How will I be ever be able to afford my own home???

Discussion in 'Off-topic Discussion' started by Depressed&Out, Jan 12, 2020.

  1. Depressed&Out

    Depressed&Out Fapstronaut

    I live in UK and I'm based down south where the house prices are way too high. I could move a bit north, but my family are around in the south. (mainly London and Cambridgeshire area). Plus, I don't know where I should begin if I decide to move south.

    I mean, I get £1500 per month after tax and I have £45k in deposit for a property, yet I still can't afford a house.

    Not affording my own house pretty much means I won't be able to get a GF.

    Life just seems so fucking hopeless. I'm not that fucking young anymore and I've yet to experience intimacy with a woman. I just feel so fucking shit and old consequently.

    As I said.... just fucking hopeless life. :( :( :(
  2. Congratz on 147 days - you've gone further than most! Why are you so afraid to move? You claim that you have family nearby but you also say that you've never sexed which leads me to believe you're talking about your parents. It's to be expected that you don't stay with them forever.
    Espi1971 likes this.
  3. I can relate with you on the salary being too low for purchasing a house in the foreseeable future. :(:confused:
  4. Some people, not me (bc if i personally recommended something like this id be suspended), but some people might recommend selling weight. This is a last resort thing here & isn't for everybody. Of course there's risks but a man takes risks to do what he has to do. Again, this isnt necessarily my recommendation but it could be a viable & profitable option if your back is against the wall. So i heard
  5. Instead of saying "it's a hopeless life".

    As far as the women thing goes. Thats dofferent but same concept. You cant get a woman if you dont pursue said woman. You have to take that risk. Thats what life is imo, just taking risks.
  6. Be patient and keep saving money or better invest it
    Espi1971 likes this.
  7. Infrasapiens

    Infrasapiens Fapstronaut

    I have the same worry. Being independant is almost impossible here unless you manage to get big amounts of foreing currency through illegal activities.
  8. fredisthebes

    fredisthebes Fapstronaut

    Housing market in the U.K. Is beyond fucked. Outside of London UK is still in the depths of a depression. Another batch of shops going bust this year and businesses closing or being outsourced abroad. My brother got made redundant last year.

    Can't afford a house until your parents die? You are in the same position as 99% of young(ish) people. The friends I know with houses either get joint mortgage with their wife or get buy to let and rent out the other rooms to their friends. Or their parents help them out massively. If all girls held out for a guy with his own house they'd die old maids (or have to date 55 year olds).
  9. There are people who don’t own their own homes and still have girlfriends. Just saying.