How do I filter Google images/images on other sites?

Discussion in 'Porn Addiction' started by Jellyman, Jan 15, 2020.

  1. Jellyman

    Jellyman Fapstronaut

    Safesearch doesn't work(I go incognito and it automatically goes off. And even if it didn't I can switch it off in a sec).

    Is there a browser or something that blocks pictures of topless men? Because really that is all I need to jack off. I got SPIN browser and its an improvement in that it's a little limiting, but I my masturbation habits won't be affected much by it.

    Also I want a method in which I can 'eat' the key, as in it's out of my control to reset. Relying on willpower is asking for failure. (A book I'm reading agrees, Atomic Habits).

    I've already done away with porn so it's not a problem. I changed the DNS and I have no idea to fix it, and since that I haven't watched porn outside of few cases the search got past the block. Anyway now I will probably block chrome and only use spin, that'll block porn.

    Suggestions, please
    (leave safesearch out of this).
    lceres6 likes this.
  2. CodeTalker

    CodeTalker Fapstronaut

    Pluckeye block all images by default. I use it on pc but it exist on android.

    For me google images is blocked so no risk to relapse with that.
  3. Jellyman

    Jellyman Fapstronaut

    What is pluckeye? How do you block Google images?
  4. CodeTalker

    CodeTalker Fapstronaut

    Google it, it's a filter for people who want to limit their Internet Access.

    When installed as I said, it blocks all images. You can whitelist some website if you need to see pictures. But there is a delay system that act like a deterrent. When pluckeye is installed, you set a delay. Could be few seconds to 7 days. And for a configuration modification to be commited, you need to wait the time you set up previously.

    For instance, you set a delay of 24h. You have an urge to see pictures on a website, you ask pluckeye to show you these pics but you have to wait 24h for it to be effective. Hopefuly you won't have the urges in 24h.