I'm thinking of going back to porn

Discussion in 'Porn Addiction' started by Hornykid, Jun 13, 2017.

  1. Hornykid

    Hornykid Fapstronaut

    Actually if I lost my virginity hopefully the girl would care enough to keep it an ongoing thing.
  2. Hornykid

    Hornykid Fapstronaut

    Anybody can't get sex. Girls my age get offended when guys just want sex. I used to try and get sex.
  3. I'm going to chime in here again. First off, and I'm only going to say it one more time: The best thing you can do right now is quit self-sexual pleasure. There, that basically covers everything self related.

    I know there's a lot of people here saying that he won't feel any different if he loses his virginity, but I beg to differ. I lost mine several months ago at 21, and I'm going to be entirely honest. I felt a huge weight lift off my shoulders. Sex and self sexual pleasure are worlds apart, regardless if one night stand or not. There is just something about self sexual pleasure that is so detrimental and evil.

    If the virginity thing is bothering you that badly, like it did with me, get it off your shoulders. From there, you will finally realize that sex wan't everything it was cracked out to be, and a real genuine relationship is so much better. However, you must quit self sexual pleasure. You are at cross roads between heaven and hell, figuratively. Trust me, you do not want to wind up in that 'hell.' It sucks.
  4. Hornykid

    Hornykid Fapstronaut

    Anybody can't get sex. Any girl can, but the fact that you had to turn it on me and say that I'm talking to them wrong is the reason why any guy can't get sex.
  5. Oh dear God help this boy.
    RedPillRebooter likes this.
  6. The Ox

    The Ox Fapstronaut

    My young friend, don't even think about it. PMO will destroy you. Soon or later that libido will be gone and you'll be experiencing bad ED. I'm 28 years old and I was addicted to PMO for 14 years. I quit last year and I've been clean for about 370 days now. But I'm still struggling with the side effects of PMO. ED, especially, continues to plague me. I have a girlfriend but I can't even have sex with her because of my ED. Please don't dare watch porn or mastubate ever again. Stop it for good.
  7. Geeze, this whole website, and the NoFap as a whole, is sinking like the Titanic. But I see the silver lining in it all: Just about every guy is going to have a dead dick in five years and their partners will no longer want them, then I'll be in business, along with those who stayed true to nofap.
  8. Hornykid

    Hornykid Fapstronaut

    The girls my age don't want just sex. I don't want to date them I just want sex.
  9. Hornykid

    Hornykid Fapstronaut

    If anyone can have sex then why do you say girls don't want sex with me? This is all the more reason to go back to porn, porn is always there and pussy isn't. But hey you hardcore nofappers have all the answers.
  10. Wisdom is knowing how little you know. Your mind is so full of negative, demonic garbage to the point where it's making me cringe.
  11. Hornykid

    Hornykid Fapstronaut

    Alright guys whatever I'm going back to porn. I don't care for girls anymore.
  12. The Ox

    The Ox Fapstronaut

    Kid, I was in your position once and I know what you're talking about. I wanted a girl to have sex with but I couldn't get one. Every time I tried, they turned me down. I guess I didn't have the confidence or the skills to woo a girl. I therefore opted for porn and mastubation. I did that for 14 years and it destroyed me. I no longer have problems getting girls. It's so easy for me now. The problem is that I can't have sex with them because of my ED. What a shame.
    Please forget about porn. Try as hard as you can to get a girlfriend and have sex with her. Don't masturbate. You'll destoy your future.
    Matrix Intel likes this.
  13. If Hornykid is returning to P, it's his choice and will not effect my life. But I see that Hornykid in this thread is doing everything to make people feel bad. And that is the dilemma. Confusion is contagious. Welcome to my ignore list.
  14. Hornykid

    Hornykid Fapstronaut

    If anyone can have sex especially people under 17 I wouldn't have even started porn. The thing is that you aren't 17 and probably haven't been for a while now and now girls get their kicks off of social media likes and they don't need sex to feel good. I am done with you guys I understand that I am just a pathetic virgin. I'm not like this in real life I hide my sexual frustration it's just when people like you get off on saying shit like that it annoys me. I'm not of age to go to clubs so there is no easy way to get sex. At least porn ruined my sex drive, because having a high sex drive without having sex is shitty.
  15. Welcome to my ignore list as well.
  16. SnowWhite

    SnowWhite Fapstronaut

    Self-Lie #1

    Of course you want.
  17. SnowWhite

    SnowWhite Fapstronaut

    Well, a person can change! But I admit, to change from a negative to a positve person takes years. It goes step by step.
    Born_For_War likes this.
  18. FindingAName

    FindingAName Banned User

    thanks for bringing all these posts including mine, really shows what HornyKid is trying to do ^^, i believe he wants help but he wants a quick fix/easy solution. and since he cant get that easy solution from us he decides to say he will go to porn until someone suggests the most lazy cba solution ever
    GG2002 likes this.
  19. Hornykid

    Hornykid Fapstronaut

    No I'm aromantic
  20. YngwieWanksteen

    YngwieWanksteen Fapstronaut

    @Hornykid you'll always be welcome here. The advice and different viewpoints are here. Hopefully the seed is planted in you. We don't stop trying to help people just because they don't get it or are unable to see it.

    Honestly, I was exactly like you when I was 17 and I couldn't be told different, so I understand how you feel and that simply giving you advice may not get through. I guess it goes without saying maybe you just have live your life and learn the same things those of us older than you did. Pain is a great teacher someone said.

    We're all on a different journey. Maybe you have to experiment with porn more, but you can always come back.
    Deleted Account and GG2002 like this.