An apology.

Discussion in 'Off-topic Discussion' started by FutureGuitarGod, Mar 31, 2015.

  1. FutureGuitarGod

    FutureGuitarGod Banned by User Request

    This might catch some crap from admins, but I'd like to issue a public apology to anyone on this forum who (or is it whom?) I have offended with some of the comments or remarks I've made in the past. Trust me when I say that it isn't "me". I know I can be a jerk at times, but it's not how people know me, nor is it how I typically behave or define myself. So, people of NoFap, I am sorry for saying those things.

    Part of the reason why I went away from the forum was because I felt remorse. I just couldn't look at some of the things I said because I knew deep down that it was wrong of me to say them.
    roifwoha likes this.
  2. I've been through this too. Don't worry, and I'm happy to see you more at peace, and I'm confident in your recovery, you deserve it.
  3. FutureGuitarGod

    FutureGuitarGod Banned by User Request

    Thank you. :)
  4. NamelessJohn

    NamelessJohn Fapstronaut

    We all make mistakes. Don't beat yourself up.