Watching porn on my phone not laptop

Discussion in 'Porn Addiction' started by JohnJohnson1995, Apr 30, 2020.

  1. JohnJohnson1995

    JohnJohnson1995 Fapstronaut

    Hi guys,

    As the world has gone into lock down of late I have been forced to work from home as i'm sure many of you have. As I am sure many of you can attest to, partaking in nofap while in self isolation and working from home is very hard. (for me anyway)

    Anyway i just wanted some advice. I seem to always relapse with looking at photos on my phone, which turns into porn, with turns into all out PMO. My laptop is never a problem and one i can always resist. Working from home has given me time with my phone near me and i always relapse with it.

    Can anyone relate? I would love some tips on how to ensure that i don't begin the cycle of looking at photos on my phone, turning into full PMO. Whether it is an app that blocks porn or a behavioral change i can make to stop myself using my phone for PMO. If i fix this issue i believe it will help me substantially to overcoming my addiction.

    doesitmatter likes this.
  2. Ghost79

    Ghost79 Fapstronaut

    There are sure apps to block porn on the phone. I use Spin safe browser, it filters and blocks all porn but there is a price tag on it.
    QuiggyG likes this.
  3. QuiggyG

    QuiggyG Fapstronaut

    I use Purified, Bark, Norton Family for blockers and Ever Accountable on iOS. They work, but the downside is sometimes they block legitimate non pornographic sites (like this website lol). All are at an affordable price. In my opinion, don’t opt for freebies because I have never found one that blocks everything entirely. All the blockers I use block internet browsing, sites and images but not apps like Instagram. You need to have the willpower to delete social media if you haven’t already.