I am fighting for myself

Discussion in 'Success Stories' started by nojerking, Sep 29, 2016.

  1. nojerking

    nojerking Fapstronaut

    Today I feel great. I feel happy guys. I am doing NoFap for 58 days and still going strong. Today I felt the urges but it actually felt great. I laughted at it cause I am starting to enjoy the feeling. I makes me feel alive. motivated, happy. If you guys could see my face right now you would probably think I am the happiest guy alive.
    I am writing this post cause I really wanted to share this with you. I am a super anxious guy around women but it got better during this time doing nofap. But it´s still there. When I am out with my friends I don´t feel that anxious because I am with them but once I go out alone is like people are going to kill me hahahaha. 2 days ago I was reading some stories here on the forum and one guy recommend a reading - MODELS - ATTRACT WOMEN TROUGH HONESTY. it´s an amazing book guys. You should definitely read it. once I saw that book I decided to give it a shot. BEST THING I´VE EVER DONE.
    when I started reading I though that it was one of those lame books that tells people how to pick up girls and i thought to myself "i don´t know why I am reading this. these things never work". Once I dived deeper and deeper in it I was amazed. it´s a life changing book. I am almost finished with the book. I am on the part that tells us how to overcome anxiety. It proposes us a chalenge. Go out and ask every girl you have the chance something easy like "what time is it, please?". If you guys read the book you´ll understand why it works. The most common belief is that to overcome anxiety you have to do things that you are really scared related to your fear. But instead the book sugests that we should do simple things related to our anxiety and gradualy raise the level. First go to a stranger and ask about time, than add "how are you", then a personal question, things like that.
    I am very scared of approaching women. So today like it sugests I went out and asked every woman I crossed paths what time it was. I found 2 girls and decided to ask them the hours. I was so anxious you had no idea guys. my heart was racing and my voice came very weak. Then i encountered another girl and ask the same thing but this time I don´t know why it came more natural. As I moved to the next girl it become like a normal thing to do. It was like my brain started to realize that it was not a big deal and my fear had no sense. This one girl I asked about the time after she answered, gave me a big smile like she thought I was doing it to kind of flirt with her and she seemed to like it. As I was comming home I saw a beautiful girl like super hot, the kind of girl I would never dare to approach. But for my surprise my body moved ot its own. With every girl my posture got better and my voice deeper showing confidence. This girl was very receptive and smiled. I said thanks with a big smile and left. I noticed that she kept looking at me as I was leaving. It was like she found something intriguing about me.
    It felt amazing guys. I was so happy that I rushed home, opened my computer and started writing this. I really wanted to tell you guys. Now I´ll finish my reading.
    Last edited: Sep 29, 2016
  2. lean black-bean

    lean black-bean Fapstronaut

    Wow, that must feel life changing! Good for you, man. You sound like you're on top of the world
    nojerking likes this.
  3. nojerking

    nojerking Fapstronaut

    I am man. tomorrow will do the same thing again. when I find it to be easy and natural i´ll move forward introduce more talk.
  4. lean black-bean

    lean black-bean Fapstronaut

    Sweet. I'd like to hear more, this was really inspiring
    nojerking likes this.
  5. Ocean Man

    Ocean Man Fapstronaut

    Ha! Mate, you made me smile while reading your story. I am sure you can do it, keep the work. Everybody here believes in you, you can do it mate!
    nojerking likes this.
  6. nojerking

    nojerking Fapstronaut

    tks man
  7. akiradavidsong

    akiradavidsong Fapstronaut

    congrats, dude. you've overcame your anxiety successfully
    nojerking likes this.
  8. ZombieGhost

    ZombieGhost New Fapstronaut

    Now, starting soon after this posting, there is going to be an epidemic of shy guys asking girls for the time. LOL Congrats man. :) I wish I would have had that book when I was younger. What a simple idea.
    nojerking likes this.
  9. RetroMike

    RetroMike Fapstronaut

    Awesome post @nojerking ! I just added the book to my amazon cart and I will definitely check it out! Glad you are feeling like your on top of the world brother! Keep it up!
  10. nojerking

    nojerking Fapstronaut

    tks man. i am far from overcoming it. but i am on my way
  11. nojerking

    nojerking Fapstronaut

    hahahaha. I hope my post helps some guys out there.
  12. JustinX

    JustinX Fapstronaut

    Grow brother grow! I am so proud of you, it seems you got the message from the book well.
    nojerking likes this.
  13. nojerking

    nojerking Fapstronaut

    it seems lik
    seems like you´ve read the book. cool. if not you should definitely give it a shot
  14. JustinX

    JustinX Fapstronaut

    I think you referred here
    to me, so obviously I have read it :D
    nojerking likes this.
  15. nojerking

    nojerking Fapstronaut

    tks man
  16. Alangt9

    Alangt9 Fapstronaut

    Wow ...so so inspired ..you go mate nothing is holding you back now the sky is just the beginning ..
    nojerking likes this.
  17. fras77

    fras77 Fapstronaut

    super keep it upppppppo_Oo_Oo_O;);)
    nojerking likes this.