Back On NoFap

Discussion in 'Porn Addiction' started by Nu-Dae, Feb 28, 2022.

  1. Nu-Dae

    Nu-Dae Fapstronaut

    After a lot of struggle and victories with my porn addiction, I've relapsed again. I've had some really good streaks. But since sometime in the 2nd half of last year, I haven't even been able to go 30 days.

    NoFap has been a great resource for me in the past, and I'm coming back for the accountability, as well as to encourage and be encouraged from this great group of men, looking to improve their lives.

    Over the years, as I've struggled with my porn addiction, I've grown and become a better man in many ways. This time, I'm looking to become a better husband to my wife. She deserves it. She's been an amazing partner, especially the last few years, as she's grown, as well.

    I'm not a bad man to her. But our sex life is nearly non-existent, and it's because of me. My porn addiction has made me so satiated, that I don't initiate, at all. And if she shows interest, I send subtle, indirect, but strong signals that I'm not interested. She deserves a partner that's available to her in all aspects of life.

    I'm also looking to become a better provider, to have better success in business. An indirect result of every long-standing No PMO streak I've ever been on has been more money/more business. I think it's due to having more time, more focus, better memory, more drive, more balls/willing to take a risk and more creativity.

    My porn addiction is not the be all, end all of who I am; it does not define me. But it is holding me back. And I'm ready to move on.
    vibemaker and beaverreaver like this.
  2. beaverreaver

    beaverreaver Fapstronaut

    You have hope to overcome the addiction as long as you keep trying. Good to have you back
    Nu-Dae likes this.
  3. Menticide

    Menticide Fapstronaut

    When you talk of how your wife tries to be intimate with you and how you attempt to tell her that you are not interested in a subtle manner... that resonated with me because I am the exact same way. Porn has been a part of my life for an embarrassing amount of time, but like you said, it does not and never will define me. I too am ready to move on. It has been a long time coming.
    Nu-Dae likes this.
  4. TheRebuild

    TheRebuild Fapstronaut

    Good luck! My sex live has suffered a lot due to my problems too. I hope you turn it around.
    Nu-Dae likes this.
  5. Nu-Dae

    Nu-Dae Fapstronaut

    Thank you, gentlemen. As I knew, this is already turning out to have been a great idea.
  6. Nu-Dae

    Nu-Dae Fapstronaut

    yeah man, and it's got nothing to do with her. It's all about my own addiction/anxiety cycle. She doesn't deserve that. And neither do I. I'm robbing myself of a more fulfilling life. It's got to stop. I've got to stop.

    Good luck to you, too, friend.