
Discussion in 'Loneliness' started by FindingAName, Jun 23, 2017.

  1. FindingAName

    FindingAName Banned User

    i usually write smart well fought threads but this time? Not really. There's just pretty much EVERYTHING in my life that's wrong.
    I have social anxiety depression lack of confidence lack of emotion lack of motivation lack of empathy I abuse animals I hate my life I hate it when I see couples all happy. I want to murder those people. I have a lot of things but I can hardly remember a lot of it, there's so much wrong and I'm tired of trying to explain it, just EVERYTHING in my life Feels screwed. I can't think straight I can't find any specific reason as to why I feel like this because everything I list off all plays the tiny roles and there's so many tiny roles it's adding up to a colossal problem. I keep rambling or going off track because I want to TRY to explain how fucked it is for me but I can't find the right words to explain how dire my situation is. Goodbye. Maybe this is my last post. Maybe tonight is the night I escapes life's dirty grasp and jump into the arms of death. Or maybe I will live to see tommorow. Tomorrow is a new day, only to be ruined by all my problems. Bye, hope u found,y thread somewhat funny or just any emotion. Because if you have emotions, good for you
  2. Please talk to a suicide hotline. Don't commit suicide. You do have a purpose. Please also look into therapy.
    Nikolai and sparkywantsnoPMO like this.
  3. FindingAName

    FindingAName Banned User

    I'm too ashamed to tell my parents and I can't get therapy without them knowing. Hotlines are the worst. They can't sympathies with you. And they lie to keep you in the prison known as life
  4. Well, instead of focusing on others. Focus on self improvement. Keep improving yourself and the right things will happen. Do you have any goals?
  5. sparkywantsnoPMO

    sparkywantsnoPMO NoFap Moderator & Yeoman

    Your last post, I shared some resources. I hope you are willing to reach out and try support, as every person, every life has worth.

    Have you checked your state / locality laws? Many will prohibit releasing your record to your parents based on your age. Depending on if they take you, all they'll know is that you saw a therapist. Not why. You could also goto an emergency room and get screened.
  6. sparkywantsnoPMO

    sparkywantsnoPMO NoFap Moderator & Yeoman

    As I'm perusing the site, I found a random Fapstronaut who just wrote about suicide. May I share it?
  7. ShaunyThunder

    ShaunyThunder Fapstronaut

    I know where you are at. Last night I was actually there myself. I'm on a ship in the middle of the ocean heading for home. I'm exhausted from work, I have no friends on this ship, the only contact to the people who actually might care about me is through a computer, and I've had people tell me that they wished I was dead I and have no idea why.
    The most cliched for me to say is that if you kill yourself, you won't give yourself a chance to recover. Its true though.
    All of my life I have wanted nothing more than to end my life. for seven years, I have held a knife to my neck and never did it. I've lost all of my friends, done terrible things, but I held out hope that something would come through and save me. I found God and he saved me from myself.
    I'm not going preach to you, but understand that there are people out there who love you, even when you don't believe it. There are people out there who would hold you on their shoulders if you would only just let them. I've had old friends tell me that when I shocked them with everything I had to say.

    You can have a life if you just fight for it. It doesn't have to end here. Give yourself a chance.
    Last edited: Jun 23, 2017
  8. FindingAName

    FindingAName Banned User

    I have no goals I have no will to live. How can I improve what is already broken? It's pointless
  9. FindingAName

    FindingAName Banned User

    Therapy? I would have to tell my parents and I DONT want them to know
  10. Self improvement is the key to one of the keys to a good life. What hobbies do you like? What are some things that interested you in the past?
  11. Runtilmylegsdropoff

    Runtilmylegsdropoff Fapstronaut

    Sounds like you're suffering from severe brain fog; I know because your words are similar to the things I felt.
  12. FindingAName

    FindingAName Banned User

    From what I see here I need to believe in god to make this better? Look I'm not a believer but I'm also not going to hate on you for believing. I. Glad we are on same terms for how we feel. Follow me please
  13. FindingAName

    FindingAName Banned User

    I just played games, even before all of this I never really liked socialising. Just playing games was my only friend
  14. FindingAName

    FindingAName Banned User

    Can you please explain this brain fog effect in detail please?
  15. You're not interested in sports or writing or something?
  16. ShaunyThunder

    ShaunyThunder Fapstronaut

    I found my reason to live in God. Its up to you to figure out your reason. The key is that you never stop looking.
    sparkywantsnoPMO likes this.
  17. Hajile

    Hajile Fapstronaut

    I am sorry that you feel this way. Suicide has become an epidemic in modern society, killing primarily the young and middle aged by the thousands. I am telling you, as well as statistics, that you are not alone. The statistics also show that the large majority of people that are suicidal never end up attempting suicide, and most of the people that attempt suicide end up not dying. Telling someone in person that you at the very least are dealing with depression would not be the end of the world. I dealt with it ever since my parents' divorce and what my biological father put me through. I admitted to many members of my church my age that I was having trouble dealing with it. Only after that I have started finding healing from it. If you have a supportive enough group, no harm will come to you. If your parents love you, keeping this from them does not do any good, and they are most likely capable of getting you the help that you need. Thanks for reading this.
    Hardboiled24 likes this.
  18. Give yourself a year to piece your life back together. If nothing improves, then consider killing yourself. Take it step by step, just give it a chance bro.
    The_Monk and pricelesswish like this.
  19. InfinitePossibilities

    InfinitePossibilities Fapstronaut

    In my country suicide is at the first place of death causes for people aged 25-29.

    Every living being will come to an end by death. That's 100% guaranteed . Why be in such a hurry?
  20. Vilcox

    Vilcox Fapstronaut
