Day 4 sans PMO; Day 1 on NoFap

Discussion in 'New to NoFap' started by bosworth1485, Dec 27, 2015.

  1. bosworth1485

    bosworth1485 New Fapstronaut

    Hello everyone,
    In introducing myself, I'm trying to think up all the reasons I've joined up. Instead of trying to write something witty or eloquent, I'll just list them:

    1) Currently, I'm in a long distance relationship with a girl that I love. Far from the norm in these sorts of situations, this one actually seems to be working out and could go the distance. When we were in the same city, we enjoyed a really great sex life together which added to the already strong connection we had.

    Annnnnnd then I moved and went abroad...

    Naturally (or as I thought at the time), I replaced the intimate times with porn, and a decent amount of it. I've realized, however, since I left, in the times we do see each other, that I don't enjoy sex with her as much as I used to. I don't feel fulfilled or satisfied. And I soon realized that everytime I hopped on the plane to return home, I was really looking forward to watching porn.

    Knowing how things used to be and seeing what they've become, I think PMO is a habit worth kicking.

    2) I've tried giving up pornography and masturbation before. From a young age, I was intrigued by the movie "40 days and 40 nights". Although I imagine this is far from the experience of Fapstronauts, the concept was still interesting. So far, the longest I've ever been able to go is 5 days. But then I wasn't armed with this support group, so I'm hoping nofap will help me go the distance. Currently, I'm on day 4 and I don't intend on giving up.

    3) I like the idea of setting yourself a goal. I know it's recommended that you go the full 90 days for a reboot. However, I think I'm going to do this in 60 day stints, and when each stint is done, only revert back to the "O". My girlfriend and I see each other about one every two months consistently. As my biggest reason for doing this is I want to reinvigorate my sex life with her, each two month marker should give me a good way to track my progress.

    4) I really respect women and always have. Watching the amount of porn that I have been then is giving me this feeling that I'm changing. Not that I'm respecting women any less in daily life as a consequence of watching it. But that I'm compromising a fundamental part of my morals by watching.

    5) I want to see how far I can push myself and to what degree I can control my urges.

    Well I think that's it. Thoughts? Tips? Comments? Inspirational words? Any and all are appreciated.

    PatentPending likes this.
  2. All Married

    All Married Fapstronaut

    All I can say is welcome to nofap! :)
  3. PatentPending

    PatentPending Fapstronaut

    Hi Bosworth,

    When I read your post I believe you have some great reasons to stop P. Like you, I have tried to stop with porn before, but never managed to go longer than approximately a week without it.

    The most important reason I can find from your story (correct me if I'm wrong) is your innate respect for women. I believe that is one of the more honorary goals to do it, but maybe you can think of some reasons how porn is currently affecting your life. If they are there and you add them to the equation, reminding those might help you when feeling urges.

    I'm only just starting out myself, so I'm no expert, but those are my two cents ;-)
    All the best and talk to you soon ^_^
