China bans people from eating a banana seductively on live streams

Discussion in 'Off-topic Discussion' started by sexytime, Sep 21, 2016.

  1. sexytime

    sexytime Fapstronaut

    It's a great thing that china recognizes that eating a banana seductively is inappropriate and erotic content. China also bans paper adds with people wearing stockings or suspenders.

    People usually fight for more rights and freedom but it increases my hope on humanity because China accepts that pornography and violent content "harm social morality."
    Jilloy likes this.
  2. idclip

    idclip Fapstronaut

    I find shocking that you think that you think it's a step forward to make "eating a banana seductively on live streams" illegal.

    First off it's completely subjective whether or not the act of eating a banana is seductive, secondly, even if the eater is being willingly seductive, in a free and open society should be the website owner (and not the government) to regulate the behaviour on live streams.

    Let's not forget that this same China also bans Facebook, Twitter, Snapchat, classic literature, flowers, and the list goes on.

    Let's not forget that us having an addiction problem, shouldn't be a reason to forbid others from freely living their lives.
    I could be more understanding if the ban was relative only to advertisements, as it's an unfair business practice doing pressure on sexual triggers to induce the consumer to buy a specific product, however, when it comes to entertainment I don't see why a free and open society should ban anything.
    We're adults: it's our own choice what we do with our lives, and our responsibility to vigilate on the minors under our custody.
  3. Jilloy

    Jilloy Guest

    "Freedom" can not be an excuse for anarchy and destructive, inappropriate behaviour.
    In China if you like to eat bananas like a s*** (and no, it isn't subjective, I don't know a single normal person that licks a banana or shoves the whole thing down their throat) you can still do it at home where no one is disturbed by it.

    China just banned it for public stuff such as livestreams and advertisements, way to go.
    sexytime likes this.
  4. idclip

    idclip Fapstronaut

    Still: if it's my stream I don't see why the government should forbid me from being intentionally sexual.
    What's next on the line? Banning yoga pants because some find them arousing?

    I don't see how this is anyhow relevant to the discussion, nor why you have to bring matters such as my own future in a discussion regarding a government regulation.
    Meshuga likes this.
  5. Son_of_Iroquois

    Son_of_Iroquois Fapstronaut

    China is ruled by an ignorant, backwards Communist regime who are completely ineffective at improving the lives of Chinese citizens. They must focus on nonsense moral issues like this one in order to mask their inefficiency and incompetence.
  6. Whole heartily agree. This is absolutely absurd.

    Yeah, seriously, what the heck? Personal attacks have no place here. No need for that.
    Meshuga likes this.
  7. GSarosi

    GSarosi Guest

    Honestly I support what China and its government is doing. It is trying to bring back decency and proper behavior. Every time Western especially American influences enter your culture it tends to fuck things up and lower the bar a couple of notches down all around. LOL.

    Porn was popularized and became quite mainstream in the U.S. in the 70s due to the invention of the VHS. And the country who followed suit? Japan. The Japs are the second biggest producer of porn after the U.S. Now look at them with their spineless girlie herbivore men and their dying population.

    Now take Russia for instance.
    I wouldn't click on this if you are WEAK. Need I say more? If this was your sister or girlfriend how would you react to this kind of shit?
    Last edited by a moderator: Sep 21, 2016
    sexytime likes this.
  8. GSarosi

    GSarosi Guest

    LOL. That is not a personal attack. If you see that is so you need to build up thicker skin. A jab maybe. Personal attack definitely not.
  9. I would be disappointed in my sister, but I would say that she's a grown up and can make her own decisions.
    Deleted Account, Meshuga and idclip like this.
  10. Actually scratch that, I wouldn't even really be that disappointed. I would roll my eyes at the 2 seconds of banana gagging and then enjoy the rest of the video which seems to be perfectly normal and fine.
  11. GSarosi

    GSarosi Guest

    What if your sister decides to head to the Valley and ummmm getting it on with six black dudes on camera?

    Even better what if that was your daughter? Congratulations. You have just raised a slut.
  12. You weren't asking me about my daughter, you were asking about my sister. I am not responsible for raising my sister. If it was my daughter, that would be a completely different story. But EITHER WAY, it is MY job to raise my child and teach her the difference between moral and immoral actions, NOT the government's.

    You seem to be implying that I think it's perfectly moral and fine for people to make seductive videos. That's not what we are talking about. We're talking about whether or not the government should be involved in regulating these things, and that's a completely different argument.
  13. Jilloy

    Jilloy Guest

    The reason why Japense have less children born isn't only Porn, there are complex social reasons this is happening.

    And if you haven't discerned that yet, Asians in general aren't that buff and broadly built, nothing wrong with that.

    I can't really relate to people writing racist stuff. And I wouldn't generalise.
    Last edited by a moderator: Sep 21, 2016
    StepsReborn likes this.
  14. GSarosi

    GSarosi Guest

    Gen-Z. This world is going to shit.

    All you guys should be given moderator status.
    Last edited by a moderator: Sep 21, 2016
  15. This thread has completely gone off the rails. I was gonna chime in with my $.02 but I don't see the point anymore.
    Sursum Corda and StepsReborn like this.