Problem with this girl I like. Help!!!!!!

Discussion in 'Off-topic Discussion' started by nefelibata, Nov 20, 2016.

  1. nefelibata

    nefelibata Fapstronaut

    So It's only been a month since I found out this girl i have been friends with for ten years has feelings for me. So after I found out I started flirting with her and are relationship started to improve. So one night we went out and I did something that upset her. Ever since then (5 weeks) she doesn't hang out with us anymore (whenever I told her to come hangout with us she would) weeks passed and I started becoming depressed over this situation, She was all over my mind, I couldn't stop thinking about her and still can't, I prayed to god so I could see her, which I finally did. I went to their house and realized that she's sad/depressed because of what I did the other night. Now I'm looking for away to get her to come out with us or at least do something to make her feel better, but the problem is are relationship is complicated and I don't want to tell her I have feelings for her now, and the fact that she's my best friend sister and the fact that if her mom and dad find out it could ruin are entire families relationship makes it hard for me so what should I do? (OH, and I also haven't texted/talked to her in a long time)[/QUOTE]
  2. Quiver

    Quiver Distinguished Fapstronaut

    What did you do that made her so upset?
  3. nefelibata

    nefelibata Fapstronaut

    She told me not to smoke, and I didn't for awhile but for some stupid reason I started smoking and she saw me doing it, and the problem is I didn't stopped there I started doing it again and again and again. I swear it wasn't on purpose.
  4. Quiver

    Quiver Distinguished Fapstronaut

    Considering that it has been weeks since you talked to her, jt would probably be very awkward and hard to contact her. If you want to be with her, you will have to figure out what's more important. Your addiction or her. Then you can explain your situation to her

    It's indeed a difficult situation
  5. nefelibata

    nefelibata Fapstronaut

    You see what I mean bro, when I found out she doesn't like me smoking I tried to quit and I have, I only smoke probably one, maybe two cigarettes a week and that's when I go out with my friends
  6. Quiver

    Quiver Distinguished Fapstronaut

    I don't really know. It's difficult. I don't have that much experience. Maybe someone else can help you out
  7. "A mistake repeated more than once is a decision."-Paulo Coelho

    Own it. Just tell her you like her. Apparently you've been holding this in since you were 6 yrs old? Damn kids.
    Quiver likes this.
  8. DaT1

    DaT1 Fapstronaut

    here's the thing...
    its really dumb she's depressed over this IMO. you're not going to tell her that.
    But you can try to talk to her & make her understand what goes on in your head.
    tell her its a bad habbit you develop.
    (if you like her you will do your best to quit)
    smoking cigarettes kills your dick : / .
    tell her you're going to give up. tell her perhaps its not going to happen right away , but that you will resist & that you also need support from friends.
    tell her she can help you quit.
    she can be your accountability buddy or something.
    & if you do smoke you will be honest about it , but will work out why you did it & how you could had avoided it. so that next time you do something different.
  9. nefelibata

    nefelibata Fapstronaut

    That's not the problem, the problem is I want us to get back to where we were, and are situation is complicated cause we both have feelings for each other and show it but none of us is willing to come straight forward and tell each other how we feel
  10. nefelibata

    nefelibata Fapstronaut

    I just wanna start talking to her again, but It would be odd cause I haven't texted her for four maybe five weeks.
  11. nefelibata

    nefelibata Fapstronaut

    Ok thanks bro
    Quiver likes this.
  12. nefelibata

    nefelibata Fapstronaut

    Thanks for the tip bro.
    DaT1 likes this.
  13. DaT1

    DaT1 Fapstronaut

    message her saying there's something you have to tell her & if she can meet you somewhere.
    this will be the easy part.

    if she says yes you will have to go through with it & there's no backing out. cause if you do this will piss her off.

    meet up, & tell her how you really feel.
    perhaps write your thoughts & emotions on paper. another thing you should had stopped smoking by now or make a commitment to do so if she doesn't want you to.
    Quiver likes this.
  14. DaT1

    DaT1 Fapstronaut

    maybe you haven't talked to her in a few weeks.
    but you know her for years.
    you either get comfortable moving and letting her Go which will leave you sad or you find a way to get her attention & fix your mistakes.
    its easy than you think .
    she likes you & you know a lot about her.
    why would you end things like that.
    if you let this go any longer you're going to loose her
  15. No prob. There's an old expression that goes something like "shit or get off the pot." But you could always do the alternative and wait another 10 yrs. ;)
  16. Claudwillstop

    Claudwillstop Fapstronaut

    If you want to fix things with her and she is still mad I would suggest finding a way to apologize for smoking. Doesnn't have to be anything huge, just as long as she sees you are sincere. Things will get easier and talking will be less awkward after she notices that you are making an attempt to approach her nicely. Also if you really like her then maybe smoking isnt worth as much to you as she is and you could give it up for her. I also had a crush on my best friends sister for the longest time and I was always hesitant to tell her because I didnt want to mess up their relationship, but this summer it sorta came out and it turns out my sis was super chill about it, so its probably not as bad as you think!
    These are just my suggestions, best of luck man! :)
  17. Headspace

    Headspace Fapstronaut

    To be honest I don't see how anyone could get that upset about someone smoking. It's a bad habit, yes, but not worse than many other things considering that you don't smoke much. But well, I just read my first book by C. G. Jung and he said that one typical weakness of women is that they can be very opinionated about stuff for no actual reason. May be that's an example ;)

    (My ex-girlfriend didn't want me to smoke pot and I was ok with it. I did it a single time and told her, but she just nodded it off. It was no problem; we didn't even have a discussion or something.)

    You can't get back to "where you were". You never can. Nor do you have to.

    Ok, that's indeed making it more complicated. But I'd say the circumstance that you are able to make her feel depressed at all is proof enough that there is an emotional connection between the two of you. It's not just in your head. Thus, she won't be shocked by you confessing your feelings.

    So... talk with her. Text her. Meet her. I'm confident you can't make things much worse, only better. May be after all, this whole smoking-thing (i.e. her over-reaction) is just a sort of excuse she needed for her own emotional confusion? Go find out!
  18. nefelibata

    nefelibata Fapstronaut

    Bro I swear I used to smoke a pack (less or more) in a week, but i've made it one maybe two cigarettes a week, I honestly love her, I can't stop thinking about her, but the problem is are relationship is really complicated, and the fact that her brother is my best friend and her mom and dad are strict about her having a boyfriend makes it hard.
  19. nefelibata

    nefelibata Fapstronaut

    Maybe your right :(, I dont know I'm really confused and frustrated.
  20. nefelibata

    nefelibata Fapstronaut
