Howdy all

Discussion in 'New to NoFap' started by FapFreeForever, Nov 21, 2013.

  1. FapFreeForever

    FapFreeForever Fapstronaut


    I have come to a very firm realisation today that I am hopelessly addicted to fapping. I have done it at least once a day every day since the age of 13 and I'm pushing 40 now! I have never had a proper relationship with a woman, been plagued by erectile dysfunction for as far back as I can remember. My hair is like straw, have dark circles under my eyes and no interest in doing anything at all because my energy levels are always depleted.

    Today I have fapped twice to women I will never see/meet and who I could never talk to in real life. These same women would be seriously creeped out if they knew some middle-aged weirdo was ejaculating over images of them somewhere in the world. I know I have reached the end of my fapping life. It has brought no positives at all, just stunted my growth on every level. I will never do it again however I will need your help to get me through this because I know the battle will be hard.

    Let's kick this fapping deal into touch as it's no good for anyone. 1 a day is far too many and playing with myself until there's nothing left in me is not nearly enough.

    It's great to be here fellow fapstronauts. Let's do this thing together.

  2. am92

    am92 Fapstronaut

    Glad to see you have identified the problem and are willing to work to overcome it. It's not easy but who wants easy? Anything worthy has it's price, albeit even cheap has its price just as well. Look forward to hearing from you and sharing, we all need the support. Welcome to the forums! Wish you all the success ! Peace! -A.M.
  3. FapFreeForever

    FapFreeForever Fapstronaut

    Thank you A.M.

    I've been lurking for ages on YourBrainOnPorn and I know it's going to be a very difficult journey but I can't go on like this. It's no life at all.
  4. Blue

    Blue Fapstronaut

    Welcome FFF. You're not alone anymore. All of us here know exactly how you feel about porn and fapping. To increase your chance of success, I'd suggest getting an accountability partner and starting a journal of your experiences. It sounds like you're already educating yourself about porn addiction. Good luck, and feel free to contact me anytime.
  5. FapFreeForever

    FapFreeForever Fapstronaut

    Thank you Blue. I've added my first blog entry and have asked someone to be my accountability partner. This is going to be tough so need all the tools available.