I'm a mess

Discussion in 'Loneliness' started by Ford, Jun 6, 2017.

  1. Ford

    Ford Fapstronaut

    One of the parts of myself that I don't think I've ever understood is how I can watch and look at such horrible things being done to women online, but yet I am such a softie in reality. I am maybe the most emotional guy in the world. I cry at everything, and in a relationship, all I've really wanted was to cuddle with a girl, to be intimate and romantic. Yet none of the porn I've watched or read is romantic or intimate in the slightest. It makes no sense to me. I almost feel like a completely different person watching porn, a person who I hate when I am myself.
    I haven't dated or had a serious relationship in about 2 years at this point. The parts I miss aren't the making out or the kissing (never gotten farther than that, don't really want to at this point), but I just miss knowing a girl on a really intimate level, and having someone know me on that same level.
    I have this terrible problem of fantasizing about potential girls, and not even on a sexual level. When I meet a girl for the first time, I think ahead to dating and cuddling and talking and all the things I really want, and I become attached to this dream of a girl that I've created in my head. I become so attached, and when the dream fades, I get so depressed.
    I've always wanted a storybook romance, to fall in love at first sight. The last time I tried to date, it was with this girl that I had always seen around campus, and even though I had never talked to her, I was drawn to her in this completely inexplicable manner. In my head, it was a movie; we were soul mates. So I waited for my opportunity to meet my destiny. We ended up taking Calc 2 together, a complete coincidence. Eventually, I was brave enough to ask her to do homework together. It seemed to go well; she was really cute and shy, which I really like in a girl. We did homework together another few times before I decided I would ask her out to coffee.
    She had a boyfriend, she said.
    She apologized, said she was sorry if she had led me on.
    That was a few months ago. I haven't found anyone else I'm even really that interested in, no one who really makes me to try and fall in love again.
    I'm scared of love, but scared to be alone too.
    Mixtec and Deleted Account like this.
  2. dico888

    dico888 Fapstronaut

    That's because you are not your addiction. Just see it as a drug-addict, he will steal, lie, deceive and do about anything to get his shot.
    I'm sure you didn't start watching these 'horrible' things, but started with vanilla, soft porn as most of us did. However, that shot isn't enough anymore at some point, so your brain will trick you into doing anything to get it's shot. Some people even reach to gay or transgendered person porn, despite they aren't even gay. And that is because they are not their addiction. The addiction is leading it's own life it seems sometimes.

    And yes, I'm also looking for something romantic, but that's because I used to fill this 'hole' with PMO for years. Now that I don't do that anymore, I'm looking for intimacy somewhere else.
    She seems like a nice girl. Maybe you haven't found anyone else because you are still fixated on her?
    jest likes this.
  3. ImprovPls

    ImprovPls Fapstronaut

    First of all, take my advice with a pinch of salt. I have been there brother. I sat alone crying and desperately wanting a girlfriend. Sometimes, went back to porn (eg. JOI or where the girl talks a lot to the camera). I realized something. You are putting women and relationships first. That is not the way. You put 'you' first. So, got trouble finding girls? Work on yourself. So, got trouble finding sex? Work on yourself. So, got .... you get the point.

    I have to break your "bubble". Relationships aren't the fantasy you are currently, thinking of. It is sadly about subtle manipulation. You got to make things sexual. As a man, you are controlling the relationship. Think about it. The alpha males in movies. How do they portray themselves? How is the relationship like? Girls can be evil B**** too. I have been with one shitty girl before. I learnt it the hard way. Do you want to go through the same thing as me? Your choice.

    You are till in the early stages of rebooting. Wait for one month. You will see the new 'you'.
    At that stage, you will feel different and empowered.
    Just hang in there brother.
    Deleted Account and dico888 like this.
  4. Have you ever heard of psychology termin false self? It usually appears after some traumas and takes the place of your true self, and the true self is meant to be happy and feel peace and joy and must control - lead your life. So basically, it's not we, who are doing the things we hate, but our false selves.
    I'm not religious, I was, but if I remember well apostle Paul has explained very well about this concept, it sounds like - It's not me who is comitting something which is bad, which I hate, but a sin which lives in me. You can say something similar about some people who all there lives lived under the oppresive ideology, like soviet, or eastern communist - You just can't make difference between true or false statements, because of ideology seeds, which were planted in your psychology from the very young age.
    Basically, with porn happens the same - Self-destructive seeds of addiction have found roots in your brain, so it's not you anymore, but your addiction makes things you hate.
    But it can be solved! Try your best to destroy your addictions and find their reasons - maybe it's early childhood trauma, or some bad experience you are trying to forget with porn. Romantic relationtips will come, they always come.
  5. Bearish

    Bearish Fapstronaut

    You're very young. Don't ever give up hope because your entire life will change several times at least over the next twenty years...and more.

    So in addition to all the good counsel here, remember that when you are whole and healthy, it becomes easier to connect with other whole and healthy people. Which is not to say that there is no brokenness. In my experience, when you meet the one who will be with you for life, a lot of the bonding comes over time through sharing the scars of life.

    Keep the faith. Wonderful things await as you journey to your new life.
    Ford, Deleted Account and chastedude like this.
  6. Ford

    Ford Fapstronaut

    At this point, I'm not really fixated on her specifically I would say. I was for really long time fixated on this girl that I had dated and grown really close to. She had been one of my best friends before dating, and she was someone I actually shared everything with, including my porn problems, and she was extremely understanding. I at least thought we were pretty close, and I got ahead of myself. She broke up with me for reasons I still don't entirely understand.

    If I still fixate about anyone, its her. I used to not be able to go a day with thinking about her and regretting opening my heart up to someone just to have it broken so easily. I've considered myself over her for about a year at this point, but I find myself still thinking about her and reminiscing from time to time
  7. Bearish

    Bearish Fapstronaut

    Being gay is so much simpler than this...just sayin'....
  8. ImprovPls

    ImprovPls Fapstronaut

    It does not help him brother.
  9. Bearish

    Bearish Fapstronaut

    It was a facetious comment--I apologize. I'm bewildered sometimes by how complex relations seem to be between man and women. I'm just glad to be who I am. :)
  10. Ford

    Ford Fapstronaut

    Haha I took no offense or anything at your comment, no worries.

    Also, I may have overstated myself a little bit. I tend to get in moods, and I made this forum when I was in a lonely, sad mood. Right now, I am very content, and I can look back at my relationships, even the ones that didn't come to fruition, and by happy and content with them. Being alone, at times, is good. I think most creatively and with more perspective when I am by myself. However, I also can get absorbed in thought and be overdramatic and say things like "I'm scared to love." I'm really not; honestly, I'm pretty excited about the prospect of dating again at some point. But I'm trying to be patient so I can find someone who is really right for me. I just sometimes forget that, and all your great responses helped me a little to remember that.