Here is my Long Confession. Advice welcome, especially anyone with Depression/OCD/Anxiety/Guilt

Discussion in 'Porn Addiction' started by certainnobody2046, May 27, 2017.

  1. To thorswrath32 I'm glad that you're doing better and I'm sorry that you had to go through such a rough time to get to where you are today. I appreciate you sharing your story and I hope the urges have stopped for you and it's easier to live your life today.

    Luckily I don't ever have the urge to look any of that stuff up anymore and I don't know why I ever did it in the first place. I've always been attracted to older woman, even when I was a really young boy and into my teenage years. I just think my sex drive has always been high and that's why I've always been all over the place with what I watched/looked at. It's no excuse at all. When I was a teenager, I had this giant crush on one of my teachers and I would fantasize about her "A Lot" in my "Moments Alone." It's one of the reasons I'm so disgusted with myself because I actually don't think that I ever had as much of a "P" addiction as I did a "M" addiction. The thing is back then I would've judged someone about what they watched. I remember having a friend who I made fun of behind his back to another friend because of the porn I saw he was searching for one time. That was a lack of self awareness at the time and narcissism at its finest.

    When I was a teenager one of my best friends was a guy, who I don't think I ever found attractive, but there were times when I would stay at his house for a few days and if he would've ever wanted to I probably would've fooled around with him because that's how my sex drive was. I would have fantasies about this guy who I never looked at in that way unless I wanted to do the "deed" sometimes.

    I'm always going to condemn my actions, but the best thing about the past few years is that I know who/what I'm attracted to and having fantasies/searching for things that goes against what you like can really mess with you and if you're dealing with anxieties/OCD/guilt it can make your life a living hell.

    I know my post are long, but I just want everyone to understand that when you find that person you want to be with, please be the best you that you can be and realize that those connections are out there.
  2. CSLewis_YBOP

    CSLewis_YBOP Fapstronaut


    Thanks for sharing your story. And great to hear youve kicked your addictions.

    Have you been able to adapt back into society much -- work, social support, etc?

    Given your situation, im sure its very hard, but those things are vital to true healing, it would seem.
  3. thorswrath32

    thorswrath32 Fapstronaut NoFap Defender

    I guess i'm a bit lucky because of my age and the fact I am fairly fit these days. I'm able to work in construction, although I do have to be very careful about who I talk to and what I tell them about myself. The construction industry if you can hack it, is one of the few industries left where they don't ask too many questions, you basically turn up on time, do what you're told, work hard and show teamwork and initiative, if you can do that then you will fit in. It's not exactly a secret that many ex-cons find themselves in some kind of construction role. Getting a job is extremely tough where I'm from if you are a sex offender, not as bad as the USA, but over here you still have to answer the question on application forms 'do you have any unspent criminal convictions' well you might as well throw the application form in the bin if you see that question, trust me there is really no way you can sugar coat or mitigate the term 'sex offender'. You have to learn to adapt and be resourceful and also socially it can be difficult mainly due to the fact many of your old friends abandon you and want nothing to do with you, I'd say out of the 15 or so people that I used to be able to socialise with, I have 2 close friends that have supported me in moving on and getting over the past so I can live a better and more useful life. Most people don't see things that way unfortunately. I'd say the most important thing to maintaining the healing process is having a sense of purpose in life and people who support that purpose who are willing and able to see past the cracks.
  4. CSLewis_YBOP

    CSLewis_YBOP Fapstronaut

    I wonder if that stigma will ever alleviate in the future as porn addiction (thank you for doing God's work to get this info out there, even though Gary Wilson says he is an atheist ...) becomes more recognized as a public health issue, just as alcohol and drugs are slowly becoming to be seen. Also, due to the rise of sexting and easily accessible unregulated Internet availability with more young people and celebrities (Anthony Weiner) finding themselves on the registry.

    Regardless, it's great that you have steady work and at least a couple of close friends. That in itself goes a long way.
    FightAgainst likes this.
  5. OneWithTheUnderdogs

    OneWithTheUnderdogs Fapstronaut

    Late reply but I totally agree with this (as I do with most of your comments!)

    There's nothing wrong with being attracted to teenage girls, in fact, it could be viewed as a more natural response as it's when women are at their most fertile! If anything, being attracted to older women is stranger :')

    Most of the girls I had one night stands with back in my single, going out 3 times a week days were 18/19.

    Nothing to feel guilty about man :)
    Last edited: Jun 1, 2017