Prayer request

For Fapstronauts of the Catholic Christian Faith

  1. StephenUK

    StephenUK Guest


    I'm new to Nofap, so bear with me, but I wondered if I could ask some folks to include me in their prayers?

    Think I'm around 10 days into a no PM streak, and my brain has decided to turn itself into its own movie theatre of all the filth I've watched over the last 20 odd years...

    It's like it's starting to starve, and it's reaching out into my memories of porn (like a body would burn up fat) because I'm not feeding it any new stuff!

    The temptations are really strong, so I'm going to pray to Our Lady and ask her to intercede. If any of you guys could pray for me as well, it would be much appreciated.

    My brain / the enemy is trying to tell me that PM isn't really that bad, it's not worth feeling ill about, I can always go to confession, no one really expects people to stop completely, God's fine with it as long as you gave it your best shot, it's the lesser of evils if the alternative is burning with lustful thoughts, etc etc! Arggh.

    Hail Mary, full of grace...
    LeoJohn, Agatha and sparkywantsnoPMO like this.
  2. James02

    James02 Fapstronaut

    I will think of you when I pray. You are starving b/c you may be lacking meaningful strategies to cope & self-sooth. No PMO is giving up PMO & replacing it with something positive. You may also be experiencing withdrawal symptoms. So be mindful of what the source of the temptation is, so you can fight with the correct sword in hand.
  3. LavaMe

    LavaMe Fapstronaut

    I try to make sure I pray for all those at NoFap or who are involved in or impacted by porn. Unfortunately I can neglect my prayers. And when I don't pray I don't do as well.
  4. StephenUK

    StephenUK Guest

    Thanks guys. I think the withdrawal thing is probably hitting me hard at the moment. The last couple of streaks I attempted both ended with my fingers quickly opening a private browser and typing in a P url - in just a few seconds - while I was protesting out loud that I didn't want them to! Sounds ridiculous but I can't explain it, it was like controlling my fingers was lifting a weight, and after weeks of no PM I just reached the point were I had to drop the weight cos my muscles had no more in them. Feel like I'm getting to that stage again now. Will have a read about better coping strategies and just keep praying. Cheers.
  5. StephenUK

    StephenUK Guest

    By the way, the fact that PMO over 20 odd years has got me in this state just makes me more angry and determined not to let it back in control again.
    James02 likes this.
  6. LavaMe

    LavaMe Fapstronaut

    I know that feeling. For me part of it is a sense of being entitled to PMO. If I abstain long enough I think I'm entitled to a reward of PMO. Generalized it is if I've been good long enough then I can be bad. Obviously this is terrible thinking.
  7. James02

    James02 Fapstronaut

    One strategy is to identify, throughout the day, anytime you are at a state of HALT/BLAST. Then discover the best reaction for that emotion, that works for you. This times time & practice. It won't happen overnight.

    As you find yourself feeding your real needs, the urges to feed them un-naturally (aka PMO) can be less aggressive. Example: When tired, take a quick nap. When hungry: eat something healthy, not junk food. When stressed: self-care, like go listen to music. When hurt emotionally, find the root cause & address it properly, don't bury the emotion internally. Sex addicts are perfect at just going to PMO when they are experiencing pain.
    impin09 and LavaMe like this.
  8. StephenUK

    StephenUK Guest

    Thanks James02, I hadn't heard of those terms before - HALT / BLAST - they pretty much sum me up most of the time! Dealing with the root causes isn't so straightforward though, and I think I'm just resigned to the fact I'm going to be feeling pretty miserable and lonely for much of the time. I can see now how PMO was my go to coping mechanism. There's a lot of stuff like work, marriage, etc that I'm not feeling great about at the moment and loneliness / depression are pretty constant feelings. Don't know how I can fix those, but at least I know now that PMO isn't the answer.
  9. Agatha

    Agatha Fapstronaut

    I found your post and it touched me a lot. I am new to (one day on this site). Yes, I will pray for you particularly. Prayer is so powerful. Sometimes it helps me to get over the urge to act out by remembering who is praying for me.
