Of this Formidable Journey

Discussion in 'Porn Addiction' started by soaring_f4lcon, Jun 21, 2017.

  1. soaring_f4lcon

    soaring_f4lcon Fapstronaut

    What is it about this journey to recovery that continues to elude us? What is it about us that we fail to cultivate self control?

    We suffer so much pain, mentally, emotionally and physically yet we just cannot get out of this cycles of self destruction.

    Someone once said this journey every man must fight for himself, yet you cannot make it alone, and you need help. but in all sense it is your fight and yours alone.

    Depression, anxiety, panic attacks, social awkwardness, procrastination, low energy, low mood, impulsivity, perfectionism, shame, low self esteem, self worth and self confidence.

    The curse that we refuse to acknowledge.

    we attempt lifting ourselves by the boot straps.
    We drown in the mess of our own making.

    This formidable journey.
    I can only be easy on myself
    and so should you.

    At the end of the day, fight your own battle. Gain whatever you can from others. But you know yourself best my friend.
    Only you can take the actions consistently, the actions necessary to free you eventually.

    Because this journey is not an easy one.