Getting out of this routine

Discussion in 'Porn Addiction' started by better human, Nov 10, 2019.

  1. better human

    better human Fapstronaut

    Hello fapstrounats
    I need your advice

    I ve increasing frequency of relapsing
    I turn ouy to relpase evrytime i ve the chance

    One year ago, i relpase once or twice a week

    Now, i relapse every work-free day

    I used to get busy in life routine, go for work, get tired, cant do anything useful, relaxing for a long time, then relapsing

    I used to rlapse 3 or 4 times a week
    Then waste 9 or 10 hours doing nothing

    Then succeed in start to do my tasks, get busy again then relapse again,

    I know it's me who chooses to relapse, but i dont know what to do

    When i return home after 2 hard work days and go to bed, i can't think about nything to reward myself except pmo, to feel extreme amount of dopamine and brain turning off

    I even don't knoe why i need to stop pmo, i can't use logic to get me ouy of this delimma

    I don't know what i wqnt to know, if i wqnt to stop pmo, so why i do so and dont do hard work to get rid of it
  2. You actually need a routine. Just not the one you have now. What do you do for physical activity and exercise? How about putting yourself on a program to get stronger, more flexible, more energetic? Correct me if I'm wrong, but based on what you wrote it seems you spend a lot of time idle or bored. Fill that time with some self improvement. The effort will reward itself. I prefer physical activity because it actually gets me tired. There ARE good addictions. Being addicted to exercise and eating healthy is one of them.
  3. better human

    better human Fapstronaut

    I prepare for an exam after 4 months

    So i stopped going to gym and tried to focus more on studying

    I try to study more, but i turn out to relpase more
  4. better human

    better human Fapstronaut


    Whatever i get myself busy in the day, i must sleep at its end, and at thqt time i feel tired, or i feel i used to not be tired, so i relpase

    So this happens even if i go to gym or get myself busy
  5. ANewFocus

    ANewFocus Fapstronaut

    When my wife travels, my routine is:

    -schedule my days down to the hour
    -workout for 1-2 hours after work
    -find healthy things to watch on tv, read a book, or listen to music
    -play video games that require focus and provide pleasure.
    -read nofap forums (been lurking for past month)

    Just some advice. It’s hard being alone and requires a rask strong plan from my experience.
    acquasalata and better human like this.
  6. William0381

    William0381 New Fapstronaut

    but you are no talk to me yes my dear

    when are you going to make it ?
  7. better human

    better human Fapstronaut

    What do you mean??