Masturbation in sperm clinics

Discussion in 'Off-topic Discussion' started by Deleted Account, Apr 15, 2019.

  1. According to the NHS website here in the UK, masturbation is healthy and normal. This got me thinking about places where guys donate sperm and apart from a plastic cup, what sexual aids would they provide. I'm talking about real life scenarios (not fantasy role play doctor/patient!) Would they provide porn?
  2. i was watching a tuber's video..she was having trouble conceiving and idk this whole complicated process..long story short: her husband had to ej*ac*l*** into a cup, right? so he shared that he MO'd to the porn magazines they provided there...

    so yes, i do believe they provide it.

    p.s. yes i know this is a different situation than donating sperm..but if they do that for that they probably do it for donaters of sperm...

    LIF€ ₩ORRIOR Fapstronaut

    I dont know the exact answer yet I believe that if this is something you would like to be apart of THAN request that the facility not provide you with any pornographic material, providing that you can achieve & maintain a erection to ejaculation.
    4me the thought of playing with my penis & squirting in a container would be sufficient...
    Hope this works 4U be well....