NoFap and gym

Discussion in 'Off-topic Discussion' started by change_my_life, Feb 15, 2017.

  1. change_my_life

    change_my_life Fapstronaut

    Has anyone increased muscle gains while on NoFap? Does it help you alot in the gym?
    More motivation?
    More power?
  2. I tried to kick porn addiction whilst still masturbating for a while and found that gym helped significantly, say if i got rejected by a female or had a crumby day at work I used to resort to porn to make me feel something different, much like a larger person seeks comfort in food, I guess.

    The gym took the place of porn because it heped me feel different and doing a decent work out gave me a euphoric feeling for a few hours.

    Having said that i'm on full NoFap at the moment and i'm on day 4, haven't been to the gym since i began re-booting (injury) but I imagine it'll be fantastic when I do go. I feel i will be able to perform better at the gym and have even more motivation because working to develop myself physically complements the mental development of NoFap.

    That's how it works for me anyway. :)
  3. change_my_life

    change_my_life Fapstronaut

    Hey so u say u would be more mentaly focused on ur workouts thus producing more muscle gains were as when you pmoed it wouldnt be much focused?
  4. Ibnmorales

    Ibnmorales Fapstronaut

    Muscle gain is a long process takes months to years not weeks to days..Nofap gives you energy you never knew that you had ...lifting also rises testosterone which is what makes men men , P.S Muscle gain takes time.
    I Free I likes this.
  5. change_my_life

    change_my_life Fapstronaut

    Does it clear your mind so u focus more on ur lifts
  6. I don't know if this answers your question but when I stopped watching porn i got more motivation in everything else in my life eg keeping my car clean, putting more effort in at work, keeping house tidy and going to the gym etc. The more I went to the gym the more I enjoyed it and the less I felt an urge to watch porn. For me not watching porn and becoming motivated went hand in hand.
  7. JustinX

    JustinX Fapstronaut

    Simple answer no.
    I started gym 3-4 years before I discovered Nofap so I can easily compare it. No, it dont make your mind clearer neither makes you focus more on your lifts. That remains exactly the same.
    But when on NoFap I realized to be more social in gym, more enjoy the whole gym session and have better motivation to go there (sometimes even as late as 10pm).
    The thing that helps the most with your gym gains is a good form. Good form with lower weights give you better results than bad form with heavier weights.
  8. change_my_life

    change_my_life Fapstronaut

    okay but does it give u a clear head cuz ur less stressed cuz of pmo so u can focus on good form instead of chukin heavy weights thus giving you better gains with good form?