Men Going There Own Way movement

Discussion in 'Off-topic Discussion' started by Dake1963, May 21, 2017.

  1. Dake1963

    Dake1963 Fapstronaut

    I wasn't quite sure where to post this.

    There is something called Men's Rights Activists or the Men's Rights Movement and there are dozens of websites about this. Part of that is a group of men who want to minimize their contact with women, and to distance them selves from women, sometimes wanting to living quite solitary lives.

    These people are Migtows (Men Going Their Own Way).

    You can google for more info. But my main question is 'How many men here have heard of Migtow or how many were inspired into joining this website because of Migtow.'

    The reason I ask really is that sex and sexual frustration, porn and M and O are often discussed on MIGTOW sites and there seems in a way to be a natural fit between NoFap and MIGTOW. Yet, I have never seen a reference on this site to MIGTOW or vice versa.

    LivinginRecovery and I Free I like this.
  2. DogDaysOfLife

    DogDaysOfLife Fapstronaut

    There's hardly an overlap because there seems to be entirely different reasoning going on. The MGTOW don't like or trust women which is why they won't date or marry. The vast majority of them are OK with PMO because it makes perpetual bachelorhood easier to tolerate.
  3. I've never heard of it until reading this thread. I would never support such a movement because I don't want to distance myself from women. One reason I'm doing NoFap is so that I don't view women as sex objects.
  4. NoBrainer

    NoBrainer Distinguished Fapstronaut

    MGTOW is rather like a cult, in that they pull people from a particular demographic in with clever language and quotes from people like Nikola Tesla, who claimed that his celibacy was what lead him to make his great inventions. Quoting Tesla is all very well, however in my opinion the overall appeal of MGTOW is deceptive. It is mainly populated by guys who have been mistreated somehow by women, and have applied the usual sweeping brush to conclude that all women are like those they've been mistreated by. My experience from MGTOWs, a few of whom pop up on nofap from time to time, is that they're self righteous assholes.
  5. I only have seen MGTOWs make fun of nofap and advocating porn use and fapping as a substitute to need for real women. Most of them seem to be ignorant on science about negative effects of porn and excessive masturbation. And most of them also seem to not realize that by fapping to porn they are giving their power away to the vagina, which is funny cos that's exactly what they are trying to avoid. But that's just what I have seen. I gotta admit it is weird, because I also think MGTOW would go very much hand in hand with nofap.

    As far as MGTOW movement in itself, I do not particularly like it. Judging by what I see most of the people who join MGTOW are weak betas who are either scared, or hurt by women in the past. And they are using MGTOW as a way how to justify their misogyny or lack of testicles. Or maybe it's not the most, maybe these are just minority of rotten apples. But to me they stink the most and so are ruining the whole basket.

    MGTOW is to me like a male version of feminism. Feminism is not all bad, there are some serious women equality related issues still in the world that feminism needs to deal with. But also there is a lot of misandry and matriarchy bullshit in there. And those crazy people make the most noise and ruin the reputation of the movement. As a result I have a bad taste in my mouth whether I hear the word "feminist". Even though rationally I realize that I can't generalize like that. Same for MGTOW; they do bring up some real and serious issues regarding marriage, relationship dynamics, inequality in front of law and so on. But just like I can't take feminism seriously anymore I also can't take MGTOW seriously due to all those women hating, scared betas it attracts.
    Last edited by a moderator: May 21, 2017
  6. Waldo101

    Waldo101 Fapstronaut

    Personally, I think the MGTOW movement is good overall as long as it's not negative. I doubt that it will become mainstream.

    The reason why I admire it is because it is a non conformist way of doing what you want without much compromise.

    Of course, there can be that unpleasant sacrifice of not getting women. But at the same time, there are long married guys and girls who can sometimes be jealous of MGTOW people ( male or female).

    If you are deep into your hobbies or are dedicated to some goals in life, being a loner may be the way to go without the complications of a destroyed marriage. It may be better for some people.
  7. Rockhold

    Rockhold Fapstronaut


    I am all for equal respect...but you guys better wake up. Women even call you ''suckers'' to their female friends.

  8. John84

    John84 Fapstronaut

    I'v heard of it and watch some videos and stuff.. It similar to the redpill Reddit. Both groups are about sharing anecdotal experiences they've had in life with women, then massaging all that information into an accepted viewpoint on female behaviour. Except redpills and Mgtow are different. Redpill is about accepting how women are and playing the game. Mgtow is about saying screw it and bowing out.
    Last edited: May 21, 2017
    Quiver and LivinginRecovery like this.
  9. this adds nothing to the conversation. Think for a second, if one of these MGTOWs responded in kind about you for NOT being MGTOW, would you be impressed.
    Articulate WHY and offer PROOF.
    To everyone else:
    I am not familiar with MGTOW, but seems that a lot of PUA types have gone beyond it to something like ROOSH where they basically say don't waste your time with Western women anymore.

    I do believe so called feminism has degenerated into absurdity at war with reality, and an excuse for any and all type of antisocial behavior.

    Women want to pretend they are equal or even superior, we're supposed to believe 'butt kicking babes' in movies are realistic, they are not. we're supposed to accept anytime there is a 'gender gap' on anything its because of some sort of 'discrimination. It is not.

    Basic civility has eroded, women now curse, act aggressive because they know that the government /state is their daddy. I live in the city and i have had women say 'fuck you asshole' at the slightest provocation, in one case one was walking along texting and bumped into me...
  10. Rockhold

    Rockhold Fapstronaut

    The only people against this are girls who want simp guys for money/attention or whatever. I don't see what the problem is, majority of women are attracted to confident guys, win win situation. And it also prevents simps from hanging themselves because they get dumped for being too clingy. Now use your NoFap powers, get out there and bust a nut. All that matters is busting a nut, and if you make a girl come also she won't complain and be satisfied also.

    End of discussion.
    Runtilmylegsdropoff likes this.
  11. so you think women's and men's boxing should be merged because women are just as good at men at it.

    again serious question, after I just asked you to articulate your thoughts rather than just insult people you insulted me, do you think this is cute or funny? Did I do anything similar to you?
  12. Are you saying that MGTOW and NoFap could be merged by way of MGTOW men practicing celibacy all around such as through abstinence from all things sexual including PMO? Thus NoFap could help them achieve going their own way where they don't engage in any sexual behavior?
  13. I Free I

    I Free I Guest

    I would do this only for a certain amount of time, I think it will be very beneficial for me . Yes, women can be a pain sometimes but in my opinion, we need them just like they need us . We Need Each other !
  14. Dake1963

    Dake1963 Fapstronaut

    Thanks everyone for your comments. Aarondf, yes, that was the point I was raising. I wasn't suggesting it was good of bad, just that that seems to be a natural fit between men who don't want to have relationships with women in any way, and NoFap, yet I found it a little surprising that there was so little overlap.

    It is the same with MIGTOW and same-sex sexual behavior. I would have thought that engaging in exclusively gay sex would be a solution to their issues, but MIGTOWs really don't seem to talk about it. I understand that exclusively gay men are a small percentage, but the number of men who have had some sort of gay sex is actually quite large. But this never seems to arise as a topic among MIGTOWs.

    By the way, I was struck by the number of mentions of 'betas' and 'simps.' The idea of seeing men as 'winners' and 'loosers' seems to be much more of a USA phenomenon than in other English-speaking countries. Again, not a criticism, as such, just an observation.
  15. I'd never heard of MGTOW but I looked it up and it made me feel sad. So many hurt, angry people. I hope they find some peace and are able to heal from their experiences. And I hope they see that women are not incurably awful. Men and women are one people at the end of the day, all trying to navigate this complex world together.
  16. Rockhold

    Rockhold Fapstronaut

    It was only a matter of time before angry men came together and gathered a group. But I don't think being a red pill is about anger. Women, and men should not be gullible.
    LivinginRecovery likes this.
  17. thatoneguy123

    thatoneguy123 Fapstronaut

    Mgtow is not about guys who had experiences with woman and are judging all woman because of that.although some are. They see MOST modern woman are toxic and evil manipulating etc they and don't wanna play games with woman.Can we please drop this Sugar coated bs.
  18. Themadfapper

    Themadfapper Fapstronaut

    I went and checked out their site after being accused of being an MGTOW on here, lol. They have some interesting ideas, I got no problem with guys wanting to be single, I also agree there is some extreme favoritism/bias toward women in society. Spend some time in the city and I don't know how you could not develop their view of women. Guys in the city tend to be real pieces of shit as well, though.

    The problem with that site for me is the hivemind mentality of everyone having to be on the same page and not allowing alternative ideas or any kind of discussion. It's just a bunch of guys agreeing with each other spouting dogma. Kind of like liberal SJW types, but with a different dogma.
  19. thatoneguy123

    thatoneguy123 Fapstronaut

    Who needs labels and cults anyway
  20. Blackenglish2017

    Blackenglish2017 Fapstronaut

    I going to sound rude here. But it's a group of men who do not understand women and they had little or no success with women. Some of these men have mental health issues and split personality.

    But that is my opinion. I maybe wrong.