Do you think global climate change is the reason we've never contacted other intelligent life?

Discussion in 'Off-topic Discussion' started by TheWigglesSentToSpace, Aug 14, 2021.

  1. TheWigglesSentToSpace

    TheWigglesSentToSpace Fapstronaut

    Maybe global climate change acts as a great filter beyond which civilizations cannot develop any further... because they inevitably self destruct and destroy themselves. It makes sense. If there is other intelligent life with technology out there we should have heard from them by now. But so far, nothing. Maybe they just burnt themselves out before they could talk to us.

    Global climate change is the solution to the Fermi Paradox.
    CarP likes this.
  2. well the question is then "is climate change unavoidable while technology is evolving?"
    I think that there are certain situations where it's easily avoidable or even impossible
    but that's all just stupid speculation so the answer is hell if I know
  3. TheWigglesSentToSpace

    TheWigglesSentToSpace Fapstronaut

    Yes, essentially: is it possible to arrive at our current level of technology without the use of fossil fuels? I'm open to hearing opinions on this, but skeptical. Certainly you can create electrical currents without fossil fuels but- if you have a cultural that is exploring the sciences and finds a readily available source of energy on their planet, why wouldn't they exploit it like we have? They wouldn't know better not to.

    Beyond climate change there are other filters that may be in play as well: nuclear apocalypse, degradation of the environment, chemical and biological weapons, etc.
    CarP likes this.
  4. Melkhiresa

    Melkhiresa Fapstronaut

    Or maybe FTL is impossible.
    D_rax likes this.
  5. vikingsarehere

    vikingsarehere Fapstronaut

    For a start the climate change you see is actually climate manipulation, treaties have been signed in the 60s to regulate weather warfare and it's openly acknowledged that many countries do cloud "seeding" on a regular basis, many public newspapers in the little country of UAE says so. You can look up HAARP as well

    Climate manipulation will be used to further control you at some point, where they will say: we have seen the dire consequences!! We must act now to save lives!! To save the world!! Our heroes are the ones who will save the elderly and vulnerable who are dying from heat waves by: ..... not eating meat, not turning on the aircon, not turning on the lights and sleeping early, not buying things, not driving a car, etcc. first optional then mandatory and the current communism we live in will be even more intensified.

    And BTW try to not fall for the probably coming alien hoax that much as well, all are psyops to distract you from the tribe that enslaves you and from real history and what you can do to change things:
    SickSicko likes this.
  6. Quezatolah

    Quezatolah Fapstronaut

    We've never contacted other intelligent life because it doesn't exist.
    JoeinMD likes this.
  7. TheWigglesSentToSpace

    TheWigglesSentToSpace Fapstronaut

    It probably is but still if there is intelligent life within 120 lightyears of us and they are broadcasting radio waves like we do, we should have heard them by now.
  8. Melkhiresa

    Melkhiresa Fapstronaut

    why 120 lightyears?
  9. TheWigglesSentToSpace

    TheWigglesSentToSpace Fapstronaut

    The radio was invented around 120 years ago. Of course it's possible that there are civilizations even older who are/were broadcasting and we just haven't received their signals yet; but we have a much clearer view of what's going on within 120 light years and it's surprising that we haven't heard anything yet.

    There could be other explanations. Perhaps just developing the level of technology we have is very rare. Maybe most intelligent life is happy to remain at a hunter-gatherer stage of development. We did this for hundreds of thousands of years. And it makes sense: hunter-gatherers probably enjoyed their lives more, had more free time and less anxiety then we do.

    So, there are about 15,000 stars within 120 light years. Conservatively, let's say 10 percent of these starts contain planets which harbor life. That's 1,500 systems. And let's say only 10 percent of those systems have developed intelligent life: 150 systems. And let's say of those systems with intelligent life, only one percent has developed technology to rival our own: about 1 star system. That would be easy to miss. It could simply be that we are kind of rare where we are in our development and that plus the rarity of intelligent life itself makes it very hard for us to listen to each other across interstellar distances.

    However it could also be that all these values are higher than I estimated but that civilizations that develop technology such as we have today destroy themselves within 2-300 years.
    Melkhiresa likes this.
  10. Sinbad

    Sinbad Fapstronaut

    One day somewhere in space, a super computer robot machine finds another computer robot machine. And they'll live happily ever after.
    CarP likes this.
  11. Melkhiresa

    Melkhiresa Fapstronaut

    if they are around 120 lightyears and they weren't actively broadcasting like us, maybe we will hear from them in a century or so.
    And this one has read that over a long enough distance radio signal due to gas, dust and spread become indistinguishable from background noises, is there any truth to it?
  12. TheWigglesSentToSpace

    TheWigglesSentToSpace Fapstronaut

    Yeah who knows, it could be at any time.

    In fact there was one incident that happened in the 1970s that many thing was a signal from an intelligent species. It's called the Wow! signal:!_signal It came from Sagittarius and was not repeated.

    You are right radio waves do degrade over time and distance in interstellar space. From what I've read though the degradation is pretty minimal, so we should be able to receive signals from our immediate neighborhood at least.
    Melkhiresa likes this.