Just some Questions

Discussion in 'New to NoFap' started by TheJokerBoy, Jul 10, 2019.

  1. TheJokerBoy

    TheJokerBoy Fapstronaut

    Hey lovely Community!!

    I‘m new to this forum and I found it because of a video. In the last few days I discovered some videos about NoFap.

    A few facts about me:
    I‘m 21 years old and masturbated a long time during my puberty. I haven‘t thought about this during my puberty.
    The last year I went to Australia for about 8 month and met my girlfriend there. We are together for 8 month now. I really love sex but my problem is that I ejaculate very fast. Sometimes I could last a little bit longer but in the most cases I was very quick. This is really frustrating for me and I thought about this a lot. I also talked about it with my girlfriend.

    Now I‘m not fapping since a week and I have no problems with it. I don‘t wanna watch pornos anymore.

    I heard that my premature ejaculation could be through my heavy masturbation in my puberty. Maybe I trained myself to ejaculate early because you don‘t wanted to be seen by your mother or other family members.

    Do you think because of no fapping that my problem could be solved? I will try it!! Maybe the reboot after 3 month can help.
    I also heard that tue neuronal pathways rebuild after 3 month. I will see it. But I‘m really sure that I don‘t wanna watch pornos anymore because that are just false imaginations.

    I just wanna have sex for a normal time and want to satisfy my girlfriend.

    Hope you can reply to this post.

    Best regards
  2. Welcome to the community.
    There will be a time early in recovery when you will ejaculate fast because you are getting your sensitivity back and your brain is giving you very strong urges. When this happens don't give up, it will calm down in time.
  3. TheJokerBoy

    TheJokerBoy Fapstronaut

    But do you think it is possible that my problem gets solved?
  4. This will help you in time, on many levels.
    Also don't be afraid if it is fast when you start having sex, it will be a type of sensation and excitement which will also calm down in time.
  5. TheJokerBoy

    TheJokerBoy Fapstronaut

    That sounds very good! You recommend no fapping? Or is it ok to fap sometimes without porn?
  6. TheJokerBoy

    TheJokerBoy Fapstronaut

    And am I in the wrong theme folder in this forum? I want some more replys.
  7. Hello and welcome! :)

    We are glad to have you as a part of our community. Here are some quick links to get you started.

    Getting Started Guide | How to Use the NoFap Forums | Panic Button |Day Counter | Rebooting Resources|Forum Rules | Glossary

    If you wish to keep a journal of your progress you can do so in the appropriate section found here

    There are plenty of wonderful, friendly and knowledgeable people here to help you along on your journey to a life free of PMO. I wish you nothing but the best!
  8. You could post these questions in the Rebooting-porn addiction recovery thread as well for more responses.