Let's Talk About Swearing

Discussion in 'Off-topic Discussion' started by Deleted Account, Aug 13, 2017.

  1. Here a link to an interesting episode of The Why Factor on why we swear and where do swear words originate from.

    Swearing has evolved with time, there were words that were considered to be inappropriate for polite conversations. Like in the Victorian times the word table was considered to be some sort of swear word. Even today words like damn, crap and bloody don't seem to be that offensive.

    Apparently many of the words we know as swear words originate from sex, and they became swear words when sex became more private. Some people seem to think the Apostle Paul used a word in his Philippians epistle that translate into the word s**t, and they complain that Bible translators have tried to sensor him. While it might be true I don't think the translators have misrepresented Paul, because if swearing has evolved, his original intent couldn't be to swear since swearing was different back then.

    Anyway, do you swear?
    Do you swear because you want to or has it been forced upon you?
    Do you think swearing is morally wrong?
    Should a religious person swear?
    Would it be morally wrong for a parent to swear at their child?
    Would it be morally wrong for someone to swear at their parents?
    Would it be so bad if during a presidential debate a candidate said his/her opponent was full of s**t during the?
    How about in church? Would it be so bad if a Pastor said during a sermon, 'Jesus helps us when we f**k up'?
    Should swearing be more accepted? Should we be less offended by swearing? Or should we be more offended?

    Is swearing beneficial?
    Is it great way to release emotion and express feeling?
    Have you found that can endure more physical pain if you swear when the painful thing is taking place?
    In that episode of The Why Factor a scientist found that swearing helped people endure more pain than someone who didn't swear.

    How about swearing while having sex?
    This is what someone wrote on the Mumsnet Discussion board:
    I turn into a bit of a potty mouth during the throes of passion [​IMG] but am completely nice and uncoarse outside of sex.
    If you were in a relationship with someone who tended to swear only during sex would you be down with that?
  2. thatoneguy123

    thatoneguy123 Fapstronaut

    Mr. Nice guy bullshit has ruined society and ruined free speech. People are offended by middle fingers and saying bitch in front of a kid. And then those same ppl will give there kid grand theft auto game that has Sexual stuff and violence or adults humping right on YouTube homepage. Cussing actually helps people understand you better and gives life meaning and flavor to your message. For example I dislike elephants. That's sugar coated. I think elephants are pieces of fkin shit. Then ppl really know how you feel. There's something powerful about expressing yourself with ZERO sugar. The more sugar you put the more confused ppl are and the less power your message has. Even if you say white ppl are trash that's actually not an insult or rude at all because you are just saying how you feel. People are sweet pie drama queens if you don't like what that person is saying then Just fuck off Basically there is no right or wrong in free speech and no one has to agree with anyone
  3. Noland

    Noland Fapstronaut

    Your posts are entertaining.

    I don't know what the guy above me is talking about (I could hardly read the message lol), but I'm one of those people who don't really swear.

    What do you consider a swear word?
    Bel likes this.
  4. Spiff

    Spiff Fapstronaut

    I don't swear on principal because I feel that it is an unintelligent and wasteful use of words. I would like to be concise in my speech and have my ideas make an impact rather than my volume or use of offensive language. Also, I feel it is a good practice since there are people out there who do take offense, and I don't want to offend people simply out of carelessness. If swearing is key to communication, for example if I'm quoting someone who swore or if for some other reason it is essential to a statement, then I'll do it.

    For the same reason, I like to listen to hip hop where the artists don't swear, or only swear sparingly. People like Oddissee. I loved it when I saw brother Ali live and he didn't swear once, only said thoughtful things. It's rare, because people figured out a long time ago that they could sell records if they simply swore a lot and said controversial things, rather than taking the time to actually think of something to say that's worth listening to. It's the same way in the world - you can talk loud and say controversial things to get attention easily, or you can challenge yourself to get attention with thoughtful ideas.

    I don't take offense when others do - although I get annoyed when every other word is a swear word. It's not so much taking offense as just wishing for intelligent conversation. I think people should be considerate of their audiences.
  5. Runtilmylegsdropoff

    Runtilmylegsdropoff Fapstronaut

    I served in the Big Green Gun Club, ie. the U.S.Marine Corps. Standard language for Leathernecks is that every other word is an F bomb. Trying to clean my language would be pretty much impossible.
    Bel likes this.
  6. I do swear.

    Want to.


    Sure, free will baby.



    No, it wouldn't be bad.

    Even in church

    Swearing is not morally wrong. In fact, everybody has different morals, so morally wrong doesn't make any sense. Therefore sure, make it more accepted. It's pretty accepted rn.

    You shouldn't be offended at any time, for any reason. You can't give offense, only take it.

    Swearing could be beneficial to get your point across.

    Yes, yes it fucking is.

    No, silly question. Next.


    It's hot.

    He'll yes
  7. Noland

    Noland Fapstronaut

    You write similarly to @Jolie
    Kenzi and Bel like this.
  8. MarinoBigFan1984

    MarinoBigFan1984 Fapstronaut

    I'm trying to cut it out.
  9. Maybe Jolie writes similar to me
  10. Sun Praiser

    Sun Praiser Fapstronaut

    I only swear when I'm sad or under threat. In normal conversation I don't swear because I don't need to. I do find it entertaining when someone swears a lot. It makes me question why.
  11. Bel

    Bel Fapstronaut NoFap Defender

    All the time....but it's mostly from a career in law enforcement. People never listen if you don't fill basic instructions with swear words.
    Kenzi and Noland like this.
  12. Kenzi

    Kenzi Fapstronaut

    Lol.... Actually, in person I'm very foul mouthed.
    It's offensive to many.
    I really don't give a flying fuckin shit what any gorram person has to say about it neither.
    (that better?)
    On paper.... And in person... I bet you couldn't tell me, from me.
    Bel likes this.
  13. Noland

    Noland Fapstronaut

    I have to see that hahaha
    Kenzi likes this.
  14. Yes I swear and I kind of enjoy it. I'm generally very respectful but I do not discriminate and will swear at anyone if properly motivated. I'm intelligent enough to swear and still sound intelligent. I'm christian so I probably shouldn't swear but giving up drugs, sexual immorality and a selfish attitude are much more important to me than not swearing so I'm not losing any sleep over it at this point.
    Bel likes this.
  15. i do swear, i want to swear lol. i think people influenced me, but thats ok. some people laugh when i sweaar bc they dont think i am the swearing type (as if there should be a type of person to swear)

    im careful to whom i swear to not my parents, not family, and if the people are close to my family i wont swear around them. i dont swear around adults. if someones really conservative i *usually dont sweaar around them out of respect either.

    i dont use swear words or over use them when in an actual (serious) argument. its not effective.

    and yes i think its hot in bed.. .but not if it was so many curse words. lol.. jjust a few here annd there.

    i wouldnt swear at my kids (or any kids) or allow my kids to swear at me.
    i wouldnt swear around my kids either if that rules inforced.
    i see so many parents swearing at / around their kids but then getting upset (trying to inforce rules for no swearing)if their kids are sweaaring around people and at their family. pointless.

    i dont think its too cool to swear, its not cool to automatically basically should a "shit" while at work if u accidentally hurt urself, or around parents /adults/kids when something goes wrong/ unexpected happens/ when ure surprised and scared / when u hurt urself..etc..
    it just feels unorganized, not professional, and not in control.
    Last edited by a moderator: Aug 15, 2017