
Discussion in 'New to NoFap' started by prophylaxis, Apr 13, 2017.

  1. prophylaxis

    prophylaxis Fapstronaut

    Hello fapstronauts,

    I've felt for a long time that porn has been occupying a too big part of my life. Today I talked to my cousin who is has always been an older brother figure and mentor to me about it and he turned me on to this site.

    I stumbled into pornography at an early age mostly by accident. I was open with my friends in high school about it, but everyone seems to view it as a source of sexual pride instead of the detriment that it has proved to be in my life. I have taken breaks from porn and masturbation in the past, but it always seems to creep back up with a tenacious will of its own.

    I love that there is a group of people who are open about this problem and are all united under a common goal of self improvement. I know this will be difficult, but having a place where I can keep myself honest about it all seems like a proactive first step.
    paraphysin likes this.
  2. D . J .

    D . J . Fapstronaut

    Welcome to NoFap where you are amongst friends who are here to encourage you and sometimes challenge you but not judge you.

    The enemy is here to steal, kill and destroy. What are your current strategies for combating the enemy called PMO?
    prophylaxis likes this.
  3. prophylaxis

    prophylaxis Fapstronaut

    Thanks for the reply! I'm really into chess so my current strategy is to play a couple games of chess whenever I have urges. I also deleted instagram off my phone because I felt like it was kind of a trigger. Do you have any suggestions or recommendations?
  4. D . J .

    D . J . Fapstronaut

    Covert and prophylaxis like this.
  5. prophylaxis

    prophylaxis Fapstronaut

    Dude that is so helpful, thank you!!
    D . J . likes this.
  6. Covert

    Covert Fapstronaut

    1st of all welcome here. Yes the first step is already taken by you by coming here, the rest will be done by fellow Fapstronauts you just knock them and you will see the magic. Keep up your journey.
    D . J . and prophylaxis like this.