Brainstorming Solutions for PMO recovery

Discussion in 'Off-topic Discussion' started by Macabre, Mar 14, 2017.

  1. Macabre

    Macabre Fapstronaut

    Hello everyone,

    I would like to know what are your main obstacles that prevent or impede your recovery? Is it your phone? Your laptop? It could even be triggers at your job everyday. Whatever the case may be, list them here.

    Also, in regards to these problems that we all face, what possible solutions could we implement to solve them? This forum does help a lot, but when it comes to personal accountability, I see a significant weakness among PMO users. I've researched online about rehab facilities that do treat this addiction, but I think it is safe to say that a lot of us cannot afford such an expense, not to mention the time away from our jobs and families.

    So, I would like to treat this as a brainstorming session to figure out ways in which PMO users would be absolutely prevented from feeding their addiction online. I know it sounds like mission impossible, but there has got to be a way to mitigate the damage that this ever growing plague on society is causing.
  2. I'll take the first swing and a hit or miss by saying that YOU NEED TO TELL A PERSON CLOSE TO YOU OFFLINE ABOUT YOUR PROBLEM IF IT IS QUITE SERIOUS. Do not keep it a secret and remain anonymous online thinking it will go away without some kind of support offline from a trusted person/peoples who know about your issue.
    Macabre and ZenoStyleLogic like this.
  3. ZenoStyleLogic

    ZenoStyleLogic Fapstronaut

    Already done.
  4. ZenoStyleLogic

    ZenoStyleLogic Fapstronaut

    Are we helpless or powerless to improve ourselves by ourselves? Absolutely not. Do we need a helping hand in our lives offline sometimes? In a majority of cases yes most people with a serious problem do need both on and offline support.
  5. Macabre

    Macabre Fapstronaut

    Yes, it is important to have a close friend to admit to that we have a problem. But not all of us have that option.

    Fortunately, (or unfortunately, depending how you look at it) A friend of mine shares this addiction with me, and we almost considered exchanging each others laptops, phones, and other tech devices in the mean time to stave off the cravings, but our lifestyle is so engulfed by technology nowadays that we need these devices to operate. This obviously makes this a very messy and complicated situation.

    That is the type of problem that I'm hoping to address in further detail within this thread. It would be great if we had somebody around us at all times to take our laptop or phone away when we were about to relapse, but that simply is not possible.
    ZenoStyleLogic likes this.
  6. ZenoStyleLogic

    ZenoStyleLogic Fapstronaut

    Friend, mentor, or in most cases a professional if it is an addiction. Self help meeting programs are always an option.
  7. ZenoStyleLogic

    ZenoStyleLogic Fapstronaut

    @Macabre Ya this truly is a secret, silent addiction and that's what makes it more challenging than other addictions. It is sinister dude.
  8. ZenoStyleLogic

    ZenoStyleLogic Fapstronaut

    I'm sorry but I still cannot fathom what the Gravelord title is in your signature along with the banshee figure...

    A song comes to mind due to the vibes I get from such things:

    Maybe being reminded of darkness helps you I'm thinking.
    Macabre likes this.
  9. Macabre

    Macabre Fapstronaut

    A year ago I was one of the four admins to the group "Heirs of the Sun". We had a hierarchy within the group with their respective titles. Gravelord was the title given to the admins who were attributing a great amount to the group while still facilitating change and managing other members.

    We had other titles that were given as incentives to people refrain from relapsing. It really gave everyone a sense of accomplishment to achieve a new rank once a certain amount of days without relapsing was met. It was a really cool system and it added a bit of fun to the PMO challenge, sort of a distraction away from the temptation.

    Unfortunately, I had grow very busy with my new job last year in January, and it caused me to step down as admin to that group, and i haven't changed in since.
    ZenoStyleLogic likes this.
  10. ZenoStyleLogic

    ZenoStyleLogic Fapstronaut

    The first quote in your signature came from the mind of no ordinary man.
    Macabre likes this.
  11. Macabre

    Macabre Fapstronaut

    Ahhh yes. That was a quote from my manifesto I had written for the group. I think i still have it on this computer if you'd like to read it
    ZenoStyleLogic likes this.
  12. ZenoStyleLogic

    ZenoStyleLogic Fapstronaut

    I've read it actually :)
    Macabre likes this.
  13. Macabre

    Macabre Fapstronaut

    Thats great, where did you find it? It had to have been posted on the wall a while back
  14. ZenoStyleLogic

    ZenoStyleLogic Fapstronaut

    Some time ago. I care not to revisit or talk about the past here. But I discovered all the writings of your group while being a member here and on the subreddit :)
  15. Macabre

    Macabre Fapstronaut

    You joined today though?
    ZenoStyleLogic likes this.
  16. ZenoStyleLogic

    ZenoStyleLogic Fapstronaut

  17. Macabre

    Macabre Fapstronaut

    Im wondering why it says Member since Today when i click on your name
    ZenoStyleLogic likes this.
  18. ZenoStyleLogic

    ZenoStyleLogic Fapstronaut

    I just joined the forum in the wee hours of the night. Member since Today on NoFap. I haven't stepped foot into your Barracks.
  19. Macabre

    Macabre Fapstronaut

    ahh, you've been quite active i see
  20. ZenoStyleLogic

    ZenoStyleLogic Fapstronaut

    Indeed I know exactly what I need from this forum and I'm here to accomplish my goals!
    Macabre likes this.