100 days flatline - need some hope!!!

Discussion in 'Porn Addiction' started by Stargate23, Jan 23, 2023.

  1. Stargate23

    Stargate23 Fapstronaut

    I am 41, and I was quite deep in that shit for around 30y. Started from magazines and VHS, finished at transgender and sissy stuff. I was PMOing few times a week but still was able to have quite normal sexual life with my wife for all that years. After starting NoFap I feel numb in my pants. I was having some spontaneous erections quite often before starting and now It never happens. I feel like I lost a big part of myself and an the moment I feel like I was much happier before NoFap.

    Started NoFap in July but since flatline hits me hard I've tested my buddy few times on some adult content. I did not know a shit about flatline unfortunately. No PMO since July but since I have been testing myself so I cancel my counter and started again at the beginning of October.

    Flatline was more and more intense every day. At that time I met a great girl and since I did not want to disappoint her I was using some ED pills. It was helping for some time, but I had the filling that it's helping less and less every time I use it.

    Anyway, that relationship is finished and I am alone for about a month now and on hard mode since than.

    I must admit that NoFap made a lot of positive changes in my life

    going to gym 3 times a week (never been on the gym befor NoFap),

    jogging 2-3 times a week,

    taking cold showers

    trying to meditate

    taking supplements – magnesium, maca, ashwaganda, vit e, vit d, Omaga 3, Gaba+L-arganina

    Eating healthy food

    Stopped watching TV, reduced social media a lot.

    I reduced alcohol and weed to almost zero, been drinking beer every day before NoFap

    (now few beers and a hit every 2 weeks maybe),

    reduced coffee to few cups a week, drinking a lot of water.

    I lost almost 20kg and never been in such a good phisical form in my entire life. I look like a young god... there is just one small but...

    My libido is still almost non existent and starting to lose hope that it will return one day.

    This makes ma really depressed and I have it in my head 24/7. This is the first thing I am thinking about in the morning and the last one befor falling asleep. I am thinking about it even when accidentally woke up in the middle of the night. I have it at my head almost all the time and it makes me crazy. Can't focus on anything...

    I am having nocturnal erections and morning wood almost every day.

    At the beginning it was weak and short now I am very often 110% hard for a hour in the middle of the night so I guess it's a kind progress...

    My mood is also overall better than it was a month or two ago when I had some panic attacks and could not breathe, could not sleep at all and had suicidal thoughts on a daily basis.

    I am 100% sure I will never watch P again in my life. Firstly I am not even thinking about it and the second thing is that now I know how dangerous this shit is.

    2022 was very hard for me. My dad died in May, my wife left me in June, then a girlfriend left me in December but I am still trying to be positive and I believe in healing process.

    Is it still a hope that I will get my libido back and would be able to have normal sex again.

    Fuck, I don't want to spend the rest of my life alone....
    Mike1991, ekoile and Xue Hua Piao like this.
  2. OhWhenThe

    OhWhenThe Fapstronaut

    It will pass but it can take a while, the fact that you're getting strong nocturnal/morning wood is a positive sign. How are your dreams? If you start getting extremely vivid sexual dreams then libido won't be far behind. It's a good thing that you're not in a relationship now, it seriously screws with the reboot and I hardly ever see guys succeed this way. Do not test it. You don't eat food to test if you're hungry or not, your brain and stomach will tell you. The same will happen with your libido.
    ekoile and Anonymous86 like this.
  3. Stargate23

    Stargate23 Fapstronaut

    Thanks for giving me some hope. Had some vivid sexual dreams few times and a kind of twisted porn dream once two weeks ago. I am actually heaving some weird vivid dreams very often but not always sexual.
    I will never ever test myself. As I said I am done with porn shit. I just want my libido back to get a real woman.
  4. Jsjhon

    Jsjhon Fapstronaut

    hello friend, excuse my english. I would like to know why you say that guys with a partner have more trouble recovering? I want to know how this changes things and how I could deal with it. thanks for your answer.
  5. Peacelooker

    Peacelooker Fapstronaut

  6. Peacelooker

    Peacelooker Fapstronaut

    You sound fearful of being alone and not having sex or losing your ability to perform, and losing dopamine . You are ok , u don’t need porn , and the monster is working on you to use ! Remember nothing better than being guilt free and not being a slave . Regardless of physiology
  7. Stargate23

    Stargate23 Fapstronaut

    Yes, I am freaking out about my ability to perform. I feel like I won't be normal again. I am having daily 110 % strong and long nocturnal erection and morning wood but still never any erection during the day
  8. Hello Stargate! Thank you for sharing your story, it was great to read and it sounds like you have come so far in self-improvement and changing your life for the better. Your statement,

    "I am 100% sure I will never watch P again in my life"

    I found so powerful, that is such an achievement that I know 100% of us on NoFap would love to earnestly say! I found that very moving. Anyways, I think that sex, libido, ejaculation, and all of those things are hard-wired into us by our external influences, like the media etc, to make us believe that these are the "be all, end all" of life. It makes us feel that all of life ultimately leads us to sex and ejaculation and all of these things, but in fact it's only a part of life. There are more enjoyable, fulfilling things in this world than sex. I hope this helps, much love to you bro <3
  9. Stargate23

    Stargate23 Fapstronaut

    Thanks, you are right there are a lot of enjoyable things in life but starting NoFap I was pretty sure that my sex life will be much better. I still can't understand why it happened and I hope it's just temporary... Sex is important part of life and lack of libido makes me depressed and anxious...