Does Anyone Code here?

Discussion in 'Off-topic Discussion' started by Conrad Aether, May 25, 2017.

  1. Conrad Aether

    Conrad Aether Fapstronaut

    Hi! I'm a first year student of Engineering, and was just wondering if anyone else here in this site coded, as in HTML, Java, C, Pascal, etc... I find that coding in C (Just doing the school assignments) really helps me keep my cool to not relapse, every time I'm feeling tempted (I only have a day of no PM but you know what I mean) I just fire off Code Blocks and write like a maniac. I think its the whole "Replace an addiction with another". But anyway, just wanted to know.

    Good luck guys!
    bunnyheartbeat likes this.
  2. thats pretty neat :+)
    im a beginner learning html and css so far
    Conrad Aether likes this.
  3. slb

    slb Fapstronaut

    Yeah, I code at work. I have used it to help on this journey too - not even coding itself, but if I start getting thoughts I don't want one technique I have used is to think about a technical problem (some aspect of a possible future hobby project and how I would go about it usually) and focus on that. This fills my head with that problem and possible solutions and drives or the unwanted thoughts.
    Chris14 likes this.
  4. Conrad Aether

    Conrad Aether Fapstronaut

    I know! that's what I was thinking about too! when I'm not home, or don't have access to a computer, I normally read some problems in my phone for school and just fill my mind with theories about how to solve it.
  5. Protagonist

    Protagonist Fapstronaut

    I am a beginner in c++. I have been doing HTML since last 4 years.
    I wanted to ask which is better java or c++? From your point of view.
  6. Conrad Aether

    Conrad Aether Fapstronaut

    Cool, I think I will have to learn C++ in the future for Class, and HTML is pretty amazing in its own right.
    To be honest with you, I wouldn't even begin to imagine which one is better than the other, although I dont think you can call one worse than the other, I believe that every programming language is created for a purpose, and for that purpose one language can be, not better as any would do the job, but easier to achieve.
    But if I can just say the first thing that comes to mind, then I believe Java is "better" as it has more uses and more versatility than C++ (Of course I tell you this knowing next to nothing about both, only with what I've heard.)
    Protagonist likes this.