I can't stop watching porn and masturbation.

Discussion in 'Porn Addiction' started by Rightman, Oct 9, 2020.

Please how do i change my life in a good way?

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  1. Rightman

    Rightman New Fapstronaut

    Hi guys and girls.
    I want to say that i couldn't stop masturbing and watching porn throug this whole year , everyday i was seeing porn and masturbing 4 to 5 times i was loving to do it but now i see the bad effect of it like i don't sleep early i still wake up in the middle of the night i feel afraid i can't talk to people i can't say to a girl that i love that i love her i feel akward and bad my eyes are in a terrible mood my brain hurt me i can't remember things i feel that i'm in danger also the porn addiction started when my father was seing nude girl on tv when i was younger so i'm addicted to porn since i was 10 years old also he drink alchool and he start yelling on us and in school i'm alone no one want to talk to me or to work with me because i don't hang out with them but they are smocking cigarette and weed and i don't want them to made me smoke with them and the administration of the school is against me but fuck them all because they doesn't feel me my dad smoke and drink alchool everyday so why i would also hang with students that do the same things fuck them they doesn't know my family environnement and they are starting to judge me by saying that i'm a lonely guy that i'm crazy in my mind fuck them all
    I feel terrible right now please didcuss with me and send me your feedback i'm wainting for you guys give me some advice.
    Thank you i appreciate you all.
    Ben teks likes this.
  2. Nauts

    Nauts Fapstronaut

    I feel sorry for what you went through.

    I won't comment on your life, but I will try some suggestions for dealing with your addiction.

    Actually, I'm also struggling with addiction, so I hope this advice will be of use to myself as well as to you, my friend.

    Maybe masturbation is your escape from depression, and I know that because I've been there too. :)

    And actually, when masturbating, it just gives you a little bit of happiness, then after? you will be even more depressed.

    Fight my friend! , fight PMO, and you will get a lot of benefitf!

    There are many tips to help you out, you can find lots of tips on the internet, as well as in this wonderful forum.

    There are some suggestions from me, 1. Please, DO NOT GIVE UP! Stay Strong! Quit PMO, not just for you, but for everyone that you loves!
    2. Fight that brain, say this to your brain, 'Am i gonna masturbate to pixel ?! To Only Fulfill 5 Seconds Joy? !! '
    3. Everytime there's urge to fap, Do 10 Push-Up !, or something like that! (I read on internet, Cold showers help too)
    4. Always try to find some motivation !, you can go here daily to read about others stories, about how they can beat PMO.
    5. Yes, this forum is great way to quit PMO !, Post something here about what is in your mind, and some good people will help you.

    And maybe, if you are lonely because you have no friends to just talk to, you can message me, at least I can help a little. hey, online friends are better than no friends right?
  3. Ben teks

    Ben teks Fapstronaut

    Hi friend,
    There are many bad people who will call you crazy if you don't support them. Good people always remain alone. Try to find someone whom you can love and trust. If you don't have any friends then we are your friends.You can share anything with us. Quitting pmo is easy and I am sure that you will do it. You just have to change your strategy and follow some tips. Wake up early in the morning. Start you day with yoga and meditation. Take cold showers. Play some outdoor games. Use less internet. Try to do new things in your life like painting, dancing, singing or cooking. Learn some productive works. You can also work to maintain your house. These things will keep you busy and you will enjoy them. You will forget to watch porn and masturbation. We are here to help you. You can share anything with us. If you feel urges again , feel free to message me.