easy to do, either. It's difficult for me, myself, to do. The days I can do this, I feel, are truly the better ones.

    I urge you not to think I'm trying to make you just believe any of this, but to be open-minded to it. By all means, don't believe anything I say. Discover it for yourself.
  17. theRegenerator

    theRegenerator Fapstronaut

    Most of the time I struggle with some sort of social anxiety that literally kills me.. I have about 3 best friends with who I can be my true self and not wear any masks around,actually ,they are the only people that know about my struggle with masturbation and nofap challenge. I don't hide anything around them but with the rest is a little bit different in the way that it's more difficult for me to find something interesting to talk about.. Especially girls, I'm 19 years old and girls are a really gray topic for me still because of this whole social anxiety thing that I suspect has to do with masturbation.. I've been on a hard reset for the past 11 days and I can literally feel that I'm getting better so I think there's still some hope for me
    Kal-El likes this.
  18. Kal-El

    Kal-El Fapstronaut

    Well, I know there's hope for you man, you're gonna be fine and congratulations for your achievement til' now. ;)
  19. IGY

    IGY Guest

    TV license. A license of £145.50 is required annually to watch TV in the UK.
  20. IGY

    IGY Guest

    Perhaps this is more clearly expressed by Jesus' advice, "do to others as you would like them to do to you". Simple. :cool: