Post published by IDK JUST JOHN

Ok, I'll remember to write once a day about my progress.
By now I've been 20 days without fapping and watching porn but I have a doubt xd. Watching anime (not ecchi) that sometimes appear that random sexual references, counts as watching porn? I'm really serious about it xd.
Halyan2911 more_vert
I can't say anything on that. But before I started this challenge I when I was not able to find the right type of porn I would search anime and look for exactly those scenes you are talking about. So you may have to decide it yourself. If it is a trigger then I'll suggest you not to watch it.
IDK JUST JOHN likes this.
Anant Tanwar more_vert
Anant Tanwar
Anything that triggers your urges is porn. Years back I could have easily watched Game of Thrones, But now knowing it would trigger my urges I have to avoid it.
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