Change in body smell (sweet, pleasant)

Discussion in 'Abstinence, Retention, and Sexual Transmutation' started by SausageWithoutCream, Jun 21, 2020.

  1. SausageWithoutCream

    SausageWithoutCream Fapstronaut


    I am on my second hard-mode NoFap attempt, currently on day 5. (On my last attempt I relapsed on day 13.) I realized last time, and since today morning again, that my body smell changes. It is a smell I never knew before. It is a sweet smell, very pleasant actually.

    When I was masturbating, my glans was rather smelly, but NoFap seems to turn its smell into a pleasant sweet smell...
    Yesterday evening that smell wasn't as strong, and my glans rather smelly, now - although I have not taken a shower - it is much better. The smell seems to be independent of taking a shower.

    Also, I feel a tickling feeling on my tongue and inside of my chin somewhere somehow...

    Do you have that too?
  2. Yeah it will lead to wanker or old mans breath eventually. Can smell like outright sperm if super healthy. Or dead fish or cheese. The sweat will smell like something burnt or specifically like a goat. Again this like with acne depends from dude to dude (or dudess to dudess). Depends on your genes, your body type, your diet all your life and your diet continuing, your level of exercises all your life and your level of exercise continuing, your hormonal/nutrient deficiency or overflow, your stress or lack of it, etc etc.Some will get it sooner, some later, some seemingly never some only the cheese smell some only the goat sweat and excessive sweating or only excessive sweat on the palms, etc etc

    It also makes the body unsymmetrical. The right grows less almost as if it shrinks. The foot will becomes slightly shorter by a cm, lungs too even, shoulder on that side will become lazy, the eye will be weaker and the eye on the other side will over compensate for it making it see more clearly but have less stamina because it is over. If you run the tendon running from heel to toes will feel short, maybe even upper into the leg, you will feel extreme tightness as if it's a short rope being pulled for it's life. Even when walking. This long term will go to the back and fuck it up. Piriformis, sciatica, you name it, causing upper back pain/lower back pain/pain from but down the leg, uneven hips, you name them.
    Hairline will bold prematurely on one side. Maybe ears are affected too. The chin will likely become double. If you depleted your body through masturbation the eyes become small and sunken like a scared wanker if through sex only they become overly big and lazy looking. Both are the opposite of sharp purity of health.

    Digestive fire is weakened. Lethargy. The mind refuses to work. F the body will seem it's starting to refuse to work as well. A simple paper cut on the skin will take a week to disappear from sight.

    The womb doesn't bore a vagina. It bores a spirit in a body. As such, a vagina lovers body will constrict back into the womb. The mind will follow the body.
  3. thinking_differently

    thinking_differently Fapstronaut

    Well I can certainly say that the odour due to sweating while PMOing is ugly. And that normal sweat isn’t ugly, but I wouldn’t say pleasant lol.
  4. SausageWithoutCream

    SausageWithoutCream Fapstronaut

    Wait, you read my thread posting wrong. I talked about sweEt smell, not a sweAt smell. Also, it is rather pleasant. I don't really know where that smell emanates from, but I had it at different locations, in different clothings and before as well as after showering, so I conclude it is either something endocrine or something about my olfactory sense apparatus.
  5. Captain Caboodles

    Captain Caboodles Fapstronaut

    I know exactly what you’re talking about, it’s happened to me as well! I’m going to say it’s a hormonal thing. I’ve searched high and low and couldn’t find an exact answer.
    SausageWithoutCream likes this.
  6. thinking_differently

    thinking_differently Fapstronaut

    The only smell you get from your body NATURALLY is due to sweAt. AND sweAt can’t be sweEt, it just can’t.
  7. SausageWithoutCream

    SausageWithoutCream Fapstronaut

    Okay, technically it might be correct that the apocrine sweat glands are responsible. What I meant is that I still smell my "normal sweat" from my armpits. When I smell this new peculiar sweet odour, and I try to smell at certain body regions, I don't find it, only a little in my palms. I still need to figure that out...
    thinking_differently likes this.
  8. SausageWithoutCream

    SausageWithoutCream Fapstronaut

    I edged a few days ago and that smell intensified. It must have something to do with my genitals, but why do I also smell it in my palms? Sooo weird, I still haven't figured it out...
  9. thinking_differently

    thinking_differently Fapstronaut

    Yes, but I learnt on this show called Brain Games That Women are *GOOD* at detecting the best pheromones which will promote crossing over(Synapses), AND that Men are *Not GOOD* at this usually... So we finding our own smell nice dosen’t make sense biologically, right?

    Btw, @SausageWithoutCream
    I change my stand, I think there is indeed some kind of a pleasant smell, it’s from my armpits.
    You present an interesting phenomenon here!
    SausageWithoutCream likes this.
  10. thinking_differently

    thinking_differently Fapstronaut

    mdnirvana and theCodingNerd like this.
  11. ThePeakWae

    ThePeakWae Fapstronaut

    Fappers smell like pigs, Nofappers smell like roses.
  12. theCodingNerd

    theCodingNerd Fapstronaut

    Dude,, I am with you. I have stopped counting the days I'm on nofap. I have noticed this pleasant fragrance coming out. I didn't use cologne/perfumes, but still get this. And I liked it.
    ThePeakWae likes this.
  13. theCodingNerd

    theCodingNerd Fapstronaut

    Holy moly! I just rubbed my palms and it still emits. Checked my genitals and there is a peak of it. I just love this fragrance!
    This must be related to pheromones!
    A bit of brain fog is still there, as I know it takes a while to make a better brain outta nofap.

    Cheers all, I have no intents to tell lie.