New Femstronaut here, with PSUB (but under psychological treatment)

Discussion in 'New to NoFap' started by MinaClavero, Dec 21, 2016.

  1. MinaClavero

    MinaClavero Fapstronaut

    Hey there everyone. I'm MinaClavero and I'm new here. I'm not sure if this site has a age restriction but I'm 17 years old, I'll turn 18 in March 2017. As the title says, I'm under psychological treatment since a lot of time, but it's only been one session since I opened up to my therapist and told her about my problem.

    Here goes my story.
    I've always masturbated, since I was a child. I mean... binge-masturbated. I don't even have a memory of myself about a period of my life without binge-masturbating (only did it for approx. a week in January 2016 because I went on a trip and I shared the room, but nothing besides that).
    I've always believed masturbation is a healthy thing. Neither good nor bad; it's just all about evolution. But I've always used that as an excuse while jerking off from 3 to +15 times a day.
    When I was a child, I used to think that was a disease. I used to think I had a serious illness and nobody should know about that because it was super secret and disgusting. I didn't even felt human at all.
    In my purest years as a teen I remembered always doing it when I wanted to feel better because of a problem, fear, or something about my personality that I thought I could never change. I did it daily. And that is how it's been since now.
    Although I now considered excessive masturbation a natural thing, I still felt deep inside it wasn't normal. These last weeks I've been reading some articles about masturbation in 2knowmyself (a psychology page) .The page states about the dangers of porn/masturbation addiction and then I wanted to know more and more (that's how I discovered this site also).
    I decided to open up to my closest friend on Sunday 18th and to my therapist yesterday (Tuesday 20th). It was easy to tell my friend about my problem because she is very caring and loving and plus I told her via text. She understood me and encouraged me to ask for help. When I told my therapist, on the other hand, I had to tell her face-to-face and I was super nervous. I doubted all day about telling her just because of how nervous I was. And when I was in session and said her "I have a compulsion for masturbating" I broke up and cried.
    What I want to clarify to you guys is that I don't use porn regularly. I just watch porn or images from time to time, like, once or twice a week. When I engage in this behavior I don't think about anything, nor I add it any kind of sexual meaning. Weird, right?
    I started my rebooting process this Sunday. It's been four days for me. I can feel some of the effects already: I'm encountering myself with all the problems I haven't been facing. But I'm staying strong. I want to end all of this. I want to know myself without my addiction. I want to dominate masturbation; I don't want masturbation to dominate me.
    When I finish my rebooting process I'm willing to masturbate again but ONLY when I feel REAL sexual desire,from time to time and when my brain chemicals are balanced. I hope I can meet here people which can guide me through this process, which I can share experiences with and I also hope I can help other people with this addiction when I get over mine. I'm really grateful I've found a place like this.

    A big hug to all of you.

    Strength And Light likes this.
  2. D . J .

    D . J . Fapstronaut

    Welcome to NoFap! You are amongst friends who are here to encourage you and not judge you.
  3. Strength And Light

    Strength And Light Fapstronaut

    Welcome to the site Mina. I love that you are in therapy and were able to find the courage to break your secret to your therapist. As you mention, when you abstain from the addiction, you are left to face the real problems that you've been avoiding via compulsive masturbation. Over the years, you've conditioned yourself to feel your negative emotions as the urge to masturbate, which you then did as a means to escape and avoid the painful emotions. As you abstain from masturbating, you're going to be flooded at times with very strong sexual urges - this is from years of habit. What you're actually being flooded with is the negative emotions you've been numbing down, bottling up, and sidestepping. Keep abstaining, allow yourself to feel your real emotions. Work with your therapist and start a journal here, perhaps in the "Women In Reboot" section, or in the section for your age group. You can and will learn to live your daily life, with all of it's stresses and surprises, without using masturbation to cope.

    You are already aware of an important factor: it's your BELIEFS which contribute to your behavior. You can learn to identify and challenge your unhealthy beliefs and replace them with healthy ones, and your behavior will naturally follow and become healthy.

    I'm really proud of you for taking the first steps toward recovery from this compulsive addiction. Keep posting and reading the journals of others and best of luck on your recovery!!
    MinaClavero and D . J . like this.
  4. i_wanna_get_better1

    i_wanna_get_better1 Fapstronaut

    Welcome to the forum. Whether it's porn addiction, sex addiction, or compulsive masturbation - addicts are all looking for the same thing... a pain-free pleasant state of mind. We use masturbation to alter, medicate, sooth, escape, or numb unpleasant feelings. Our brains have learned to deal with stress, depression, anxiety, etc with masturbation. We have formed physical, emotional, and mental dependencies which make it very difficult to break free. The very thing we find so enjoyable is causing us the most pain. Illogically we do it more and more instead of looking elsewhere for happiness. I hope you find the information, advice, and support you need to get better.