Some Questions for the Christians Here

Discussion in 'Off-topic Discussion' started by Deleted Account, Apr 21, 2017.

  1. Here's the Christian version of this tread. I'll give my answers later.

    To the non Christians I ask you to not turn this into a Christian bashing thread. This a place for us learn from Christians.
    The Muslim thread is here:
    And atheism one here:

    Why are you a Christian?
    What convinces you that Christianity is true?
    What's your favourite verse(s) in the Bible? And why are they your favourite verses?
    Is there anything in Christianity that you struggle with?
    Do you think it's possible you'd ever stop being a Christian? If so what would it be that would convince to stop believing in Christianity?
    Last edited by a moderator: Apr 21, 2017
    rayshunnn likes this.
  2. I'm a Christian mainly because I grew up in a Christian home but there was a time when I questioned God and didn't believe in Him and Christianity but as I went on my journey, I discovered and realized that He is real.
    I believe that Christianity is true because of the many prophecies that have been fulfilled in real life that the Bible prophesied, eg. Israel becoming a nation, the many miracles that I hear about all the time from Christians, in none of the other religions, has the God ever died for the sins of not only His believers but the entire world and that's pretty special and I guess TBH, Christianity makes the most sense to me.
    My favorite verses is 2 Corinthians 5:17 and Romans 5:20 where in the former we are reminded that if we are in Christ, we are a new creation and the old self has passed away and I like it because it reminds me, and I struggle with this, that I'm new and that my PMO past shouldn't define my present or future.
    In the latter, it states that where sin abounds, grace superabounds. I like this one, because, it explains that any time I sin, God's grace is greater than my sin and can cover my sin.
    I struggle with lying, reading the Bible properly and meditating on the Word, worship and praying, judging others.
    No, especially not in these Last Days. We are living in the Last Days and I don't want to be sinning and caught up in the world.
  3. I'm a Christian because I was convinced it was true. Christianity is quite unique among religions.

    First of all, Christianity is the only religion where God died for you, and not necessarily vice-versa. No other religion has such a teaching.

    Secondly, Christianity is the only religion where good works have no bearing with your Salvation (or reincarnation depending on religion). It is quite comforting not to fear God like you would in a works based system.

    Thirdly, Christianity has so much freedom of belief. You don't have to agree with everything one group says to be a Christian.

    Those are just a few reasons why I chose to be a Christian.

    One of the things I struggle with is trying to find a denomination. That is pretty hard to be honest.

    I don't think I'd ever deconvert. I tried out New-age/Taoism/Buddhism one time mixed with my Christianity, but I didn't like it.

    There isn't really anything that could make be deconvert. Any "evidence" someone could share could easily be a forgery or something similar. So that knocks out atheism. Already tried Eastern Religions out a bit and didn't like them. Can't really see myself as a Muslim. And the thought of being a Wiccan makes me lol. So, nothing can really convince Christianity is wrong.
    Last edited by a moderator: Apr 21, 2017
  4. rayshunnn

    rayshunnn Fapstronaut

    Why are you a Christian?
    - I am a Christians because I was brought up in a Christian home from a very young age. I'm a Christian now 19 years later because it's my lifestyle. It's what I'm meant to do, I'm called to be a worship leader! I'm in bible college now studying and getting experience.

    What convinces you that Christianity is true?
    - See God work miracles in my life and the faith I have. God has promised me many things and he's come through with them and the ones that have come to pass yet he's gonna fulfil those too. I can't talk to God and he talks back to me through my worship, through the bible and through my conscience. I think the biggest thing is my Faith and Gods revelation.

    What's your favourite verse(s) in the Bible? And why are they your favourite verses?
    -Psalms 23 and 2 Corinthians 12:9. These are two of my favorite verses because Psalm 23 has been relevant in my life since I was a kid, I just didn't understand until now. On this NoFap journey Psalms 23 has gave me peace when my urges were out of control. 2 Corinthians 12:9 because it says my grace is sufficient and my power is made perfect in weakness. On this NoFap journey I will need grace and I'll need his power too because I'm weak, I can't get through NoFap without God!

    Is there anything in Christianity that you struggle with?
    -As far as believing wise no do I believe every single thing I hear probably not but I have enough faith to trust that God will reveal to me everything I need to know. Lust is a sin that I'm struggling with. It's been a struggle for as long as I can remember until now. The chains are beginning to fall off of my life.

    Do you think it's possible you'd ever stop being a Christian? If so what would it be that would convince to stop believing in Christianity?
    -Not at all!
  5. rayshunnn

    rayshunnn Fapstronaut

    I use to struggle with those same things bro! I'd love to talk later and just share how I got over them and where I am now.
    Deleted Account likes this.
    I don't believe in Christianity as a religion. I believe all religion is man made. Religion is our feeble attempt to reach out to a higher power. Religion is our hope that doing something can save our souls. It could be leading a good life, it might be keeping a set of commandments every waking moment, or even observing a ritual and giving up what you desire to find favor with God.No one is perfect. No one knows that better than members of NoFap. We're all here because we picked up a habit that was detrimental to our Physical and Mental health. Yet we choose to feed it time and time again. Look at the sheer number of people around you that live in the dark, telling themselves that the lives they live are healthy and continue without ever seeking or getting the help they need.After all this we tell ourselves that we deserve happiness, we deserve good in our lives, that we are good people.We are not worthy of any good thing because we pursue evil with a passion.
    While I don't believe in Christianity, I do believe in a man who was born some 2000 years ago, who left His glory in heaven to walk among us, and showed us what it meant to live a perfect life. Sacrifice was a way for the Jews to ask forgiveness for the sins that they had committed. They needed to offer an animal, free from blemish, perfect, to be acceptable before Yahweh. Just like shedding of blood was required for the remission of sins, this perfect being had to shed his blood so that all of us, created in the perfect image of God, could come to him without the need of any priest or intermediary, something that wasn't possible since the time Sin entered the world. The One who died for us became our Priest forever, always interceding on our behalf. I was born into a Christian family and Christianity was forced on me growing. But sooner or later everyone starts to question their faith, and that is when it is put through fire, to come out stronger and purer.

    I believe because I have been given a second chance. It's not a chance that I deserve after all that I've done. Not a single person dead, alive or yet to be born is deserving of this. We are worthless. And yet it is the worthless , the weak, the poor and the sick that are chosen to be worthy.

    I've taken my time to understand what each religion says. Be it Christianity, Islam or Hinduism, all the timelines are on a collision course. Now I'm not going to pour out what I've learned over here(You've got some research to do too :emoji_stuck_out_tongue: ) but what I've found is that all religions talk of the end in the exact same way. I believe in the Bible because time and time again, the Bible has proven to hold true. It's scary actually. Especially when you look at the world today and see 2 Timothy and the various other passages unfolding before our eyes.

    1 Timothy 1:15 "This is a faithful saying, and worthy of all acceptation, that Christ Jesus came into the world to save sinners; of whom I am chief."
    This verse tells us that Christ seeing how wretched we are, still came for us.

    Philippians 4:11(b)-13 "for I have learned to be content whatever the circumstances. I know what it is to be in need, and I know what it is to have plenty. I have learned the secret of being content in any and every situation, whether well fed or hungry, whether living in plenty or in want. I can do all this through him who gives me strength."

    This verse is a personal testimony. When I was in University, a couple of bad decisions led me to be homeless for a while. These verses got me through some tough times and I was able to persevere through it. Whatever the circumstance, I can do it because my strength comes from the Lord.

    Living a Christ-centred life in the world today is very challenging, especially in countries where Christians are persecuted.

    No power of hell, no scheme of man,
    Can ever pluck me from His hand;
    Till He returns or calls me home,
    Here in the power of Christ I'll stand.
  7. HappyDaysAreHereAgain

    HappyDaysAreHereAgain Fapstronaut

    Why am I a Christian? One reason was given to me by an atheist.
    I was hitchhiking out west and got dropped at a corner in the middle of nowhere. There was already someone there; I'll call him Jim. Between taking turns putting out our thumbs for the occasional pickup truck, we visited. Jim said he was from Manhattan, N.Y.C. I said that I had lived in Brooklyn for a couple of years. A while later he asked me if I knew Steve ________, and named my first roommate in Brooklyn. What are the odds? As we continued visiting, I found out that, the semester before he moved in with me, Steve had lived across the street from Jim and had been good friends with Jim's roommate, whom I had met when he visited us. Jim told me of one night when his roommate had come home from an evening with Steve. His roommate asked him what he thought about Christianity. Jim told me that he had said, "You know that I'm an atheist. I don't believe that there is a god, but if there were a god, he couldn't do better than the story of Jesus." Jim went on and told me that later, when his roommate had become a Christian, he came in and told Jim that it had been what Jim had said that convinced him to take the story of Jesus seriously. So, Jim was an atheist, who was living with having helped convert his roommate to Christianity.
    Why am I a Christian, one reason is that there is no better god story than the story of Jesus. Another reason is whole set of impossible crossroad situations where I learned from an atheist the value of the Jesus story.
  8. Well here's my answers.

    Why am I a Christian?

    Simply I believe Jesus lived, died and rose from the dead.

    What convinces me that Christianity is true?
    What makes or breaks Christianity is whether Jesus rose from the dead. No one has been able to prove to me that Jesus didn't rise from the dead, so even though I don't think everything in the gospels can be fully trusted nothing seems to warrant me distrusting the accounts of the resurrection. Also, I've had prayers answered. Such answered prayers may be coincidences but they there's nothing to say that they weren't answered prayers.

    Favrioute Bible verses and why:
    Ephesians 2:8-9 For by grace have been saved through faith. And this is not your own doing; it is the gift of God, not a result of works, so that no one can boast.
    I like those verses because it reminds me that I'm not better than anyone else.

    Song of Songs 2:2 Like a lily among thorns is my darling among the young women.
    Beautiful and poetic is my reason for liking it. I like all of Song of Songs because it's full of poetry and mystery.

    Luke 5:31-32 It's not the healthy who need a doctor, but the sick. I have not come to call the righteous, but sinners to repentance.
    This verse brings me hope because I'm such a sinner.

    I like the Sermon on the Mount especially when Jesus says that peacemakers and the merciful are blessed (Matthew 5:7,9), when talks about not giving an eye for an eye or tooth for a tooth but turning the other cheek (Matthew 5:38-39) and when he warns about false prophets at the end of the sermon (Matthew 7:21-23). I don't know if I can say I like everything that I mentioned (in the sermon), but it challenges me and inspires me.

    I also like the Seven Woes speech by Jesus in Matthew 23:1-36. I like the passion and bravery shown by Jesus here.

    I wasn't expecting to choose so many verses as I'm rather cynical about Christianity. :emoji_sweat_smile: Maybe I'm not as cynical as I thought. :emoji_slight_smile:

    Is there anything in Christianity that you struggle with?
    Yes... There's plenty of things. Although I think I have more of a problem with the way some Christians act. I think I understand how Gandhi felt when he said, "I like your Christ, I do not like your Christians. Your Christians are so unlike your Christ." It seems to be a great number of Christians are self-righteous and unauthentic. Some act like they're sinless. There also seem to be a lack of logic and reason in the way Christians interpret the Bible. I'm not saying every Christian is like that but a lot are.

    But I also struggle with the Bible. On one hand, I struggle with good moral teaching like loving people because at times I'm not the most loving person. Also, things like forgiveness because at times I want to hold grudges. Then there's not looking at women lustfully which sometimes I do.

    On the other hand, I struggle with some of the claims in the Bible because some seem to not make sense. Like when it says in Romans 13:1 all authorities are established by God. So basically God established Hitler and other rulers who have done great wrongs? I can't accept this verse! I mean if God is all knowing, powerful and loving how can give power to people who would do such evil? This very idea troubles me. But really it seems like Christians don't really believe since many vote in elections. If God establishes our leaders we should stay at home and pray for our next leader since it's God who decides. But no one does that (even the most devoted Christian) because at the end of the day we choose our leaders by voting. I like the book of Romans but I think this verse is nonsense. Really the Bible isn't in favour of democracy since the writers had never experienced it.

    I think I love Jesus but I don't like everything that he said. At times he seems to be rather mean in what he says to people and other times he seems to be out of his mind. I don't like the Gospel of John really. To me, it seems that the writer is trying to turn Jesus into a flamboyant superhero. I don't think it can be completely trusted.

    I have issues with some the Old Testament laws. Like in Deuteronomy 22:28-29 where it says a rapist must marry the woman he's raped. I know there's culture aspects to many of the laws but I still find it disturbing.

    I struggle with the bloodthirsty Psalms. Don't get me wrong I like certain chapters like 23, 40, 51 but Psalms like 137 where they are rejoicing in the death of babies is perplexing. It's not just that chapter though, there's quite a number of Psalms that seem to rather violent. I also hate the self-righteousness in some of the Psalms. At times the writer seems to full of himself. Countless times he brags about how righteous There seems to be a contradiction since in 51 he's writing about how much of a sinner he is yet in many of the other Psalms he's talking about how righteous he is. Personally, I don't see the Psalms to be God's word to anyone. They're just some guy who's writing poetry about how he sees the world and what he thinks of God.

    But really I view the whole Bible like that. I use to think the whole Bible was the infallible word of God. But as I have studied it I have notice that there are contradictions and some things just don't make sense. Really the Bible cannot be the literal word of God because it's stuck within the culture and time period it was written in. Surely if God telling people what to write, then why didn't he warn them about certain cultural and historical aspects that would cause other cultures and time periods problems? I think the Bible is a book written by men. I think it's probably the best book to read if you want to find out about God, but when read logic and reason needs to be used.

    Finally, I have issues with how the Bible has became westernised. One thing I admire about Muslims and the Quran is that they haven't allowed anyone in the west to interfere with their scriptures. The writers of the Bible were Middle Eastern yet the canon of scriptures was decided by western Europeans. I wonder what the Bible would look if the very writers decided what books were a part of the Bible. I wonder if aditional books would have been added. I would think that the Book of Enoch would be a part of scripture if the writer of Jude was involved in organising the canon.

    Would I ever stop being a Christian?
    I would stop if someone proved to me the resurrection of Jesus never happened.
  9. In Psalms 15:4 we read "who keeps an oath even when it hurts, and does not change their mind"
    I don't refute the fact that Hitler was a bad person, but do you think the world would be the way it was today if Hitler never rose to power and did the things he did? Besides was there ever a perfect leader that rose to power? But we still have to accept them even though what they do may not be what we perceive to be good because they are chosen.
    The Lord works in ways that many a times confuse us. We rarely are able to see the full picture. We have to take the good with the bad. Everyone will be judged before the righteous judge, all we can do here on Earth is to pass our fallible judgements. Even today as we roll towards the final days, we have to accept it because each event is a chain reaction and it is meant to happen and there is nothing anyone can do to stop it.

    One thing that really troubles me with modern Christianity is that people flat out deny every record of the other books without a second thought as to why they were never accepted. Although I don't agree with it being added to the current Bible, Christians should be aware of what these other books say. They are a source of historical records that can aid in understanding the context in which the various Books were being written although the content should be taken with a grain of salt.

    " Who changed the truth of God into a lie, and worshipped and served the creature more than the Creator..."
    One thing you have to be careful of is cherry picking what you want to hear from the Word of God. Especially in today's world, people flock to the churches that preach what they want Christianity to be, they accept only what they think is acceptable to them.

    That's why it's called taking up your cross. It's not meant to be a walk in the park.
    You may not understand, hell you may even be opposed to it, but He did not die for you to follow your favorite parts. He's asking you to bend to his complete will. I struggle with this a lot myself, as do several Christians but can you give up your little for the one who gave His everything for you?
    Either you should be completely invested or not at all. I hope I'm stepping on some toes here, just like I had to go through because that is what helped me to see what I was doing wrong.
  10. Hey I heard about that. Can you tell me about the books?
  11. I know a couple of things about it.

    The Apocryphal books are books we as Protestants do not consider to be inspired by God. Martin Luther wrote on this subject a bit, the Wikipedia article is alright to learn about this stuff.

    The books are considered uninspired by many Christians because of contradictions with the rest of the Bible, their non-existence in the early church, or the belief that they were modified (the Gospel of Thomas is a great example, it was fabricated by Gnostics in the early centuries.) Enoch is an increasingly controversial book in biblical Canon. Those that are taken by conspiracy theories and the study of demons believe Enoch to be canon, and there is some evidence that can be used to support this conclusion. However, the evidence is not strong enough in my opinion to support such a conclusion. I have read Enoch and the Gospel of Thomas, and honestly they aren't really worth reading. Enoch is an interesting read admittedly, but the Gospel of Thomas is esoteric nonsense from Gnostics (literal heretics, condemned by the earliest Church Fathers.)

    There are a couple others, but they are rather unimportant. The Catholics and Orthodox include many of these miscellaneous books in their Canons.
  12. That's what I was wondering about. I was wondering if they were not included because they might have been tainted or changed from the original or made up contradictory to the Bible.
    Last edited by a moderator: Apr 25, 2017
    LumberSpartan likes this.
  13. GuitarDude

    GuitarDude Fapstronaut

    Why are you a Christian?
    Im a Christian beacuse I was raised in a home of faith. I am a Christian because I strongly believe in God's existince for I've felt him, I have read about him; he is real.

    What convinces you that Christianity is true?

    The proof, there is undeniable evidence that Jesus did exist and that he rose from the dead. Christian religion is based on that day.

    What's your favourite verse(s) in the Bible? And why are they your favourite verses?

    "But seek first the kingdom of God and his righteousness, and all these things will be added to you" Matthew 6:33
    I love this verse because It always remind me that If I have God all other things will fall in order. If he is placed as the number one thing in your life you will be truly happy.

    Is there anything in Christianity that you struggle with?

    What I most struggle with is the feeling of emptiness. I know God exists I just haven't felt him much. I would like that God reveals himself to me as he has done with saints and people from the scriptures even people nowadays have had experiences. Sometimes I just don't know who am I.

    Do you think it's possible you'd ever stop being a Christian? If so what would it be that would convince to stop believing in Christianity?

    Nothing could ever stop me from a being a Christian I know the truth and I have the faith.
  14. To learn more on this, read about how the King James Version came to be, and what are the differences in the Catholic Bible and the Protestant Bible.
    As @LumberSpartan pointed out, the apocryphal books are the uninspired books. As more and more research was done on these books back in the day, some apocryphal books were removed from the canon after the message they conveyed were compared to the teachings of Jesus to see if sound doctrine was being preached.
  15. Apparently Jude 14 is a quotation from the Book of Enoch. I've listened to the audio book of it on YouTube. It's a rather crazy book - a bit like Revelations.

    I've got a hard copy of the NRSV that contain the Apocrypha. On the YouVersion app you can read it in the CEV and CEB, I think there's another translation that has it but I can't remember which one. I find it interesting to see the reaction of some Christians whenever I put quotations from it on Facebook. Quite a number of them freak out because they've never heard of it... Apparently Donald Trump read from it during his inauguration. Lol!

    I've read the Gospel of Thomas and the Gospel of Mary. They're interesting reads but incomplete.

    Also read 3rd Corinthians and the Acts of Paul and Thecla. 3rd Corinthians is poorly written, pointless piece of work. It's obvious that the Apostle Paul didn't write it. Acts of Paul and Thecla is nuts. It claims that Paul said sex (including within marriage) is sinful. Its story kind of reminds me of the book of Susanna.

    Some people think The Shepherd of Hermas should be included in scripture but I've never read it myself. But I do find these book that didn't make it into the Bible to be rather interesting.
    icandoallthings likes this.
  16. Some interesting thoughts, they got me thinking last night @icandoallthings

    It's not just Hitler though. It seems like if God is choosing rulers of the nations his decisions are really bizarre. One thing from history that mystifies me in the light of Romans 13:1 is the English Civil War. We have Charles I who seems to really believe in that particular scripture. He thinks his rule had been established by God. It's very obvious during his trial he thought God was on his side for he refused to answer any question the court asked. It wasn't until the sentence of death by beheading was called out by the judge was when he decided to speak. Charles thought he was established by God and no man could take away what God had given him. Yey men did take it away. Equally those who were putting him on trial believed God chose them to end his rule? So who's side was God on? If God had established him why was he beheaded? Did God get bored of Charles? Or maybe God just doesn't care? Maybe he just lets us humans to get on with it? I'm not expecting you to have the answers but this is what I wonder when I read this verse.

    Maybe in the strictest sense I'm cherry picking but I don't think my reasons are because I don't like the verse. I accept verses that bring the conviction of sin like when Jesus talks about not looking at a woman lustfully, or when he says we should forgive those who wrong us. Such are hard to follow but I believe they are right. My reason for rejecting a certain verse is if logic or reason causes me to do so. There's certain parts of scripture I reject even though I actually like it. I like the story of the woman caught in adultery - it's a beautiful story of redemption but due to witnesses not agreeing on the account I can't accept it. Something like it may of happened but the account in John 8:1-11 can't trusted imo.

    Romans 13:1 is a but like Ephesians 6:5 or any other NT verse about slaves obeying their masters. Some hate the Bible for not speaking out on slavery but when you look at such verses in their historical context such verses make sense. I heard historian Tom Holland talking about this in a podcast once. He said that the idea of the abolishment of slavery would have never enter the Apostle Paul's mind. It's not the Apostle's fault that his writing was used to justify the transatlantic slave trade, nor is he to blame for Charles I arrogance. I think it's clear he had no idea that his writing was going to be used so extensively. I don't think he could see into the future so he couldn't know about democracy. So since he did know about democracy I don't think we can apply Romans 13:1 to our democratic systems today. I think what he wrote was a comment on his government because back then people had no say in their rulers. But due to democracy we do. Today if God chooses who's our leaders then there's no need to vote, if there's no need to vote the people who fought for our rights to vote waisted their time.
  17. I am Christian because I met someone, Jesus, who is alive in my life, who walks near me and ahead of me to show me the right way: the way of happines and eternal life. God's love and mercy are always wide open to everyone and he calls me to the same behaviour with each person. The Holy Spirit is its presence within me calling to a deeper communion.
    Love you guys!
  18. I'd like to take you to Daniel and the Israelite exile to Babylon. In 2 Kings somewhere around the 20th Chapter we read about the nation of Israel turning back to Pagan worship and idolatry and this angered the Lord. God sent Nebuchadnezzar to take the Israelites into Babylonian captivity. Was Nebuchadnezzar a righteous man before the eyes of the Lord? Surely not. But the Lord still saw it fit to establish him over the Israelites. Daniel 4 describes what happened to Nebuchadnezzar when the Lord finally took his kingdom away from him.
    Now, in the vision of the statue of Gold, Silver, Bronze, Iron and Iron-Clay which are Babylon, Medo-Persia, Greece, Rome and Revived Rome, all of these kingdoms had their own deities that they looked to and the commandment for the Israelites at the time was "Thou Shalt Have No Other God Before Me". And yet these kingdoms were established. To the Israelites, captivity would have been a nightmare, and the same would have been for all the kingdoms that followed, but The Legs of Iron(Rome) became the cause for the redemption of the whole world from the bondage of Sin. At that point in time, it was the worst thing to happen to them at the time, but for us looking back we can see why it had to be so. Same thing goes for the Feet of Iron-Clay that will be responsible for setting up the everlasting Kingdom.
    That's what makes prophecy so enticing to study, but the Bible says that no man will no until the events have come to pass, so instead of vainly predicting, watch over ourselves. Control what we can control.

    Absolutely. And there are so many things that aren't followed today, like the Laws written in Leviticus.
    While today we don't have a Master/Slave model, what we do have is a model of Employer/Employee. Put Ephesians 6:5-9 in that context and read it again.
    Just because the literal wordings may not have relevance in today's world, does not mean that it is completely irrelevant. That is why I believe the Word of God is alive. It's not a static book of words that is stuck in it's time. It evolves with the ages and still holds meaning today.

    While our secular society has moved away from this model(wait, was this ever followed except in the time of the kings?), many churches still do follow this model of letting God choose the elders of the church although that too is in decline today. The shepherds of the church are never to be elected, they're to be chosen by God by the leading of the Holy Spirit.
    Getting back to the point, we see the nation of Israel had Judges which became Kings and later Prophets. Democracy comes way down the line of the way a nation runs. IMHO democracy has run it's course and is on it's last dying legs. Again this is my opinion, but something else will take democracy's place before the Antichrist is revealed. Democracy is a highly centralized model and I believe a decentralized model is in the works that is going to supplant democracy. I may be wrong about this but recent trends show that people want control over aspects of their lives that are controlled by establishments today. Also there is an ever growing loss of faith in governments across the world.

    Give me your references for this, I'd like to check this out some more.
    Deleted Account likes this.
  19. We're already seeing it on college campuses where conservative speech is attacked.
    icandoallthings likes this.
  20. @icandoallthings most modern translations add notes to the text to make the readers aware. I know for a fact NIV, ESV and NLT have the note before chapter 8 starts. Below I'll enclose a screen shot of the where it's done in the NIV.

    icandoallthings likes this.