A Rant: everyones getting married but you

Discussion in 'Loneliness' started by Kristen, Apr 15, 2017.

  1. Kristen

    Kristen Guest

    Im just really feeling down right now.

    I am 22 years old and what iv been seeing happening around me ia really bothering me.
    My old friends from highschool are all married and even some have children too.

    Alot of my close currwnt friends are datig or engaged and everyone ia getting married. 3 of my friends are pregnant. I seen on instagram and facebook my exes all have new girlfreinds.
    I cant help but feel bummed out.

    I never really had a boyfriend in real life. (I Had 1 for 2 weeks but i didnt like him at all. Was pressured into it)

    I never had someone i liked and caed about. No one has ever asked me out and i dont even have any guy friends. I just feel like a loser because all my friends have familys and lives and i feel like i have nothing.
    I dont even want kids and marriage scares me. But idk...society makes u feel like if u dont have these things u are undesireable and a loser. Idk if ita just me but thats how i feel.
    I feel like crying anytime i see pregnancy photos or wedding or engagement pics. Ive disabled instagram because its making me to upset.

    I just wish i had someone :(
    I feel like i should just lose a ton of weight and be super skinny and then maybe someone will like me.
    One of my friends is sooo skinny and blonde and all the guys are after her and she is only 18. She eloped a few weeks ago with this guy and is pregnant now.

    I just feel totally worthless.
    My cam girl addiction was a way of making me feel worth somethng because i always had guys coming to me.
    But in real life no one has even looked twice at me.

    Any other goals i had are being ruined bt my addiction.
    I have nothing
  2. tweeby

    tweeby Banned

    Don't worry your time will come. Someone will like you for who you are even if you are overweight.
    Deleted Account likes this.
  3. Use this as motivation to quit your addiction. I'm sure someone will come around eventually. Just do the right things.
  4. You are still young, 22, most people I know only got married in their late 20s or even late 30s some even in their 40s - marriage and relationships should never be to please others or to fit in. It never works out if its forced. Dont put your focus on these things, be happy for those around you but dont let it get to you like this!
    Rather put all this energy into getting PMO behind you. :)

    Remember guys that are after girls for nothing more than their looks and to get them in bed are not worth it, they are the last type you want in your life.
    Same goes for guys watching girls cam, they are just their for their own pleasure, after they got what they want they cant care less about you.

    All the best!
    Deleted Account likes this.
  5. Kristen

    Kristen Guest

    Im not even over weight.
    I guess u just have to be a stick for people to like u
  6. J247

    J247 Fapstronaut

    Why is this a bad thing!? You still have time to do everything you want to do! I'm 26 years old, was upset at the thought of not having a gf or wife or whatever, but since my mind has been clearer from nofap, I can honestly say I'm the happiest I've ever been! No anchors, no commitments, no worries! Just awesome time to self improve, focus on my work, travel when I want, can spend the entire day off in my bathrobe, heck could even spend my entire day off nude if I wanted to. It's just awesome to do what you want to do!

    Don't fret it, sister. You are going to meet a man who will knock your socks off! Enjoy the best years of your life being free instead of changing diapers!
  7. Advaita

    Advaita Fapstronaut

    Fuck this, why do you need someone else to make you feel good. Get a job or develop some talent or a hobby; work hard at it. You will meet wonderful people through that who will respect you for more than your body. And that respect will stay even when you get less physically appealing with age (which we all do). Be caring towards people, even those who may not seem to like you.
    Don't judge the whole mankind by what you see on facebook walls or local pubs. There is way more to us than what you are 'seeing'.
    Don't do that cam thing unless it pays your bills.
    And you know what's in the park for that 18 year old who eloped. 9 hard months to churn the baby out and then an year of sleepless nights, probably a lifelong tension if the kid doesn't turn out good. That is tough.

  8. You're looking at it all wrong. While they're getting hitched, you have all this opportunity to grow and do something with your life and they're just going to be tied down with kids. What do they actually have that they can look forward too?

    Go out and make a difference. Every little bit counts. You don't know the lives you'll touch or the people you might meet along the way.

    They're throwing away a chance to discover themselves and grow as a person to start a family at such a young age. Don't be blinded by the grass on the other side.
  10. FormerFapaholic

    FormerFapaholic Fapstronaut

    You're 22! You're still young! You've got a whole life and bright future ahead of you! :)

    I know what you mean though. There's a number of people my age who are getting married, having or had kids. Looking at what they have sometimes makes me feel like my life is somewhat incomplete as I'm a single lad who doesn't have children.

    There's an upside to this from not looking at the glass half empty. I have fewer commitments, and more freedom to do what I want when I want. Which means I have more opportunities to live my life. Get out there and do things while I'm still young.

    Don't get me wrong, I'd love to get married and have kids in the future. But I want to live my life while I'm still young. Furthermore, I'm fortunate that I'm not tied down with as many responsibilities that prevent me doing things that I want to do. Something that many people in relationships and/or parents have to face up to.

    Marriage and kids shouldn't be the be all and end all. Anyway, just because they've got married now, doesn't mean they've got their happy ever after. When you consider how many marriages end in divorce.
    Matrix Intel likes this.
  11. Agitated.Critter

    Agitated.Critter Fapstronaut

    It's my understanding that it's biologically optimal for pregnancies to occur while the female's young.
    There's a certain irony in that, given the long time it takes to achieve a stable life situation in today's society.
    (A stable life situation suitable for child rearing... Most, after all, never achieve anything close to financial stability in their lives, afaik.)

    If you really don't want kids, then that shouldn't be a concern, however.
    "I feel like crying anytime i see pregnancy photos or wedding or engagement pics. Ive disabled instagram because its making me to upset." Why?

    "I just wish i had someone :(
    I feel like i should just lose a ton of weight and be super skinny and then maybe someone will like me.
    But in real life no one has even looked twice at me."
    A lot of males - particularly those with low self-esteem - don't pick up on flirting attempts.
    It's possible you miss them for a similar reason. Also, I think most try to look when the lookee can't spot it...
    Of course, it's *possible* you look like a trainwreck, but most people look average and a-okay.
    Since your camgirl efforts resulted in attention, I'm going to assume you don't look like a trainwreck :)

    I generally wouldn't recommend spending any time whatsoever on facebook or instagram or similar social media -
    they present a mere simulation of life, and carefully selected outward appearances too at that. The profiles never
    represent the owners actual lives. Why bother comparing your real life with someone's pruned appearance of one?

    Now, you present your lack of a romantic partner as a root issue in your post. Is this the true root issue?
    Or are there other things underlying that again? Only you can figure out.

    Let's assume you really want for a companion, though. What have you done to attract one?
    A funny quote I've seen on some dating advice for men's sites is that:
    "Girls don't just come running down your door without effort." aka you have to put yourself out there, somehow.

    There also seems to be a general reluctance to change to attract a partner.
    "They should love you for you who are! You shouldn't have to change for anyone!" Well. Aren't a lot of people here,
    in relationships, trying to change themselves by ridding themselves of PMO addiction? I'd argue trying to change
    core parts of yourself for others is a wasteful effort, but that improving yourself to be a better version of yourself
    is something else entirely. So what can you do to truly improve yourself - perhaps as regards attractiveness, perhaps not - without trying to be someone you are not (or are not interested in becoming).

    [For example, a lot of advice towards improving men's sexual lives goes on about going out clubbing and picking up one-night stands etc. to gain more experience interacting with women, but it's not an activity I'm interested in. The thought physically disgusts me. However, maybe there's some co-ed sports activity in my area that I'd find fun? That would allow me more physical activity (one improvement goal), give me experience with socializing (another goal), and potentially (without even necessarily being the main focus) result in romantic attraction! Then I'd be improving myself, taking action, and yet not try to be someone I'm not.]

    Who might you be attracted to? What activities might they engage in? Can you find any good tips by searching for 'how to meet/find z man'? Maybe it's easier to reverse-engineer by searching for 'how to meet/find yourself-type woman'?

    Also, it's entirely normal to feel down at times. I find I often feel better by acknowledging that I feel down, and the reasons why, rather than trying to push the feelings away. Often they melt away under my inner magnifying glass.

    Anyway, hope there's something in there of help, Kristen.
    FormerFapaholic likes this.
  12. Sorry to burst your bubble, but you won't be feeling that way..at say...day 120.
  13. Can people stop calling us 20-somethings young? It's really annoying and getting old. Hell, I'm going to be a quarter freaking century in a couple of years, so shut up.
  14. Runtilmylegsdropoff

    Runtilmylegsdropoff Fapstronaut

    Marriage for me isn't worth it unless she's red-pilled. #furreal
  15. J247

    J247 Fapstronaut

    You're 21.... you're young. I'm closer to 30 than I am to 21. I'd rather be young than old. Plus there are 40 some year olds on this site. Do they fall into the same age bracket as you?
  16. J247

    J247 Fapstronaut

    Why not? Every guy I know who's married wishes they waited till they were in their 30s to get married.
  17. I don't FEEL young, and 25 years isn't exactly a spring chicken either. Hell, I can be a middle aged man by now if I drop dead at 50 something.
  18. Only because they got married to the wrong selfish person. That's their fault, not their age. Misleading.
  19. J247

    J247 Fapstronaut

    Not really. Parents and family friends were married at that age and have been married for 30+ years. You change so much throughout your twenties and aren't really settled into a career when you're just out of college, so there's a lot of pros to waiting.
  20. J247

    J247 Fapstronaut

    You're not middle aged by the world wide life expectancy. Maybe you just have an unhealthy lifestyle and that makes you feel older.