Religious Overcoming Porn

Discussion in 'New to NoFap' started by NafsCombat, Jan 5, 2019.

  1. NafsCombat

    NafsCombat New Fapstronaut

    Hey all,

    I'm New here, but it's not the first time i tried to quit porn.

    I'm religious, and every time i fall back to porn i feel a Huge Guilt. I feel weak and loose all my self confidence. It's always hard for me psychologically. I feel social anxiety and i'm no longer comfortable with social interaction. This is literally destroying me.

    I'm 25 now and i used to be a porn addict in my adolescence. I did overcome porn multiple times in my life, but i did fall back into it each time.

    I never had sexual intercourse for religious reasons, and now i'm looking forward getting married. But i'm ashamed of the thought of being a porn addict.. I don't feel comfortable talking to anyone about it. I feel like i'm a disgusting person.

    Now I'm not a regular viewer of porn. It happens once every two weeks. And i watch it for 30 minutes maximum. But still i consider it as an addiction since i have the same symptoms of urge.

    I'm using all kind of Filters in my computer and phone but i always find ways to look at dirty pictures (even in google image hhhhhh). Just yesterday i found a way of passing through the filters and getting to the Porn sites. As much as i feel Genius about it i feel A LOT OF GUILT.

    The solution is definitely not filters but rewiring my brain once and for all. I hope i will get through this with the help of the community.

    I love the idea of a bunch of people helping each other fighting the same cause regardless of religion, race, color..

    We're all gonna make it !

    Muslim Peace,
    LongWayToGo likes this.
  2. Hi @NafsCombat, Welcome to the NoFap forum!
    It become easy to deal with an addiction when you have the willingness to get rid of it for your betterment as well as the people around you.
    So what next? Just start the journey one day at a time. You can share your successes and failure on the different available forums within the nofap website. You can share your reboot journey in the Reboot journal under your age group.
    It will help you track your progress and you will definitely go a long way learning from the experience of others fighting this battle against their mind, fooling them to indulge into PMO.
    Wish you all the best! :)
    NafsCombat likes this.
  3. NafsCombat

    NafsCombat New Fapstronaut

    LongWayToGo likes this.