I need guidance, I'm 19 and i have erectile dysunction

Discussion in 'New to NoFap' started by keithfoxy, Jun 6, 2015.

  1. keithfoxy

    keithfoxy New Fapstronaut

    I started masterbation when i was 10. I haven't used porn all the time but lately the past 3 years a lot more frequently. I generally masterbated 3 times with very few days of no fapping i usually could only last 4 days or so, But now i have met this girl i can't get it up and i have experienced it before with one night stands but i blamed it on the drink. I tried NoFap but my furthest was 10 days till i couldn't resist the growing urges so i masterbated with my mind (not Porn). I need help to get started on this journey because with my i can barely get off the runway. Anybody have advice for starting off and overcoming those hard growing urges. Any advice will be a help :)
  2. MattRN

    MattRN Fapstronaut

    I'm 26 and have it too. Horrible think to be young and healthy but have your brain prevent you from getting it up.
    It is all related to the P. Stay off the P and get your B back
  3. johnf

    johnf Fapstronaut

    Im 19 and I have an ED to , your not alone, you just have to trust in the process and embrace the fact that life is hard. I did not watch porn for over 400 days and Im just starting to be barely able to get it up. You must be hard on yourself to get trough this shit. Gabe Deem did it others to you can do it to !