One more fapstronaut

Discussion in 'New to NoFap' started by BlueBalls, Apr 24, 2016.

  1. BlueBalls

    BlueBalls Fapstronaut

    Hey guys,

    Thought I'd finally make the move and join this wonderfull community. :)

    Been doing NoFap on and off for the past 3 years, longest streak was 45 days before relapsing. Currently on day 30 mark and hope to break my previous record.

    As many experienced fapstronauts know, it has not been an easy ride and I was almost on the brink of relapsing today.... but I prevailed :)

    Looking forward to what the future has to offer. Stay strong bretherin. We are warriors among the select few .
    Buzz Lightyear likes this.
  2. Hello friend and welcome back to NoFap! goodluck with your fight, stay strong.
    BlueBalls likes this.
  3. Venom1

    Venom1 Guest

    Stay strong!!!! Welcome.