Why to stop watching porn at early age?

Discussion in 'Porn Addiction' started by Edin_Rempulse, Jun 20, 2017.

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  1. Edin_Rempulse

    Edin_Rempulse Fapstronaut

    So yea, I am almost 19 years old and I started watching porn and masturbating when I was 10. At the beginning, it was all fun. Few times a week was enough for me, it all changed fast.
    For the past couple of years I used to masturbate few times a day, my personal record is 7 times and my life is a complete disaster. Instead of going out with my friends, I stayed in my house to watch porn and masturbate. I canceled few dates just so I can stay in my room and beat my meat. I developed 0 social skills over past 10 years and I have really bad social anxiety and depression. I realized that porn and masturbation is like a drug to me after I watched few videos my "friends" sent me as a joke.
    Now at the age of 19, I finally decided to change my life. I'll stop masturbating and watch porn overall, I'll go out and talk people. I hope this will change the way I look at girls. I feel like I really need someone in my life and I simply used porn to hide that.
    Wish me good luck and I wish you good luck too :)

    If this is happening to you, you should stop masturbating and watching porn overall.
    A lot of people reported that they have more energy and their social skills improved since they stopped.

    TL: DR
    Decided to stop masturbating because I am a 19 years old virgin, who because of porn never developed any social skills, got social anxiety, depression and I feel guilty all the time. I realized that porn is doing this to me after watching few videos and now I finally decided to change my life.
    Hardboiled24 and Marcel0404 like this.
  2. theshift

    theshift Fapstronaut

    I wish you the best of luck! It's great that you made the decision.
  3. Good luck!
    Welcome to the NOfap community. Maybe you want to make some commitment and start your NO PMO journey. Will not be easy but worth the effort. You will enjoy the benefits of abstinence.
  4. Edin_Rempulse

    Edin_Rempulse Fapstronaut

    I already am on NO PMO for 5 days now, I'll try to hit 1 month and then to infinity and above :D
    Marcel0404 likes this.
  5. Being young gives you an advantage, some of us have been watching porn for over 20 years, and we have a harder time healing. Young people should avoid damaging their brains in the first place.