The decline of clowns

Discussion in 'Off-topic Discussion' started by Waldo101, Apr 11, 2017.

  1. Waldo101

    Waldo101 Fapstronaut

    Back in the old days, it was common to hire a clown for parties and events. These days, they are rare. I did see one clown at a mall and it was a middle aged old man making simple balloon sculptures promoting a store but since clowns are an old thing, I won't expect some 21 year old guy getting into the business.

    So yeah, clowns are becoming extinct.
    Dr. Jekyll, Quiver and ⅅⅈⅇ like this.
  2. These days for kid's birthday parties, instead of clowns, parents hire strippers instead.
  3. Monster Carrot

    Monster Carrot Fapstronaut

    Dude Waldo. Hats off to you for coming up with the most random yet interesting Offtopic threads on the site.

    Indeed clowning is a dying art form.
    Dr. Jekyll likes this.
  4. ⅅⅈⅇ

    ⅅⅈⅇ Guest

    I hear there's a huge conservation effort going on in Washington, D.C. National Geographic snapped this pic of them gathering under one roof:
  5. ⅅⅈⅇ

    ⅅⅈⅇ Guest

    They prefer to be called Glitter Technicians. Please show some respect.
    Monster Carrot likes this.
  6. Monster Carrot

    Monster Carrot Fapstronaut

  7. ⅅⅈⅇ

    ⅅⅈⅇ Guest

    Grab em by the giggle box.
    bunnyheartbeat likes this.