Daily updates on my 90 day No PMO

Discussion in 'Porn Addiction' started by Eddie Fapstronaut, May 17, 2017.

  1. Eddie Fapstronaut

    Eddie Fapstronaut Fapstronaut

    Hi Y'all! This is my first day of no PMO, I have tried to quit for many years but have been unsuccessful, so I joined this forum in the hopes of discussing and encouraging others that are in the same fight. I'll be posting updates daily, and if anyone wants to join, I'd love to check in daily with folks. Wish me luck:)
    LivinginRecovery likes this.
  2. LivinginRecovery

    LivinginRecovery Fapstronaut

    Hello and welcome to the forum. We were all on Day One at one point so be encouraged that this is not just a noble battle but a winnable one. You are absolutely in the right place. There are some great people here who are only too happy to encourage and support you on your journey into recovery from PMO. I look forward to reading your daily postings. Good luck my friend. You can and will do this. Stay strong because the road ahead will be tough but the gains will definitely outweigh the pains. Just 2 weeks ago I was a depressive shut-in with no life and now I am getting out every day meeting people and getting fit. The gains will come thick and fast and all you have to do is take one step at a time and choose to remain free from PMO. I wish you the very best.
  3. Eddie Fapstronaut

    Eddie Fapstronaut Fapstronaut

    Hi there "FappingHasRuinedMyLife" thanks for the reply! You're words of encouragement are much needed and appreciated. I won't giv in! I'm taking control of my life. Thanks for the support.
    LivinginRecovery likes this.
  4. Eddie Fapstronaut

    Eddie Fapstronaut Fapstronaut

    Alright y'all so it's currently 12:04 in the morning, day two of my 90 days of no PMO. I'm feeling some withdraw simptoms-I can't sleep. I don't have sexual urges but I have energy that would have otherwise been used up with PMO and not it's keeping me awake. I won't give in though. That's all for now. Any encouragement would be really appreciated. Thanks for reading.
  5. LivinginRecovery

    LivinginRecovery Fapstronaut

    You're very welcome. It will be difficult but it can be done. Yesterday for me was an entire day of the worst urges I have ever experienced yet here I am today and I didn't relapse. I would say to you that a good idea would be not to touch your junk at all other than to wash it and pee out of it. If you are going to wash it and I know this sounds agonizing but do so in cold water or in a cool shower and let the water run on it for a short while first because you won't want to spend a great deal of time in there. Touching it becomes the road to ruin.

    Ensure you have replacement activities in place as well even if it means dropping to do sit ups, push ups or jogging on the spot as and when the urges arise. As my AP told me, drink plenty of water as well. In the very early days I got a beaker of cold water and several times a day as and when I had an urge I just put my junk in there. You need to short circuit the brain so that it knows after a while that you are not going to fap. In time you'll find yourself just doing something healthy without realising it.

    Replacing the habit is key. It's a 3 step process of a Cue (the feeling/urge which triggers the behaviour), the Habit (the negative behaviour itself) and the Reward (the dopamine release, the 'feel good' factor). You keep the two things either side of the Habit but replace the problematic aspect itself with something healthy. So as an example you really want to fap. Of course you don't really want to fap you just want the chemical release (the Reward) so up until now you have masturbated. Next time you instead do push ups, sit ups, go for a walk/run, get out of the house and go grab a coffee in a public place, anything but fapping and the reward will be a genuine feel good factor. After a while the new healthy habit replaces the old unhealthy one and it becomes second nature. You will then look back and wonder how you ever thought fapping was a good healthy activity. By then your life will have opened up. You'll be meeting people and living the life you could only ever dream of when doing PMO.

    Also click the Panic Button at the top of the screen when you feel the urges strike. There's some good stuff up there. It's helped me loads of times. Good luck and stay strong! You can and will do this.
    Eddie Fapstronaut likes this.
  6. MarchcharM

    MarchcharM Fapstronaut

    Good luck guys. Must be the 2 week triggers @FappingHasRuinedMyLife Good luck getting through them and I hope we both cross the 21, 30, 60, 90 and forever markers as well.
  7. Eddie Fapstronaut

    Eddie Fapstronaut Fapstronaut

    First, I want to thank you for taking the time to explain the addiction cycle and sharing some of the methods that have worked for you. I will do my best to apply the knowledge that you've shared with me and I'll keep reminding myself how fundamental it is to find a healthy replacement for my PMO. I'll definitely be exercising and hitting the panic button when urges arise. Thank you for the encouragement it meant s a great deal knowing that I'm not in this alone anymore. Best of luck to you too and hell yeah we can and WILL get through this!
    LivinginRecovery likes this.
  8. Lion's Heart

    Lion's Heart Fapstronaut

    Hello my friend,what is your longest streak?
  9. Eddie Fapstronaut

    Eddie Fapstronaut Fapstronaut

    Hi there, thanks for the encouragement. I see you're on day 14! Keep up the fight! Stay strong. We will get through this and come out of the other side better men.
  10. Eddie Fapstronaut

    Eddie Fapstronaut Fapstronaut

    It's only been about 2 weeks. After that I've gotten too confident and told myself that I'm not an addict and then I end up relapsing. What's been your longest streak?
  11. Filborbob

    Filborbob Fapstronaut

    This is the longest streak I've had since I was a pre-teen, and I'm 47 now. I'm married, but I currently have no sexual outlet because my wife chose alcohol over our relationship. So no PMO and no marital sex. It's been tough, but worth it. Not suffering the shame cycle after PMO is truly a great feeling. It is possible to put porn behind you and to live a life without it. I'm gonna make it to 90 (and beyond) if it kills me. Good luck guys, and stay strong.
    Lion's Heart likes this.
  12. Lion's Heart

    Lion's Heart Fapstronaut

    I thought that is 4 days but i just rememberd that my longest streak is 1 week before i joined this website, but i been never committed in leaving that addiction till this week. About your streak i think 2 weeks without PMO is good, compared to the majority of us..but i think you should be pation and set up your goal on 20 or 30 days..then set it up to higher number without reseting your counter of course, and like that till you became free, wish u good luck.
  13. LivinginRecovery

    LivinginRecovery Fapstronaut

    You're very welcome. I was glad to be of help. Replacement activities are crucial as is not touching it except for to have a pee and washing it. Touching nearly always ends in a relapse and a reset of the clock.

    You're definitely not alone. We all know what you're feeling. That's not to minimize what you're going through but just to say that we get it, we understand.

    Thank you. Best of luck to you too. Stay strong and keep the quit!
    Eddie Fapstronaut likes this.
  14. LivinginRecovery

    LivinginRecovery Fapstronaut

    Thank you. We'll see each other there. Stay strong and keep the quit!
    Eddie Fapstronaut likes this.
  15. Eddie Fapstronaut

    Eddie Fapstronaut Fapstronaut

    It's good to see that there is hope for people of all ages! I really feel that we can make it, and if we use the NoFap forums our chances are greatly increased. I've read many books on social psychology and have been interested in the fields of addictions and loneliness seeing as how I'm living that experience and what I've learned is that loneliness is so detrimental that it can even kill. That is why we need to be active in interacting with others and talking about our addiction, that way we feel that we are not fighting this battle alone but are in the fight together! I wish you strength and keep up the positive mentality. Thanks for contributing.
  16. Eddie Fapstronaut

    Eddie Fapstronaut Fapstronaut

    Yeah my goal is 90 days but I've only ever made it to 2 weeks. But now I'm using NoFap and I feel that talking with other people that are also addicted will help me to stay strong. I wish you good luck and I know we can make it! We'll come out stronger on the other side
    Lion's Heart likes this.
  17. Eddie Fapstronaut

    Eddie Fapstronaut Fapstronaut


    If we isolate it becomes so much easier to give in to our addiction
    Lion's Heart likes this.
  18. Lion's Heart

    Lion's Heart Fapstronaut

  19. Eddie Fapstronaut

    Eddie Fapstronaut Fapstronaut

    Alright y'all so it's only day two and I'm feeling subtle change. I'm making small efforts to stay busy and be productive. I rode my mike to the store a couple of miles from my house and this California weather is beautiful. I'm also planning on renting a vacuum to wash the carpet in my house—it's filthy and I'm tired of looking at it. I'm a firm believer that if you are surrounded by clean and beautiful things it makes it easier to feel that way inside and vise versa. We are to a degree products of our environment. So we must try to change our environment to the best of our ability. Stay strong y'all.
    Lion's Heart likes this.