My 60 day journey

Discussion in 'Success Stories' started by General L, Dec 3, 2020.

  1. General L

    General L Fapstronaut

    Im gonna let my heart pour itself out in this post because this has been one of the most beneficial journeys I've ever undertaken in my life. I'm 24 years old and started masturbating on Triumph model pics and magazines since 13 years old.

    I grew up in one of the most uncomfortable conditions - a father abusive to my mother who in turn took out her aggression on me. I never felt confident, I could never speak up, I was never brave enough to tackle alot of thinga in my life that required an air of confidence. When they seperated, we moved into a rural area where I not only felt lost, I felt more unloved, unattended to ignored and was merely a 9 year old boy with self esteem issues. So I turned to porn.

    Starting off on lingerie pics on women's magazines, to naked redheads, to big booty and a whole host of things that I never planned on attaching myself to. Porn and masturbating seemed to be the only comfort that I could get in a household where I was abandoned to practically raise myself, my self confidence and strength. This went on till I was about 23 years.

    I started reading alot of self help books around 21 and 22 - hoping that these gurus and motivational authors would help me salvage whatever confidence I had left. Throughout this whole journey I had to deal with failures in university ( I'm currently repeating my final year for the 3rd time ). I dealt with awful relationships, codependent friendships and a family that couldn't survive a December without ripping each other's heads off.
    January 2020 I found myself sleeping in lounges and floors all because a " friend " valued temporary women over our 4/5 year friendship.During March 2020 ( when the covid lockdown happened ) my ex practically kicked me out of her room after we had agreed we'd stay together during quarantine. And a whole bunch of breakups with other friends and associates that I had. I questioned my worth.

    I started reading books embracing the struggles of life, it's difficulties and how to overcome them but still hadn't had a grip of myself due to my porn and masturbating addiction which skyrocketed during Covid 19. Then came Nofap. I saw a random video by *** and figured hey - why not try it out. Since then - alot changed.

    Throughout my 60 day journey I did alot :
    Read an unbelievable amount of books. From Robert Greene, to Stoicism, Jordan Peterson and the likes )
    Started walking and experiencing the world.
    I did push ups religiously ( I can do about 350 push ups a day lol)
    Cold showers ( awesome honestly - If you wanna feel alive, I suggest you try em out )
    I studied like a madman
    Changed my circle of friends.
    Improved my CV.

    And alot more that I can't remember right now. But all of this most certainly helped. I'm sure you know all about the improvements that happen on this journey but here's mine :
    My confidence skyrocketed ( like I have no problem talking to women and dealing with difficulties in social circles )
    I questioned myself less which made me trust myself more.
    I'm a skinny person naturally but due to the ridiculous amounts of push ups, pull ups and situps I look like amazing honestly ( went to the mall to buy some new clothes - and the mirror in the changing room said " Wassup Hotboy " lol.
    Women started complimenting me randomly ( trust me this isn't a drill - women will notice you, they will speak well of you and you'll have no problem attracting them, just don't let it get into your head ).
    I gained enough confidence for door to door job hunting - although I was unsuccessful, the fact that I COULD DO THAT means a whole lot more than the job.
    I honestly have no problem with schoolwork anymore - I passed all my fist semester modules.
    My skin looks great. My hair went from rough to more black, with alot more volume and it just looks great.

    Look there's alot, and I mean alot. I currently slipped up in the last 2 days but going back on the road again. Slipping up doesn't mean you should give up on the progress that you made already. And what's 2 days compared to 60 ? Almost nothing. If you slip - Jocko Willink would probably tell you " Good ". Love him by the way. So get up. Dust off. Reload. Recalibrate. Reengage. And go out on the attack.

    Porn and masturbation isn't worth your essence. Your manliness. Your masculinity, and everything that's beautiful about you. You are amazing. You are untapped potential. Let this be catalyst to honing and sophisticating that potential. I love all of you,because you've realised a problem and are working on trying to resolve it instead of being victim minded.

    Alright that's it.
    Stay Hard.
    Stay In the Fight.
    Ours is Victory and Nothing Else.
    Last edited: Dec 3, 2020
  2. Forthey

    Forthey Fapstronaut

    Hola. Me alegro demasiado leerte y es que realmente compartimos muchas situaciones iguales: El padre agresor, el traslado a la zona rural y los demás como la universidad aunque yo recién empiezo y no quiero fracasar, sentí que ese texto lo pude escribir yo, gracias.

    Muchos aspectos se ven afectados por la masturbación pero mientras nos animemos a seguir en la lucha así sea a rastras podremos contemplar que la vida ofrece oportunidades, posibilidades diferentes. Llevo aquí un día y medio y ya le puse toda la fe a este proceso a este acompañamiento porque quiero recuperar mi valía, mis dotes intelectuales, poder hablarles un día a los que me importan sin inseguridades, sin miedo, ansiedad al mantener la mirada, quiero desarrollar un futuro prometedor, quiero tener una relación sana al estar preparado y sé que esto me puede llevar tiempo porque el primer daño me lo cause a los 15 años y tengo 23; para mejorar la perspectiva llevo 8 años en esto y varias veces me he dicho basta, pero no lo consigo, hasta ahora porque haré que sea diferente, gracias por tus palabras, por tu esfuerzo, por tu rutina, por recuperar tu valor, por mantenerte, por seguir intentándolo, gracias.
    Deleted Account and Inspired2chg like this.
  3. Different Built

    Different Built Fapstronaut

    Stay hard! Roger That GOGGINS
    Daggertail19 and General L like this.
  4. Bemin

    Bemin Fapstronaut

    You should read the bible.. It gives the best advice for live.
  5. Rey Rey

    Rey Rey Fapstronaut

    I find this absolutely transforming, thank you for sharing this.
    General L likes this.
  6. Flatlineguy

    Flatlineguy Fapstronaut

    @General L
    congrats brother
    I want to know how frequently (on an average) did u PMO & Have you retain your morning erections back??
    General L likes this.
  7. arzenal

    arzenal New Fapstronaut

    @General L
    When did you started to feel the difference after you decided to go on this path?
  8. General L

    General L Fapstronaut

    In about 2 weeks. The evident change was in self confidence as an improved self esteem.
  9. Forthey

    Forthey Fapstronaut

    Hello @General L how are you? I want know because restar your accountant?
    Bemin likes this.
  10. Bemin

    Bemin Fapstronaut

    Crazy that this post is active again :)
    General L likes this.
  11. breaking-myths

    breaking-myths Fapstronaut

    someone share your fantasies ,so that it would give me a peace of mind that I am not the only one stuck with such kind of fantasies?

    Right now I am feeling very anxious and depressed due to this.

    Like If you were to tell me yours , I just wanted to tell my fantasies to someone just to get rid of it.

    Can you help.
  12. General L

    General L Fapstronaut

    Still good. I slipped a couple of times in the past 3 months. Thought I could handle it alone and it failed ( not dismally though ). So I had to come back here. This site is one of the main reasons why I'm able to abstain.
  13. General L

    General L Fapstronaut

    Bemin likes this.
  14. General L

    General L Fapstronaut

    I'm not too sure, but I'd say 4/5 times a week. Didn't have slot of erection issues but definitely overvalued porn to a point we're it was detrimental physically, mentally and socially.