7 months reboot... decided to not seek or hide from P

Discussion in 'Success Stories' started by victor0258, Nov 10, 2017.

  1. victor0258

    victor0258 Fapstronaut

    Hi, I'm 7 months into reboot... I have fixed my severe erectyle dysfunction and depression but I have devellopped a strong P phobia (anything related to P starts panick attacks). To fix this problem, I have decided to not hide from soft P anymore (neither seek it). What I mean by this is not always being alert at avoiding P (hiding youtube recommended videos, hiding google image, not going into art museums or movie theater). For example, I listenned to a 1 hour classical music video that containned for one song an artistic painting of undressed women in a lake (I knew it). When the picture arrived, I hide it with a hand and just advanced the music video (instead of closing the page and starting to panick about reset). Did I take the right decision?
    LordReshi7121999 and theoptimist like this.
  2. First off, congratulations on making it this far. Now about your question...

    To be honest, uh... I'd rather be afraid of porn than addicted to it. ( ey, good question for the Would You Rather thread ) I'm not going to lie, that's a rather strange problem you have. I say as long as you're not looking at it a lot and you feel that you're better off without it, it doesn't matter if you're afraid of it.

    Hopefully, this doesn't translate into a fear of women and sex. That would be problematic.
    theoptimist and victor0258 like this.
  3. victor0258

    victor0258 Fapstronaut

    Hi no but I can't walk into downtown (because of clothes shops) or even look up in the metro (because of the publicities) and if I fall on soft P/triggers I start having panick attacks. I agree with you that's its better to have a P phobia than P addiction but I have a hard time doing normal activities because soft P is everywhere.
  4. Geez, it's that bad? Well... I don't really believe in this, but you could try talking to a therapist. Sorry, man, I don't know what to tell you. :(
    victor0258 likes this.
  5. victor0258

    victor0258 Fapstronaut

    I know :(, they told me to not seek for P because of my previous addiction but not run from P triggers that are everywhere because its only gonna make my reaction worse when I do fall on it. +If I fall on it by accident I start to obsess with reset and be afraid if my PIED will come back so it gives me P thoughts which is not good either.