Social awkwardnesd

Discussion in 'Loneliness' started by Fordie, Aug 28, 2019.

  1. Fordie

    Fordie Fapstronaut

    I have always been socially awkward, I am good with customers in my job but anything which requires everyday informal interaction I suck.

    At the moment I am in a hotel on my own on a break abroad, yesterday my friend/girlfriend? Was staying with me as she joined me from her native country but she had to go home today due to work commitments.

    I think I fucked up because of being socially awkward and being filled with sexual thoughts about her. I spent most of the time not knowing what to say to her other than a few strained questions. Plus I almost relapsed when I was in my bed.

    PS the reason I said "girlfriend?" Is because we kissed in the past but we are confused as to what we want with her living in another country.
  2. Astro77

    Astro77 Fapstronaut

    I don't think you should feel guilty about having sexual thoughts, it's natural. If you keep going on this nofap journey you should develop confidence as you realise you can stick to a task, and if you don't look to porn for happiness you'll start finding more happiness from actual life and you should feel happier and have a better chance of getting with this girl, or another girl.
    Just make sure you block all porn and find a good way of coping with the urge to masturbate! And if you do relapse, it's not the end of the world at least you know what has triggered you and can block it to make you stronger in the future. No good comes from beating yourself up.
  3. BCguy85

    BCguy85 Fapstronaut

    I know this is cliche too but... get a hobby. Play a (team) sport, join a book club, something in a group. I know that's easier to say than do. But these types of groups, because they're centered around the "thing to do", they reduce the awkwardness - because everyone is focused on the sport or the book or whatever.

    And @Astro77 has it right, having thoughts is normal. Part of nofap is acknowledging your natural sexual energy, then harnessing it for real life connections.

    You're good man, promise.
    Astro77 likes this.
  4. Fordie

    Fordie Fapstronaut

    Thankyou for your reply and advice. I'm just finding it hard to think of anything other than sex. I feel as if everything else is boring.
    Astro77 likes this.
  5. BCguy85

    BCguy85 Fapstronaut

    Lol yah I get it!

    Just chill, be yourself, and try to focus your sexual energy into being a better person and bettering yourself.
  6. Kman20

    Kman20 Fapstronaut

    Early in your streaks all you think of is lust because that’s how your mind is still wired. Trust me as time goes on and you get longer into your streak you’ll think of women less as just sexual objects and more as people. This happens naturally for a lot if nofappers and the sexual thoughts in the beginning are natural don’t feel guilty.
  7. Fordie

    Fordie Fapstronaut

    I've not fapped for maybe three months(I haven't kept count) I thought I would be over the addiction to fantasizing by now?
  8. Ferns

    Ferns Fapstronaut

    Try not to focus about those things for now and focus on yourself. Do you got any dreams/ambition that you want to do ? Go do that and just focus on improving yourself and see your social awkwardness go away from time to time.
  9. Fordie

    Fordie Fapstronaut

    I'm trying my best to immerse myself in my hobbies etc. Just got the constant thoughts