Does NoFap help this problem

Discussion in 'Loneliness' started by Deleted Account, Feb 24, 2020.

  1. Porn is probably more likely to cause a sense of loneliness if your single and of you watch it too much . If your interested n cam sites wasting time and energy it's a cert .

    So for that alone should NoFap not improve this. And focus your energy elsewhere
  2. henryhill

    henryhill Fapstronaut

    Removing porn from your life will definitely give you more time for other things including spending time with others. However it can be hard to overcome the withdrawal of not getting a dopamine fix anytime you want it. So you may feel more lonely for a bit though it’s really just a matter of you no longer masking your true loneliness with your porn use if that makes sense.
  3. AntiqueRevolverGuy

    AntiqueRevolverGuy Fapstronaut

    The thing is, NoFap doesn't suddenly make your life so much better. It doesn't give you instant social success, instant friendships, etc. That's all you. The thing that NoFap does is make you more eager to form social connections, and makes you more confident. This is the recipe for success.
    After you go about 20 days, speaking to people becomes a temptation, not a fear. After a long enough time, it becomes natural to be confident and open.
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