Best way to deal with negative coworkers?

Discussion in 'Off-topic Discussion' started by Deleted Account, Aug 31, 2020.

  1. Just started this new job and have a coworker I’ve tried to be friendly with but the dude acts aggressive around me & pretty much hates me for no reason. I joked around with him asking why he’s got a problem with me and he says ‘I don’t like anyone’. Just an all around nasty & rude person. How do I ignore this? I don’t have a problem with someone not liking me, but I’m trying to be productive and work hard at my job. I want to maintain my frame (not be distracted by negative energy).
  2. Love2LongBoard

    Love2LongBoard Fapstronaut

    Negativity can make it really hard to keep your goals. My answer is boundaries. Decide for yourself what you are and aren't willing to put up with and decide IN ADVANCE what you are going to do about. I have found that most people back down when I stand up for myself, not in an aggressive way. It could be something as easy as, "Hey, I don't appreciate it when you talk to me like that." I am not saying it will change him, you can't change people, but YOU will feel better about yourself if you have solid boundaries and stick to them. I recently had a run in with a contractor. He ripped me off. I called him out. It didn't change anything, he still ripped me off, but I felt better knowing that I stood up to him in a respectful way.
  3. I would ask yourself if interacting with this coworker is necessary to you performing your job duties. If the answer is no, then avoid him. If the answer is yes, then set boundaries, make them known and within reason, and call him out if he crosses them. If he continues to cross boundaries despite your requests for him to stop then you need to involve some type of management/supervisor or submit a formal complaint anonymously; most jobs have that option.
  4. Be so damn postive that they get annoyed to hell and back with you. Be so positive that either they change or they make mistakes in anger and get fired due to their own deeds.