How do you deal with porn images in your mind?

Discussion in 'Porn Addiction' started by RedPillRebooter, Jun 24, 2017.

  1. RedPillRebooter

    RedPillRebooter Fapstronaut

    If it weren't for porn images popping up in my mind I would have beaten this addiction any moved on with my life.

    One little phrase on is the source to my confusion...
    "Thinking about porn is nearly the same as watching it"

    I agree, but if you unintentionally have some past porn scene pop up in your mind do you consider that a relapse? How do you deal with it?

    I resorted to hitting myself to stop the thoughts, snorting heroin, imagining a shotgun blow my brains out to distract myself from these thoughts.
    HereAndThere and kingpietro like this.
  2. Mr.No

    Mr.No Fapstronaut

    I disagree. Thinking about porn is not the same as watching porn. If you have superbrain wich works like a videorecorder maybe.

    My strategy to overcome porn images is taking a cold shower or go running. Sometimes i just go for short walk.

    But the best way of getting rid of them is to ignore them.
    Hardboiled24, Hermin and Ghost79 like this.
  3. RedPillRebooter

    RedPillRebooter Fapstronaut

    So you've been thinking about porn yet your pmo tracker reads 50 days.

    We will test your belief (I hope you are right).
    • Do you still have PIED?
    • Do you still have brain fog?
    • Do you still have social anxiety?
    • Do you still have depression?
    I hope you're right, I really do. I just relapsed to a 310 days streak and am struggling with these thoughts.
    Ghost79 likes this.
  4. Mr.No

    Mr.No Fapstronaut

    I have no depression. I have no pied. No social anxiety. Just brain fog.

    Maybe i am wrong and thinking of porn is as strong as watching it.

    But those thoughts come and go. Don t concentrate on them. Dont give them any life force.
    Last edited: Jun 24, 2017
    Ghost79 likes this.
  5. Mr.No

    Mr.No Fapstronaut

    What i mean is you made it to day 310. This is an archievement. Just go back on track and you will be feeling the same as before the relapse.

    Don t overthink it. Just notice that sometimes porn images are popping up in your head.
    I have them too. But i decide to ignore them, wich you did also, you ignored the urges and the flashbacks and whatever reminded you of porn for 310 days.

    So i think you can do it again.
    RedPillRebooter likes this.
  6. kingpietro

    kingpietro Fapstronaut

    Let me tell you my story:

    i thinx having sexual thoughts and porn flasbacks is a relapse and is the same as edging if you keep thinxing about them.

    i've once had a sexual thought of fucking a college at my job from a naughty america porn scene instead of not thinxing about it i kept fantasising about it and i kept gettting a erection and i jizzed my pants (yes i ejaculate at thoughts) (probably my penis touched my boxer and got eroused.

    in my opinion that was a relapse i didn't watch porn or touched my self but i kept thinxing about a porn scene
  7. RedPillRebooter

    RedPillRebooter Fapstronaut

    Alright, I'll stop watching porn and get back on track now.
  8. Mr.No

    Mr.No Fapstronaut

  9. Ghost79

    Ghost79 Fapstronaut

    I'm afraid they will never leave your mind. Like a soldier returning from a bloody war, those images are stuck in your mind forever, just need to live with it as a scar.
    Maddey and Properitas like this.
  10. I´m afraid they will. Some images that you´ve seen over and over will probably be in your mind forever. Just like a soldier with PTSD.
    I just hope they don´t keep popping up as much as they do right now. But you are right. Porn has scarred us forever.

    But back to the topic. It´s all about the feeling you get. We all know the feeling of looking at porn. Did you get it when those images came to your mind? If you did you COULD consider it a relapse (depends on the intensity and how long you were thinking), if not, then it was definitely no relapse.
  11. Spiff

    Spiff Fapstronaut

    I don't personally think so. I think that the key word is unintentional.

    Don't take it to far man. Better a porn addict than a heroin addict. I bet coming down off a drug like that would make someone extremely vulnerable to going for a porn high. Just pick yourself up - you know you can do it since you've done it before. Whatever techniques worked for you last time, do them again.
    RedPillRebooter likes this.
  12. Vilcox

    Vilcox Fapstronaut

    I write erotic novellas and post them on erotic stories repositories.
  13. HereAndThere

    HereAndThere Fapstronaut

    I also think that thinking about porn is equivalent to watching it, only in smaller intensity. But how do you prevent it? It seriously bothers me after a certain day of rebooting. I reach a point where my mind constantly builds erotic scenarios which i kinda enjoy even if they are only in my mind. I cant get anything done, i cant concentrate on anything, i cant think longterm, everything in my life starts to revolve around sex, its like i become retarded. I can detach myself from internet, tv, and other potential sources of triggering imagery, but even then i have an endless supply of mind generated porn. Wat do?
    Hermin likes this.
  14. RedPillRebooter

    RedPillRebooter Fapstronaut

    Idk, I try to keep myself busy or distract myself somehow. Or find a real woman.
    Ghost79 likes this.
  15. Ghost79

    Ghost79 Fapstronaut

    Long term relationship, not a one night stand!
  16. RedPillRebooter

    RedPillRebooter Fapstronaut

    To each his own.
  17. I think dwelling on the thoughts all day is unhealthy, but having them come and go is pretty normal, especially if you're on a recovery path.

    Best thing I do is try and distract myself and think of something else, shake those thoughts off as best as I can.
  18. do you get very upset with these porn images? just don't be upset, when those thoughts come. that anger intensifies the images.
    RedPillRebooter likes this.
  19. Vilcox

    Vilcox Fapstronaut

    I don't get upset.
  20. RedPillRebooter

    RedPillRebooter Fapstronaut

    I do get upset. I guess I gatta learn to keep my cool. The real problems come when I loose my cool.
    Readytomoveon likes this.