NoFap vs. prostate cancer: Are the potential benefits of ejaculation real? A summary.

Discussion in 'Porn Addiction' started by IR254, Jun 17, 2017.

  1. IR254

    IR254 Fapstronaut

    Here on NoFap there are often discussions about, whether abstaining from orgasm for a period of time is increasing the risk of getting prostate cancer or not.

    I was really interested in the topic, because I was quite worried for a long time myself. I wasn’t sure, if I shouldn’t just cum once in a while in order to decrease my risk. A lot of people on NoFap say, the theory, that abstaining from orgasm is increasing the risk of prostate cancer, is bullshit. Others say, a man, who doesn’t cum every day, will die of prostate cancer. I was confused by these very different theories. As a result, I wanted to learn about the (potential) benefits of frequent ejaculation regarding to prostate cancer.

    I read scientific papers and articles about the topic and learned more. In this post want to share a summary.

    How many people suffer/suffered from prostate cancer?

    The first question I asked myself was “How many people actually get prostate cancer in their life?”. So I tried to find answers.

    According to different statistics, there will be around 161.360 new cases of prostate cancer in America this year (2017).[1] In Germany, there are around 60.000 new cases every year on average.[2] In the UK, there were around 46.700 new cases in 2014.[3]

    The overall risk of getting prostate cancer at some point in your life is at around 14%.[4] This number is quite high, making it the third most common type of cancer.[5]

    But the good news is, that around 98% of all affected men, survive 5 years or longer![6]

    Also: The average age of men, suffering from prostate cancer is 66. The risk for men under 40 is almost 0%![7]

    What are risk factors of prostate cancer?

    The second question I asked, was what are typical risk factors of prostate cancer? This are the most important risk factors according to experts, but there are a whole lot more:[8]

    - Age

    - Prostate cancer cases in your family

    - Overall health condition

    Can ejaculation help to decrease the risk to suffer from prostate cancer?

    This is probably the most important question for us NoFappers. Are we increasing our risk by abstaining from orgasm or not?

    In one study, “29 342 US men aged 46 to 81 years, provided information on history of ejaculation frequency on a self-administered questionnaire in 1992 and responded to follow-up questionnaires every 2 years to 2000. Ejaculation frequency was assessed by asking participants to report the average number of ejaculations they had per month during the ages of 20 to 29 years, 40 to 49 years, and during the past year (1991).”[9]

    The study showed, that “most categories of ejaculation frequency were unrelated to risk of total prostate cancer.”[10]

    However, a lower risk was observed in the highest category of ejaculation frequency. The study found, that the risk for men who reported 21 ejaculations per month, was decreased by 33% compared to men, who only reported 4 to 7 ejaculations per month.[11]

    An update on the study in the year 2016 said, that the risk of getting prostate cancer was around 20-25% lower, for men, who had 21 ejaculations per month compared to men, who had 4-7 ejaculations per month.[12]

    However, the risk of 0-3 ejaculations where also around 13% lower in the age range of 40-49 compared to men, who ejaculated 4-7 times per month in this age range. The risk for people in their 20s with 0-3 ejaculations per month was around 3% lower, than men in the same age range, who had 4-7 ejaculations on average. [13]

    Another study done in Australia found similar results: “Those who reported an average of four to five or more ejaculations per week had two-thirds the risk compared with those who, on average, ejaculated less than three times per week.”[14]

    So these studies suggest the assumption, that ejaculation can in fact reduce the risk of getting prostate cancer at some point in your life.

    Another study done in 2008, however, found, that “[a]lone, frequent masturbation activity was a marker for increased risk in the 20s and 30s but appeared to be associated with a decreased risk in the 50s, while intercourse activity alone was not associated with the disease.”[15]

    So, what do we take from this? My own personal thought while reading this was “Maybe just sex alone reduces the risk of getting prostate cancer for some reason”. Maybe masturbation isn’t as good as sex regarding to decreasing prostate cancer risk. This is also supported by the last study.

    The first two studies combined sex, nocturnal emissions and masturbation in their results as “ejaculations”. The 2008 study did split them up. This could be an important fact, but it could also be useless. Further scientific investigation has to happen, before anyone can be sure.

    Will we all die from prostate cancer now?

    Probably not. Well, no one knows, if we are ever gonna die from prostate cancer in the future, but the chance is quite low. Here is why:

    Although the percentage of men, suffering from prostate cancer, is quite high, the numbers of lethal cases is extremely low (as I already said in the beginning). So, we shouldn’t worry too much!

    Also, the percentage of prostate cancer is (almost) non-existent for men under 40 and a lot of us on NoFap are younger. So, our risk is basically very slim either way.

    Another aspect to keep in mind is, that most of us will probably not abstain from orgasm for the rest of our life’s. We will probably have a healthy sexual life after recovering from porn-induced problems. So, our NoOrgasm-phase is rather short compared to our life span. I doubt, that a few months of abstaining will increase the risk significantly.

    Should I cum once in a while to have the benefits of ejaculation?

    Nah, you shouldn’t. It simple: The positive effects of ejaculation were there at 21 ejaculations per month. That would be a lot of relapses. Way too many to heal from this addiction. If you cum just a few times per month, you won’t experience the benefits at all, so why throw away progress regarding to NoPMO? I think there is no reason.


    The benefits of frequent ejaculation regarding to prostate cancer risk seem to be real. Frequent means 21 ejaculations per month.

    However, a lower number of ejaculations didn’t show an increased risk of getting prostate cancer.

    Also the risk of prostate cancer for men under 40 is almost 0% anyway. Also, it is not deadly in 98% of the cases.

    So, don’t worry too much. Abstaining from orgasm for a couple of months, will probably not kill you in the long run.








    [8] Interdisziplinäre Leitlinie der Qualität S3 zur Früherkennung, Diagnose und Therapie der verschiedenen Stadien des Prostatakarzinoms, Langfassung. URL:;

    [9] Leitzmann MF, Platz EA, Stampfer MJ, et al. Ejaculation Frequency and Subsequent Risk of Prostate Cancer. Journal of the American Medical Association


    [10] Leitzmann MF, Platz EA, Stampfer MJ, et al. Ejaculation Frequency and Subsequent Risk of Prostate Cancer. Journal of the American Medical Association


    [11] Leitzmann MF, Platz EA, Stampfer MJ, et al. Ejaculation Frequency and Subsequent Risk of Prostate Cancer. Journal of the American Medical Association


    [11] Leitzmann MF, Platz EA, Stampfer MJ, et al. Ejaculation Frequency and Subsequent Risk of Prostate Cancer. Journal of the American Medical Association


    [12] Rider JA, Wilson KM, Sinnott JA, Kelly RS, Mucci LA, Giovannucci EL Ejaculation Freuquency and Risk of Prostate Cancer: Updated Results with an Addictional Decade of Follow-Up


    [13] Rider JA, Wilson KM, Sinnott JA, Kelly RS, Mucci LA, Giovannucci EL Ejaculation Freuquency and Risk of Prostate Cancer: Updated Results with an Addictional Decade of Follow-Up


    [14] Giles GG, Severi G, English ER, et al. Sexual Factors and Prostate Cancer.


    [15] Dimitropoulou P, Lophatananon A, Easton D, Pocock R, Dearnaley DP, Guy M, Edwards S, O’Brien L, Hall A, Wilkinson R Sexual activity and prostate cancer risk in men diagnosed at a younger age

  2. It's one of those urban myths isn't it, someone reads a snippet of a study possibly one undertaken on a small number of people, then it's blown out of proportion. I think it's like all this diet advice, in the 70's, fat was the no1 enemy and now it's sugar and then you look at all the other fad diets going around and you realise all this stuff should be taken with a 'pinch of salt' so to speak. People make throw away comments all the time and quote them as fact without doing any actual research or study of the information they are talking about. I think if a persons reason for continuing PMO is because they are afraid of prostate cancer, then they are lying to themselves, i'm pretty sure any medical doctor will tell you that whether you masturbate or not has no real impact on your susceptability for prostate cancer.
    Aryaa21 likes this.
  3. I Free I

    I Free I Guest

    Interesting . Thank You .
  4. dnice2012

    dnice2012 Fapstronaut

    Fuck them and their study , I dont care ( no disrespect)
    Matrix Intel likes this.
  5. I would happily rather die a slow death of prostate cancer before I go back to that hell. This is to the grave.
    thorswrath32 and dnice2012 like this.
  6. dnice2012

    dnice2012 Fapstronaut

    give me the prostate cancer , matter of fact, I rather die then die as a loser addicted to porn .
    thorswrath32 and Matrix Intel like this.
  7. To make matters worse, there's hundreds of natural proven ways to cure cancer. The whole thing is a joke really.
  8. Combatfearitself

    Combatfearitself Fapstronaut

    Water fast + weed will cure cancer. They wont tell you that because water is free and weed will make you a better human being, none of which will make them money.
    Matrix Intel likes this.
  9. Hard gainer

    Hard gainer Fapstronaut

    I don't care if die at age of sixty due to prostate cancer. Because in most countries average life span is less than 65. And also I would have completed living a healthy and better life before 60s. So it doesn't bother me to die at age of above 60. It is 100 times better to die at 60 than to live the whole life as pmo addict.
    Aryaa21 and Matrix Intel like this.
  10. This is old. There are new researches and studies which prove absolute no relation between number of ejaculations and prostate cancer.
    Aryaa21 and Matrix Intel like this.
  11. IR254

    IR254 Fapstronaut

    I didn't find any. I would like to include them in my post. Do you know, where I can find these?
  12. Unvers

    Unvers Fapstronaut

    I visited an urologyst a couple of days ago and he said my prostate was enlarged because of abstinence, I knew the body had a system for recycling sperm without having a prostate congestion but now I am worried, he advised me to masturbate every day and to have sex regularly, I don't think absolutely I will follow his advice.
  13. The_Monk

    The_Monk Guest

    Just an excuse
    FeelingDoomed likes this.
  14. Aryaa21

    Aryaa21 Fapstronaut

    Absolutely right man!
    Vivekanand also use to say don't worry about you future risk, make your present better and better..
    Hard gainer likes this.