Cant NoFap More than 12 Days

Discussion in 'Loneliness' started by Xian Jia, Sep 20, 2017.

  1. Xian Jia

    Xian Jia Fapstronaut

    Today i have relapsed... I want to achieve one month or even break addiction to PMO.
    But it is hard. I think maybe it is because I have no girlfriend or an accountability partner. I want to talk to many friends but most of them have their own gang( in other words their other group of friends).
    I really want to stop PMO. I know i can do this. I will but i need help...
  2. I know the feeling since the longest I've gone is 14 days.

    Not sure about that. An AP and GF are great but they don't automatically mean you'll quit PMO. What you need to do is change how you think.

    A - Feeling aroused
    B - PMO
    C - Other activity (reading a book, running, working out, writing)

    Many of us on this site at one point have devolved a way of thinking when we think A we do B. But instead when we think A we need to do C. It's all in the mind, my friend. Talking to an AP or calling your GF might be a way of doing C but C isn't limited to just that. You just need to retrain your brain. It not easy, I'm on day 1 myself but I believe if you don't give you can retrain your brain.
    DerNeuMann and ZenPhysics like this.
  3. Xian Jia

    Xian Jia Fapstronaut

    Okay, what u have said really helped me change the way my mind works. So now i will concentrate from A to C whenever i feel that A is coming. Thanks a lot bro!
    Deleted Account likes this.
  4. BackUp_up

    BackUp_up Fapstronaut

    To be honest when you are on NoFap, No AP or GF can help you. It's your own choice, You must believe in yourself to go in this path. They may give support during downtime but not much afterall its your mind, You control it. Be strong buddy. Being single is okay, be happy with yourself. At least, you are away from everyday headaches.
    Deleted Account likes this.
  5. Xian Jia

    Xian Jia Fapstronaut

    Nice one bro. I'm trying to be positive everyday, at least it will help in strengthening my mindset.
    But sometimes loneliness really kills me. It's like there have nothing left for me to do. When my mind is blank, i relapsed. Really a troublesome problem. But I'm trying to improve.
    BackUp_up likes this.
  6. BackUp_up

    BackUp_up Fapstronaut

    If you just called me bro, Now listen to your brother carefully. Whenever you feel lonely or an urge to relapse. Just follow these steps:-
    1. Walk away from that place wherever you are sitting/laying. Just get away. I mean just get lost from that place.
    2. Do jumping or take 100 steps.
    3. Now think what was your goal? Obviously, Nofap
    4. Nothing needed, you will see urge is gone.
    Follow the steps thank me later
    ~your bro
    Xian Jia likes this.
  7. Xian Jia

    Xian Jia Fapstronaut

    After i try those steps, i will catch up with ya. ;)
    BackUp_up likes this.
  8. Temujin

    Temujin Fapstronaut

    12 days is still really good!

    I read somewhere that having a plan really helps with breaking bad habits. Aka if such happens --> do this

    so, if i get urge --> do ten mindful breaths

    If i start peaking at porn --> shut down computer and do ten mindful breaths

    etc etc
    Deleted Account likes this.
  9. 12 days is a lot better then 4 times in 1 day. On top of that, everyday that you don't succumb to your temptations it'll get a little bit easier.
    Xian Jia likes this.
  10. Xian Jia

    Xian Jia Fapstronaut

    Hi, do u know how to meditate? Does that help?
  11. MarinoBigFan1984

    MarinoBigFan1984 Fapstronaut

    The first 2 weeks are killer if you make them it gets easier
    Xian Jia likes this.
  12. I'm not an expert with meditation but you can watch some YouTube videos to learn how and I've even done it a few times. Here is a good link.
    According to my own experiences, the first week is the hardest part with out doubt. But even more specifically day one and day two are the real challenges.
  13. Xian Jia

    Xian Jia Fapstronaut

    Thanks! Will learn it. Yea, the second week is the real challenge for me.
  14. Lars_1998

    Lars_1998 Fapstronaut

    i get 10Days as longest strike... :-(
  15. TotalLifeChange

    TotalLifeChange Fapstronaut

    I would suggest writing down a list of 15+ items that would improve you chances and setting a clear deadline to finish all of those task within the next days. That is what I did and completed it in 3 days. I suggest you read this for more info.
    For example:
    1. Starting a daily journal here.
    2. Blocking porn on all your devices.
    3. Getting an AP.
    4. Joining a gym.
    5. etc.
    If you really want to change you wouldn't be lazy about it. Don't try to make it perfect, just do it.
  16. You have to view porn as poison. Like would you willingly eat rat shit? If the answer is no then you can't afford to watch porn. Porn has destructive side effects like you might have a hot girl naked in front of you and your dick is softer than charmin. It happened to me numerous times and then you realize was all that time I watched porn worth it? I'm on day 64 what you should first aim for is getting to day 13 and taking it one day at a time. Also read books and take cold showers.
  17. Lars_1998

    Lars_1998 Fapstronaut

    Try a Chasity Belt.....
  18. Xian Jia

    Xian Jia Fapstronaut

    I understand that, but when u hate porn more, u will feel very stressed which causes the cycle to repeat again. So, what i am doing now is just getting whole lot busier than previous week and getting outside as much as possible.
    Deleted Account likes this.
  19. nginx2

    nginx2 Fapstronaut


    Getting outside is a very good strategy. Keep your mind as occupied as much as possible. Try to be on the move all day and return home late so you can go sleep right away. Try to keep idling around as little as possible.
    Xian Jia likes this.
  20. Yeah man it's hard. It's easy to back to the cycle when things go south. But, I believe it gets easier over time and also accomplishing smaller goals is what eventually gets you on cruise control away from the addiction.
    Xian Jia likes this.